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tube amp maintenance question..

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  • tube amp maintenance question..

    So I've had my 5150 for a good 8 months now and it has been great so far. I'm close to getting the tone I want but I am having problems with the cleans and It would be nice to have a little less fizz and a tighter low end.

    I've been reading threads on ways to accomplish this and while I could always throw a boost in the mix I got to thinking about tubes.

    I am wondering, since I bought the amp used from Music Go Round would it be a good idea to completely re-tube it in the near future. If not completely re-tube it, then should I bring it in to someone to have them look at it? I am not sure how much good, if any that would do. New/different tubes seem to contribute a lot to one's sound. I bet they would help me get the tone I am looking for.

    I think the main question I am looking to have answered is how often should you change your tubes.

    Another question is how much should I expect to pay for tube installation? I have a faint idea on what tubes I will be getting and how much they cost. It seems that from there, I need to install them and bias them. Installing them seems pretty easy. Is biasing a difficult thing to do?

    I am sure these are dumb and/or basic questions to some of you but I am still pretty new to this whole tube amp deal. I know I love the way they sound compared to a modeller or a ss amp and I want to do everything I can to make my 5150 the best amp it can be.

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    The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race

  • #2
    Actually the 5150 is a fixed bias amp, and are usually biased cold.

    A big mod for them is to install a variable bias resistor since they are often running so cold they sound fizzy. Being able to run your amp bias a bit hotter helps get more punch and less fizz with that unit, so maybe this is a thought for you.

    I like SED Svetlana Wing C 6L6s power tubes for that amp myself. I'd recommend trying different preamp tubes. I liked JJs in mine when I had them, also used some Sovtek LPS's that were ok. Tung Sols are ok in some amps, they seem fuzzier and even darker than my JJ's in my CAE tho'.


