I'd recommend that you also try some Riveras. The Chubster might be what you are looking for. But if you can find something like an M-60 1x12, I think you might really like that as it's incredibly versatile. Get the Rivera-suggested tone settings for your test drive and I think you'll find some great clean and dirty tones. (Hint: try the "Plexi" setting, dial up the gain just a bit and I think you'll have your '80's rock/metal tone.) A used M-60 1x12 should be well under your $1200 limit.
I've used my M-60 at a few different churches and it works very well with nice, tube clean tones and great overdrive tones, too. I use a Palmer or an old Cab-Tone D.I. box to go into the P.A. though the amp has plenty of power to fill the sanctuaries I've played at.
I've used my M-60 at a few different churches and it works very well with nice, tube clean tones and great overdrive tones, too. I use a Palmer or an old Cab-Tone D.I. box to go into the P.A. though the amp has plenty of power to fill the sanctuaries I've played at.