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SLO Clone live review!!!

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  • SLO Clone live review!!!

    Ok, so I had my first band rehearsal using the SLO dry. Totally dry. I didn't even bring a wah pedal. Just a footswitch to change channels.

    Lets cut to the chase. Here are the details.

    The other guitarist uses a DSL100 through a 1960a cab loaded with V30's.
    I used the SLO through a 5150 slant cab.

    Tone: It sounded killer when it was turned up too loud. At a good loud band mix it REALLY cuts through. Like a friggin chainsaw. I really have to learn how to dial this in correctly in a 2 band setting because it shit all over the DSL. I think I had the mids up too much. I had them around 1 o'clock.
    Gain: I had the gain turned up to 6. At that setting it was perfect for 80's style metal. It sounded the best with the guitar volume rolled down to around 7. Very tight and articulate and extremely easy to play solo's. Its not shrill sounding like I thought it would be. It doesn't remind me at all of a 5150 in a live setting (I thought it did when I was blasting it at home).
    I think its VERY important to choose the correct speakers with this amp. Personally.. I don't think the 5150 cab did it any justice at all. Also.. I am new to tweaking it so it will take a while to dial it in.
    Clean channel: Absolutely outstanding. Its a beautiful clean with tons of versatility.
    Solo boost: Although my solo's cut through a little, a boost is an absolute must if you are in a band with 2 guitar players who both play loud.

    IMHO.. as a first impression live... the SLO is another one of those amps that really starts shining when you can turn it up. It sounds great at bedroom/home levels and it sounds amazing at ear splitting volumes. At moderate settings (which is the volume we mainly play at) it falls a little short because it sounds a little compressed. I think speaker selection is the key.

    Now.. on to the infamous loop!!!

    I tried a few different processors in the loop. An Intellifex and a Digitech TRS-24.
    First think I can say is that anything you put in the loop of this amp effects the tone. Its like rolling the presence and treble controls down 2 numbers instantly. Thats not a bad thing because you can dial them right back in by turning both controls up to compensate.
    Both processors sound great in the loop. The Intellifex is easier to dial in and is quieter.
    The TRS-24 has tons more features but its a little bit noisy.
    Bottom line.. the SLO sounds the best when NOTHING is in the loop.

    So..what do I (and my bandmates) think??

    We think that we need to spend more time with this amp and try different speaker combination. I am going to try a Marshall cab with 75w Celestions in it next. We are also going to try it through the 1960a with the V30's.
    We are also going to try and tone it down a bit by dialing down the mids and the presence.
    As of right now... out of all the amps I have tried recently at band rehearsal, from best to not the best the line up goes like this:


    I think I am starting to figure out why the Vetta sounds so good in our band.
    Its because we really aren't a loud band. Although we have been compared to Dream Theater meets Bon Jovi which are both really loud bands.. we don't play at ear splitting levels. We have a good PA so our stage volume is never really that loud. Many of the tube amps that I use are designed to be turned up. I rarely have any of them over 3. They really don't start sounding really good until they are at least 1/2 way up.
    I realized this after seeing a battle of the bands this past Thursday. It was at the local high school. Most of the bands were death metal screamer type bands. They were entirely too loud and distorted. They only had the vocals through the PA. All the guitar sounds came from the 1/2 stacks they were playing. The guy playing the 5150 had that sucker turned WAY up. Same thing with the guys playing Boogies.
    We don't play nearly that loud. Thats probably why the Vetta sounds the best for us. At any volume.. it sounds great.

    More to come once I get to know the SLO better. I am totally happy with it so far and I can see SO much potential. Its such a quality sound.