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Pete's budget Rack

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  • Pete's budget Rack

    I forgot how good an MP1 sounds with a BBE. Next up might be some sort of budget one rack space fx unit... we'll see. I had a spattering of rack gear, started putting it together, thought it might be fun to assemble it.


  • #2
    i like them mosvalves, looks rock.


    • #3
      a MosValve power amp, just like Jerry Cantrell!


      • #4
        Believe it or not, the mosvalve sounds good and you can find them under $200. And most importantly, they are LIGHT! I had a Peavey 120/120 that was a freakin' boat anchor!

        JGCable was cool enough to send me a rack that had a few minor dents in it - I may build a 6V6 low wattage tube power amp for it. I don't know of any commerically available ones, all the low wattage ones are EL84s and are 20 watts. I'm thinking more like 6 or 12.



        • #5
          My late friend Clyde's rack mostly consisted of a Korg rack tuner, a Digitech GSP2101, and a Mosvalve 962 into a Peavey 412 run stereo. It sounded pretty fine and he always got compliments. He had 3 or 4 of those Mosvalves, and loved them.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            GSP2101 is a solid peice of equipment. I sent mine in for repair after using it for 7 years. Too bad they couldnt fit it in a single rack space.

            Insert annoying equipment list here....


            • #7
              MP1s rule!
              Popular is not the same as good
              Rare is not the same as valuable
              Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


              • #8
                Aaah, MosValve! Good choice my friend. Aren't they great?
                - Andi Kravljaca -


                • #9
                  Cool rack system. No clutter, only tone!
                  Hey Nonny Nonny Milord!


                  • #10
                    Nice Pete. My rack is super budget. 4 space unit with a 2120 and Peavey 50/50 amp. Don't use it much, but it's there....


                    • #11
                      sweet! i sold my Mosvalve...maybe im crazy but it wasnt loud enough to play with a least the drummer i was playing with. i had to have my 5150 on 3 to hang with him (16 years old and beat the holy hell out of the drums all the time! amazing for 16 though...)

                      got a Peavey Classic 120 in Nashville waiting on me though, that should be fun to play aorund with!
                      My metal band Lucian Scott
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                      Available Now!
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                      • #12
                        Kenny Hickey style.


                        • #13
                          If I had a Rack setup, that would be a fine one bro All good stuff there and affordable. Jack.


                          • #14
                            Used an MP-1 with a BBE for years until I ran across an old Green faced Furman PQ-3 and used it with the MP-1. Best combo I've ever heard!
                            I'm going to have to check out one of those Mosvalve power amps, they're about a dime a dozen around here.

