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POD question

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  • POD question

    Anybody know why on the POD 2.0 (I'm guessing the others as well), certain amp models are way louder than others. For example, if I wanted to set up a Class A tube amp for some classic rock rhythm, and had another channel set for British High Gain for soloing, the Class A is way louder (at the same output level and channel volume) than the other. It seems like many of the cleaner ones do that (I have a Digitech modeler that is similar)

    Any idea why? It seems with all that technology put into those units (and they are pretty amazing), the levels would match up a little better.

  • #2
    All you have to do is adj the vol on the setting you like and push save.I am not sure why they are like that but my Vamp is the same way
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #3
      Is this the case with the Vetta to? I haven't had a chance to try one out yet, but this seems to be the same with all modellers.
      "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


      • #4
        Thanks. I thought it may be as simple as that, it just puzzles me that the company wouldn't just create it to have even levels accross the board....


        • #5
          I'm with you there.

          I'll also never understand why the volume for the distorted channels/patches can go so much higher than the cleans. It's bad enough they're set that way from the factory, but you can go even higher than the default settings on the distorted patches but the cleans are always underpowered, which means you have to set your distortions to match your loudest clean.
          In modelers where the cranking the volume yields a better tone as part of the modeling experience, this becomes a severe issue.

          They should have a global Master Volume in addition to the patch/channel volume that keeps everything at that volume - clean or dirty.

          I realize a 30W Tweed is naturally going to be not as loud as a 100W Marshall, but really, this is one of those times where you say "...but since this is a modeler..."
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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          • #6
            I think I can explain it (at least make an educated guess). The EQ. If you have certain patches that boost the mids, they will sound louder than those with the mids cut. I have a POD 2.0, but haven't progressed too far in using it. I typically just use one patch, maybe two (per a song).

