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SLO 100 Clone in the house

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  • #16
    Try it without anything in the loop first. I have no problem cutting with my SLO in a two guitar band. I'd only run chorus/delay/flange on the clean channel and in that case I just run pedals out front. If you absolutely must stick something in the loop, I have used both an Intellifex and a Replifex in the loop and they sound fine. You can boost with either. Lots of guys use the G Major with good results too. You do want to set up to do channel switching and effects switching at the exact same time. The SLO loop gets a huge boost in volume when going from lead to clean with delay and reverb, due to the location of the loop.


    • #17
      Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
      ok. I've heard that EVH used to mod his Marshalls with Soldano parts. hence the 5150, which is supposed to behave like a SLO 100. I dont think I want to spend that amount for SLO yet. I dont konw if this is true or not, but a 5150II does not have the low-end that a 5150 has. Bob of eurotubes told me this. Of course the cleans of any amp will be better than my 5150's but if you could compare a 5150 with yours and let us know, that will be a real eye-opener.

      Also, can you play the SLO at bedroom volumes and still sound good? Just like you can on the 5150?


      I 100% believe that the SLO100 and the 5150 are somehow connected.
      Yes... the SLO sounds fantastic at bedroom levels just like the 5150.
      I don't notice any lack of bottom end between a 5150 and a 5150II.
      I will tell you that neither of them have the tight bottom end chunk of the SLO. Not even close. Mine has the depth control which IMHO is very similar to the Resonance control on a 5150.
      The 5150 is a great amp and I think that if you were looking for a Soldano SLO100 type tone but you don't want to spend thousands the 5150 is a GREAT choice.
      I heard 6 bands last night at a local battle of the bands and out of the 6 metal bands that played.. 2 rigs stood out as sounding head and shoulders better than the rest. One was a 5150 and the kid was playing an RR1. He was fantastic. The other was a kid playing an ESP through a Dual (or Triple) Rectifier. Other amps that were there were Triple X's, DSL's, TSL's a bunch of different combos... btw... one of the combo's that sounded really good was a Line 6 Spyder 2 with the 2 x 12's in it.
      The 5150 sounded so much better than all the amps. It cut through better and it was really clear and super heavy sounding.


      • #18
        ah! You just made my day by talking so many good things about the 5150. Thanks!


        • #19
          Originally posted by rstites View Post
          Try it without anything in the loop first. I have no problem cutting with my SLO in a two guitar band. I'd only run chorus/delay/flange on the clean channel and in that case I just run pedals out front. If you absolutely must stick something in the loop, I have used both an Intellifex and a Replifex in the loop and they sound fine. You can boost with either. Lots of guys use the G Major with good results too. You do want to set up to do channel switching and effects switching at the exact same time. The SLO loop gets a huge boost in volume when going from lead to clean with delay and reverb, due to the location of the loop.

          I am going totally dry tomorrow. I tried my DD6 out in front but it sounds like canned ass. There is no setting on it that allows it so sound even remotely good. I would have no problem playing dry (except for a Wah) live. Actually.. I am hoping it works out. I just don't see how my solo's are going to cut through without some kind of boost. I'll probably throw a low impedance volume pedal in the loop if I have to.
          If I can't use it live I will just go back to the Vetta. I have no problem keeping the SLO home.
          BTW.. its snakeskin. Damn..


          • #20
            Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
            ah! You just made my day by talking so many good things about the 5150. Thanks!

            The 5150 is one of the best metal amps ever made. Its simply a great choice. You did good by choosing one.


            • #21
              Forgot to tell you John - I ran a G-major in the loop before I shipped it out to you (got it from Jim G) and it sounded pretty good. I could tell it was taking a little tone out, but not awful. Might want to just put a volume pedal in the loop - I think morley makes one where you can set the minimum volume - so you could set the pedal that when it's all the way backed off, it's your rhythm level, then floor it for leads.



              • #22
                I suggested that in the other thread and got yelled at, LOL!


                • #23
                  You shouldn't have Bret, it was good advice.



                  • #24
                    Was watching the MOTLEY CRUE carnival of sins dvd again tonight. I've seen them twice so far on this reunion (did I mention they actually slaughtered Aerosmith back in October on the route of all evil tour?) Anyway,,,,wow, do I love this band.....I've been buying every album since I was in like fourth grade. Kudos to Mick...what tone, and he plays solid as a rock. And guess what,,,,,the Soldano SLO100 is the main staple of his live tone. Whenever I play some Motley licks through my SLO,,,,I mean,,,there is no second guessing that it sounds just like his live sound. I'm not saying I can emulate him perfectly,,,he is really his own dude...and underrated at that. .....but the SLO sounds SO MOTLEY.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by lynchfan6 View Post
                      Was watching the MOTLEY CRUE carnival of sins dvd again tonight. I've seen them twice so far on this reunion (did I mention they actually slaughtered Aerosmith back in October on the route of all evil tour?) Anyway,,,,wow, do I love this band.....I've been buying every album since I was in like fourth grade. Kudos to Mick...what tone, and he plays solid as a rock. And guess what,,,,,the Soldano SLO100 is the main staple of his live tone. Whenever I play some Motley licks through my SLO,,,,I mean,,,there is no second guessing that it sounds just like his live sound. I'm not saying I can emulate him perfectly,,,he is really his own dude...and underrated at that. .....but the SLO sounds SO MOTLEY.

                      I agree 100%. Mick is VERY underrated and his guitar tone has always been killer.


                      • #26
                        Hey John. I actually have a volume boost pedal that was built by Bill or Mike. I cant remember. Anyway. It works well. I use it in the loop of my SLO. It is basically a volume knob inside one of there floor switch pedals. No big deal. Anyway - I use a Morley Volume pedal with it too and it works excellent. Try that first. I have used a G-major and it works well with the loop but it does change the tone. I have also used some pedals as well and a switcher(rocktron) and that worked well but the pedals alter the tone some good some bad. I sold off all that stuff and just run the SLO without anything. Also. Try a pedal in front of the clean channel. I have used the clean channel with a silver mod Analagman ts909 and it was very nice. Also had a Boss SD1. The Analogman silver tubescreamer was very transparent and gave a great searing tone to it. The SD1 gave it more bottom and grind to the clean channel. Both were used on the clean channel with the crunch switch engaged. With the switcher and both of these pedals I had some awesome lead/rythm tones. I had both of in the loop with a switcher and also in front and they worked great. I found that sticking with older Boss pedals(Japenese made chorus, flanger, reverb,delay) just seemed to work well. Kind of like with an old JCM 800 Vertical...

                        Also. I use to use a Boss 1/2 rack compressor gate limiter and a Boss 1/2 rack space parametric eq with it and they worked well too. I still have the Boss rack units and if you wanted to try them out. LMK.


                        • #27

                          Wanna see pics, inside and out, of your new clone!
                          I'm not Ron!

