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Proud new JSX owner! ...story and pic!

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  • #16
    Seriously, this one of the few amps that I truely like. I would not mind having one.


    • #17
      Tried mine at practice last night. The clean channel did an excellent job. I'm still getting too much mid sounding with the JJEL34's that are in there right now. If I dial back the noise gate, it takes a little of the compression away which I think sounded better.

      Pete has recommended 6L6 tubes, but I was actually thinking about the KT77's. What would be the comparison of these two tubes?



      • #18
        I had MANY 5150s ..well I always liked them, but they don't compare to the JSX IMO!

        If I didn't own my Uberschall ..I would definitely have a JSX..without a doubt!

        Other than my Bogner it is the only amp head I've tried with enough gain and bottom that truly puts a smile on my face.

        Bill Z
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #19
          Originally posted by horns666 View Post
          I had MANY 5150s ..well I always liked them, but they don't compare to the JSX IMO!

          If I didn't own my Uberschall ..I would definitely have a JSX..without a doubt!

          Other than my Bogner it is the only amp head I've tried with enough gain and bottom that truly puts a smile on my face.

          Bill Z
          your taste is much like mine. I love the Ubershall and also like the JSX. I would own the JSX and most likely will pick one up. If I didn't have to do so many other things, The Bogner would already be mine. I love that amp and cab.

          Rock on,



          • #20
            Originally posted by mantis View Post
            your taste is much like mine. I love the Ubershall and also like the JSX. I would own the JSX and most likely will pick one up. If I didn't have to do so many other things, The Bogner would already be mine. I love that amp and cab.

            Rock on,


            yeah..I can certainly do great with eaither amp..they don't impede my playing style whatsoever..and both have the balls and push for anything I throw at them..

            I prefer the Bogner of course..but you're talking about alot more money..I always thought the 5150 was the best bang for the buck until tried the JSX..

            what I really like about the JSX over the 5150 is that the gain on the JSX is 100% usable..I dimed it and it remained tight, and articulate..

            the 5150 is has enough gain on tap..but starts to flub where I actually like it between 5.5 and 6..

            I don't really like tye idea of relying on a $50 stomp box to get what a quality, high gain tube amp should deliver..I like it ALL amp.

            I know alot of people love their stomps and sound great with them..I see alot of buzz about Maxons..I'm even tempted to give one a tighten things up and give me even more push for all the squeals and divebombs I love to do.

            Bill Z
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #21
              Originally posted by horns666 View Post
              yeah..I can certainly do great with eaither amp..they don't impede my playing style whatsoever..and both have the balls and push for anything I throw at them..

              I prefer the Bogner of course..but you're talking about alot more money..I always thought the 5150 was the best bang for the buck until tried the JSX..

              what I really like about the JSX over the 5150 is that the gain on the JSX is 100% usable..I dimed it and it remained tight, and articulate..

              the 5150 is has enough gain on tap..but starts to flub where I actually like it between 5.5 and 6..

              I don't really like tye idea of relying on a $50 stomp box to get what a quality, high gain tube amp should deliver..I like it ALL amp.

              I know alot of people love their stomps and sound great with them..I see alot of buzz about Maxons..I'm even tempted to give one a tighten things up and give me even more push for all the squeals and divebombs I love to do.

              Bill Z
              Cool man. The pedal thing in front of a high gain amp adds noise. You can taylor your sound quite a bit with one. I use the BBE Green Screamer from time to time but perfer to use only amp gain. I perfer the amps gain over a pedal and my amps gain but it's cool to have some flexibility. I also like using the pedal infront of my clean channel for some rock tone. the JSX can be dialed in for both heavy and rock type tones. One thing I really liked about the JSX over my amp. I also like it much better then the 5150/6505 amps. Much better sounding gain channels and the cleans are nice.
              One day dude I will own the Ubershall.



              • #22
                Originally posted by mantis View Post
                Cool man. The pedal thing in front of a high gain amp adds noise. You can taylor your sound quite a bit with one. I use the BBE Green Screamer from time to time but perfer to use only amp gain. I perfer the amps gain over a pedal and my amps gain but it's cool to have some flexibility. I also like using the pedal infront of my clean channel for some rock tone. the JSX can be dialed in for both heavy and rock type tones. One thing I really liked about the JSX over my amp. I also like it much better then the 5150/6505 amps. Much better sounding gain channels and the cleans are nice.
                One day dude I will own the Ubershall.

