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How do you guys transport your cables?

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  • How do you guys transport your cables?

    Simple question really, what do you guys carry all of your cables and stuff in when you play shows? Is there anywhere that makes padded accessory bags for this sort of thing? I've always just thrown my shit in a big duffle bag along with whatever multi-fx pedal I was using at the time, but I want to start keeping things a bit more organized and protect my stuff better...So what's everyone doing these days?

  • #2
    I have some velcro cable straps I bought I GC. My DiMarzio cables came with straps too. I got some cool padded bags from my work (we have a lot of merchandise for tradeshows). Tuki makes some padded bags too.


    • #3
      I have a small Calzone style roadcase that I keep all my cords in.
      My other bandmates all use duffle bags. Since I use a Vetta live I really only need 4 cables which consist of 2 speaker cables, the Cat5 cable for the footcontroller and an instrument cable. I bring a spare of every one of these cables along with some spare fuses and a flashlight. I also keep spare strings, a string winder, some allen wrenches and some duct tape in the roadcase too.
      I might start using my Stiletto live which means I will need alot more cables but we will see how that works out. I am so happy with the Vetta I probably won't switch unless the Stiletto helps the overall sound of the band. I will know after our next rehearsal.


      • #4
        I also have a Velcro strap on every cable. It makes wrapping them up so much easier.


        • #5
          My old faithful Dale Earnhardt bag:


          • #6
            I too use a huge bag like above. It's my daughter gym bag. I currently keep in it 4 30ft speaker cbl, 30 ft mic cbl, 2 50ft pwr cbls and a assortment of other backup ones. It's quite heavy but very duraible.



            • #7
              I bring backups of everything in mine. Extra cables, mic cords, power strips, flashlight, switch box, amp channel switch. tools.

              Heck I'd put a microwave oven in there if it would fit...


              • #8
                I have a pedaltrain pro floorboard w/soft case, there's a huge pouch to the side that I put cables in, a fluke, fuses, spare tubes, etc.


                • #9
                  i throw my cables in the back of my cabinets, or in my backpack...but most are inside my rack case.

                  some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                  some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                  and finally....

                  i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                  • #10
                    I have a Boogie bag (similar to the one in the pic above), and a small plastic tub with cables, pedals, etc.
                    When touring, besides a calzone case i use for my tech stuff, I'll use a Pelican rolling case

