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just scored a new amp - line 6 content

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  • #16
    i had a hd147 and upgraded to a vetta.
    the hd147 was easier to use than the vetta.
    but the 2 amps at once feature of the vetta is too good to pass.


    • #17
      The 147 really is a good heavy duty amp - You'll love it. Fantastic chunk.
      - Andi Kravljaca -


      • #18
        as for the band mix question, i can't tell you right now, as i haven't used it with the band (yet). i'm thinking about using it for an upcoming show next week, though. i will get back to you once i tried it with the band.

        other than that, this thing is seriously starting to impress me! as i said, the clean tones are excellent, got the delay repeat thing question sorted out. favorite models so far are the 5150, diezel herbert, bogner ectacy for leads, and the line 6 big bottom.
        the marshall TSL sounds like total crap, though. apparently it was modeled after the OD2 = high gain channel, but it's not even CLOSE. it has hardly more gain than the jcm800 2203 model, and i know for fact that the DSL/TSL series have shitloads of gain, almost 5150 like. other than that, i haven't spent too much time on the marshalls as of right now.
        the rectifiers are very difficult to dial in.....the line 6 treadplate sounds best imho but still somewhat dark with a strange midrange. the dual rectifier is fizzy as fuck, and the triple is almost undergained?!
        the überschall also needs some careful tweaking, it gets almost as fizzy as the dual rectifier if you're not careful.
        the diezel herbert is the total opposite of the bogner, way too much bass. sounds like crap at low volumes no matter what you do, but i found that as the volume goes up the lows tighten up considerably. this model should also cut through VERY well, it has a nice upper midrange edge.


        • #19
          Do the patches break up at high volumes like other modellers... (my POD XT Live for example...)? I think the Vetta had the upgrade that prevented it or something.
          Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
          The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


          • #20
            Originally posted by Thor Von Clemson View Post
            Do the patches break up at high volumes like other modellers... (my POD XT Live for example...)? I think the Vetta had the upgrade that prevented it or something.
            i think in his case its exactly the opposite, the patches sound better when loud but worse when at bedroom level...

            this is a known problem with modellers and its all about EQing it right, just keep on twaking
            If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


            • #21
              "i think in his case its exactly the opposite, the patches sound better when loud but worse when at bedroom level..."

              yes, so far i think that is the case. i haven't checked out extreme volume settings, though - i will do that during the next band practice! so far i can say that this thing should get pretty damn loud. master volume at 10:00 with the channel volume around 3:00 equals the 5150 lead channel master at 9:30-9:45.
              i haven't dared turning it any louder so far

              but yes, i originally though it would be a stellar low volume amp, but it's very tube like in the sense that low volume tones sound fizzy and muddy (especially the herbert...oh my god) but as you turn it up the mids get pronounced whereas the highs and lows are cut back, just like a tube amp would react!

              one word of warning: it does NOT feel like a REAL tube amp in any way, shape, or form!!! this isn't really noticable when playing metal rhythm - actually, it sounds tighter! - but when playing leads it feels detached from my fingers. you can make it sound pretty good, especially when using some delay and reverb, but it still feels like listening to someone rather than actually playing if you know what i'm saying. i know this is a common complaint with modelers, and as far as i am concerned it is true.
              does it bother me? yes.
              to the point that i won't use it? no. sure, i wouldn't record an album with it, but so far i would definitely use it live without any second thoughts.


              • #22
                Once again...Push all that modeling technology through a tube powered amp and it will feel much more responsive...But what do I know?