                We are on the exact same page bro.

                Yeah I need to check out a few stomp..I'll just tweak the noise gate on my G's up pretty high now because I completely dime the gain on my Uber..

                Bill Z
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #23
                  I'm a big fan of the clean boost. Its still your amps gain, just as if the gain knob kept turning even further. Its like winding out the speedo past its highest number. Pushing the preamp to its absolute limits of sonic mayhem. Brutal sludgey chunky horror chop death gain

                  I'm gonna have to trademark that


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bibz View Post
                    I'm a big fan of the clean boost. Its still your amps gain, just as if the gain knob kept turning even further. Its like winding out the speedo past its highest number. Pushing the preamp to its absolute limits of sonic mayhem. Brutal sludgey chunky horror chop death gain

                    I'm gonna have to trademark that
                    That rules.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                      Congrats! I still have mine for sale, but it's not going to kill me to keep it either. Fantastic amp at any price. Consider putting 6L6s in there though, I bet you'll like it even more then.

                      I recently sold mine. I like the 6L6's better myself. Got a matched set from Eurotubes. Really smooths out the gain and seemed to have a little more bottom end. It was an extremely versatile amp, but I ended up selling for an Engl.


                      • #26
                        So are 6L6's a direct replacement without any Bias adjustments? I'm not totally clear on that. I just picked up the head and giving it a in home demo. I like the cleans and both gain channels but I think so far it lacks the tightness that my krank has. It also isn't exaclty as clear on the cleans but the versitility is Impressive. I can dial in some great rock tone. I like that as I don't just play heavy metal. I can't however do that with my krank. It doesn't sound right with the gain down below 4. it's to heavy. Thats great for Metal but sucks for rock. The Jsx wins here.
                        I also noticed that both gain channel sound exaclty alike. I really don't hear any different voicing. Is there? Or are they just a copy of each other??
                        Sorry to somewhat Hi jack your thead dude but I'm also wondering how yours is doing?? I tried the Krankenstien cab, my Revolution 1 cab and 2 different Peavey Cab's and I like the Revolution 1 the best. Kinda goes against my Grain not to use the matched head and cab together but I think the Krank cabnet is better sounding. Maybe I'm just used to the way it sounds.



                        • #27
                          Axe Chemist- Do you use that Digitech (I think it is a digitech pedal) that is in front of the JSX with it?

                          Congrats on the purchase!!
                          Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
                          The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


                          • #28
                            There is a difference between the Crunch and ultra channel. I noticed also more noise on the Ultra. I think the Crunch is much better for Rythem work. I can get some good tones there.
                            I Saw the switch to switch between El34 and 6L6 . Right next to it there is the Bias adjustment but there is nothing in the manual to tell you what to set it at if you change tubes.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by mantis View Post
                              Right next to it there is the Bias adjustment but there is nothing in the manual to tell you what to set it at if you change tubes.

                              From what I've heard, turning the bias knob to the right will make your tubes cold, to the left will run your tubes hotter. I've got mine at the 11 oclock position (running JJ Kt77). Others will turn it all the way to the left. Most people advised me to do the same thing, turn the knob to where you like the tone it produces. The bias knob really has nothing to do with biasing you amp other than making the tubes hotter/colder.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GodWentPUNK View Post
                                From what I've heard, turning the bias knob to the right will make your tubes cold, to the left will run your tubes hotter. I've got mine at the 11 oclock position (running JJ Kt77). Others will turn it all the way to the left. Most people advised me to do the same thing, turn the knob to where you like the tone it produces. The bias knob really has nothing to do with biasing you amp other than making the tubes hotter/colder.

                                So ok whats the meter reading?? What do you measure? Voltage, Ohms? I kinda get the hot to cold thing with the tubes but in my thinking here why would you want colder tubes?? I guess for something different but I perfer my amp hot, I like the sound after it's been on for like 20 to 30 minutes. It really gets nice and stays there. I'm also wondering if the 6L6 tubes will tighten thing up a bit. The amp seems to sag a bit and it's alittle mushy then what I'm used to. Not a bad thing but for tight quick stuff, I feel it needs to be faster.


