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rackmount recto owners/former owners...I have some questions

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  • rackmount recto owners/former owners...I have some questions

    I'm going to be acquiring a 93' rackmount recto next week and I just had a few questions. I'd like to learn as much as I can about this rare beast.

    #1. What years was it in production and were there any revisions in the circuit?

    #2. Did it come with it's own special manual or was it the standard 2ch. dual/triple manual?

    #3. Can you recommend me a rack to keep it in? I'd like to get the smallest rack possible (height and depth) that it can live in and still have good access to the rear controls. I'm assuming it will fit in a 4 space?

    That's all I can think of for now!

  • #2
    The first very early ones had a different tranny or circuits or something but we are talking like the first 100 from what I remember. The early ones also did not have send and return adjustments for the loop either.

    Standard switch.

    It will fit in any 4 space rack. I would go with something reputable.

    The racktifiers are my favorite rectofier out there. I am not into that tone anymore but out of the 4 rectifiers I have owned the rack was the best.


    • #3
      The two racktifiers I owned were the best sounding of any rectos I owned (including a very early reverse chassis dual head).

      However, the fx loop sucks. It's awful. Everything that goes into it gets this nice out of phase thing going on, which murdered the usefulness for me. One other thing I didn't like was that the amp sounded best for rhythms with the solid state rectifier, but best for leads with the tube rectifier. Well, you can't assign them - it's one or the other for both channels. My VHT will let you assign tube to one and SS to the other, wish the Mesa did that.

      One thing I really liked about the rackmount is that it had a more clear tone - no mud, but awesome low end and the high end was very clear. I think they stomp all over the newer three channel models tonally.



      • #4
        Yeah. The loop does suck tone. I did not use it at all and that was one of my main reasons for dumping the rack head. There is a mod out there to rectify (no pun) it.


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I'm glad I don't use the loop.


          • #6
            OK Sworn I will give you the skinny on Rackmounts and Recto's in general.

            First off difference between 2 channel and 3 channel recto's are obvious. But as to tone, the 2 channels are tighter, more organic and in many peoples opinions just sound better. I would have to agree after owning almost every recto out there in the duals, plus a roadking.

            The Rackmount and 2 channel Recto's are identical, only difference is the rackmount eventualy got a fan inside and because of a smaller chassis some of the trace wires are shorter and the controls are closer together.

            The First 500 Recto's had different revision boards then the newer 2 channel Recto's. Many people on the Mesa board think that the Recto Revisions board started at RF-1C, the main reason of this is the earliest Recto that anyone has admited to on the forum is my R0005. This is the fifth Recto ever made, so it is highly unlikley that the first 4 had a different revision.

            Somewhere in the 300 Range they switched to RF-1D and around 500 they switched to the RF-1F. The RF-1F was then the revision that stuck with the 2 channel till it was discontinued around the year 2000/2001 when the 3 channel came out.

            If the one you are getting is a 93 then it will be a RF-1F because another guy on the mesa forum got a rackmount that was built 10/92 and it was a RF-1F. See this thread

            As to the first 500, besides the different Revision board, they also had different trannies. I also know that the early Recto's had a series effects loop, not sure when it switched to Parallel, could have been somewhere in the first 500 or after they moved to the RF-1F board. That would be something you have to ask on the board. Like you I do not really use effects in the loops.

            The Standard 2 channel manual should work for you.

            As to a case for it. I would get a five space or 6 space just in case. Eventualy you might want to put in a rack tuner, or if you are like me I also have a power conditioner. I would also suggest a molded case since the rack recto is already heavy, so you want a light molded case.


            • #7
              PS the Rack Recto's where in production the same years as the regular 2 channel. From 1992 up till 2000/2001 when they were discontinued.


              • #8
                now that is thorough.


                • #9
                  Holy crap! Thanks siggy.


                  • #10
                    No problem guys, I have been peicing together the history ever since i got some early recto's. There are guys on the forum that know alot more then me and they are a great source of information.

                    As to rack recto's. Mine just came in, looks almost brand new, only a few scuffs on the bottem, you would think you got it right off a showroom floor. Waiting for it to warm up a bit before plugging it in, been sitting on a cold DHL truck for 3 days.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by siggy14 View Post
                      No problem guys, I have been peicing together the history ever since i got some early recto's. There are guys on the forum that know alot more then me and they are a great source of information.

                      As to rack recto's. Mine just came in, looks almost brand new, only a few scuffs on the bottem, you would think you got it right off a showroom floor. Waiting for it to warm up a bit before plugging it in, been sitting on a cold DHL truck for 3 days.
                      I'll be expecting a full report when you're done playing.


                      • #12
                        Sounds great, nice and tight and that great recto distortion. Orange on vintage is a great rock channel, put on the red modern and you are in distortion heaven. This one is a keeper.

                        Originally posted by sworn_enemy View Post
                        I'll be expecting a full report when you're done playing.

