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Diezel: Worth the $$$?

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  • Diezel: Worth the $$$?


    I've never played a Diezel amp, although I've read generally positive things about them, particularly the Herbert.

    If you've played one, do you think the Herbert or VH4 is really worth the $4k+? There's obviously a lot of great amps available for less, a lot less in some cases.
    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon

  • #2
    Thats a great question. I ask myself this very thing when I go out shopping.
    I played the Bogner Ubershall I'd say about 4 or 5 times now. The price on it and the cab is hig. Just the head is 2699.99. I also played the Peavey JSX 6 or 7 times now I lost count and found for the head 1349.99 1/2 of the Bogner is a better deal. The amp isn't AS good in the cleans, it isn't AS good in the drive channel but the JSX has 3 channels as the Ubershall only has 2 like my Krank.
    My Krank Rev 1 combo was 1899.99 which has the 1599.99 Rev 1 head built in. For a combo it's on the high side of price but I felt for that money I liked it the best and at that time, I didn't like the 5150 combo , the XXX combo and the JSX I didn't play enough as I had a bad taste in my mounth for Peavey amps.
    So paying 4K for an amp or amp and cab is alot of money to me. If I was touring and it had the exact tone I wanted, well then I might find value in it. I really like the Bogner but I'm not willing to pay 4K for the head and cab. I feel other amps sound great and I don't tour. I play in my basement with friends. Even if and when we start the club thing, I still don't see value in spending that much money on a amp.
    Guitars same thing. I have no reason to spend 4K on a Les Paul when I like the Studio for 1000.00. It does what I like and sound and plays fantastic.

    Dude if you play the amp and fall in love??? Well then there is a big decesion to make. I don't think I can answer that for yeah. I own 3K home speakers and spend over 25k on my theater system. Most think I'm nuts but I love it and "had to have it".

    Russo's carry Diezel amps and I found no reason to plug in yet. Maybe next time I'm in there I'll play one and give you my opnion. It's alot of meny man.



    • #3
      I couldn't tell you if 4K is worth it for a Diezel but I can say that my Bogner Uberschall was worth the nearly $2800 new. While tone is the biggest factor and that of course is subjective, there are other things that affected my dicision. The amp is super quiet, no noise even on the high gain channel, something that is greatly appreciated when playing live on stage. Resale is also good even though I plan on keeping this amp.
      At $4K I'd say you have to play the amp and dicide for yourself does it sound like a $4K amp? Good luck and I hope you find the tone you're looking for.



      • #4
        You can find them less than $4k...Go for it, you'll smile as wide as the grand canyon the first chord you hit.......

        Spin the black circle.

        [email protected]


        • #5
          Its certainly worth the money. All the great amps are.


          • #6
            Depends. People's opinions vary on tone and value. Best thing to do is find someone in your area with one or buy one used, since then you won't get bent over if you decide to trade/sell later. I've heard a lot better things about the Herbert than the other heads. Somewhere I have a recorded clip of a guy playing the four channel Diezel, and to be honest it sounded like a solid state head to me.



            • #7

              I've got $9,000 invested in these amps and cabs. The Diezel is by far the best. But I love the other two amps for different reasons. The each have their own unique voicing that you just can't get from another amp. They were definately worth the $ to me and I haven't played in a band for over 12 years. I'll keep the Diezel and Bogner forever. I may upgrade the Fireball to an SE at some point.


              • #8
                In all honesty...price should be no object as long as it you love the tone and it makes you happy

       can periodically find used ones cheaper on eBay.

                I personally think the amp kicks ass but not enough to make me spend over 3k on one I said that about Bogner 101... that I'd never spend over 2.4k for a head but it eventually got the best of me


                • #9
                  Thanks for the opinions guys! I'll have to go try one out for myself.
                  "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


                  • #10
                    I own a Herbert and I definitely think it's worth the money. However, only you can answer this question for yourself. Play one and see.

