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Phase Pedal Opinions wanted.

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  • Phase Pedal Opinions wanted.

    I just got rid of my EH Small Stone pedal and I want a replacement. I liked the sound of the EH but it lowered my volume too much when engaged. So I need some suggestions for a replacement.

    Here are some I'm interested in...

    MXR Phase 90
    MXR EVH Phase 90
    EH Nano Small Stone

    Other than that I don't really know what's out there so help me out.

  • #2
    I have the EVH and it is cool. There is no level control however. I think ity lowers my vol a bit too. Not much, but a bit. I use a bad monley to raise it back up if needed. Anyhow, I have been very happy with the EVH. Blue LED too!



    • #3
      I have never owned a phase pedal that didn't lower and thin out my tone. That is why I don't use phase.


      • #4
        the evh is great. i really like mine.
        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #5
          Originally posted by hippietim View Post
          the evh is great. i really like mine.

          Tim, could it be the order in which the Phase is placed??
          Do you put your phase in front of the amp or in the loop?


          • #6
            phase shifters have to go in front of the amp - at least stomp boxes. some of the rack ones are fair after the preamp. same goes with univibe/rotary pedals.

            unless you are going for a buzzy, thin, harsh, brittle tone these effects need to go before any sort of gain.

            the other trick is finding phasers that don't screw up your level in the mix. i don't think it's necessarily just about volume per se. you need to hear how your tone works in the mix with the band. some pedals just don't work for me - the boss phasers have never been good for me. the maxon phaser that's the larger multi-stage phaser is really great. the ultimate phaser i had was the mooger fooger - it was incredible. it was just too big for my board and i pretty much just set it to the VH I phaser sound anyhow.
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #7
              i have the digitech mega-phase (or whatever it is called) and the MXR EVH phase 90.

              i ONLY use the MXR. it is killer. my volume stays the same and my tone remains beefy.

              i put it first in my chain (which is small)...

              it goes:

              guitar -> MXR -> VOX wah -> amp

              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

              and finally....

              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


              • #8
                So far the feedback has been great on the Phase 90 and the EVH phase.

                Does anybody have any experience with the Nano Small Stone?


                • #9
                  I own an MXR script logo Phase 90, the EVH doen't even come close to it!
                  A close second and way more affordable pedal would be an old Ross Phase shifter. I have a made in Taiwan, two knob orange colored model that sounds great and it was less than $75.! The older American made ones that are identical to this one will run you only about $100.+ on Ebay.


                  • #10
                    Retro-Sonic Phaser would be a good fit. Those take all of the good things about the Phase 90 and add desired modern features......true bypass, level control, LED light, AC power jack, etc. However, I had one and had to send it back because it didn't work properly....I couldn't get the slow EVH sweep. Aside from that, it sounded okay until I compared it to my vintage MXR block logo Phase 90. The vintage one sounds so much thicker and better. I converted it to true bypass. Have used it in front and in the loop of many amps successfully.


                    • #11
                      Bryan, I went through the same thing you did. I quickly ditched the EH Small Stone phaser. Replaced it with a Retro-Sonic which is awesome. As Tim said, I placed it in front of the amp. It sounds like crap through the loop but great up front!



                      • #12
                        I had a Phase 90 that sounded fine in the loop... it was a mid 90s one I think. Actually BOOSTED the volume a little bit, which was fine by me!



                        • #13
                          Here's another one I ran across.

                          What's the difference between the "custom shop" script logo Phase 90, the regualr Phase 90, and the EVH Phase 90?

                          Is it like this...

                          Phase 90 - new phase sound
                          EVH - new and vintage phase sound
                          "custom script" Phase 90 - vintage phase sound

                          or is the CS script just the EVH without the stripes and slightly cheaper?

