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Stomp Box Advice

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  • Stomp Box Advice

    I was thinking... regarding my Soldano SLO Clone.

    What if I put a pedal out in front of the crunch channel 1 (Channel 1 has a clean/crunch switch). When the crunch is engaged on channel 1 it sounds similar to a stock JCM800.
    This way.. I could switch between clean and heavy rhythm using the pedal on channel 1 and I can leave channel 2 for my solo boost.

    What GOOD quality pedals do you recommend?? Soldano makes one. Any suggestions from players who have tried (or currently use) this type of set-up. I am not looking to change the sound that much on the SLO, I just need more gain from the crunch channel of channel 1.

  • #2
    No input for ya, I know you know a lot of what I'd recommend anyways.

    Damn shame ya ain't closer. My buddy that is staying at my house is an Electrical Design Engineer with Bose. He mods Marshalls and OD pedals (you name the typical pedal and the mod and if he has or can get the info, he'll do it) and he builds his own high end (uber high quality components) overdrive pedals from the ground up as well. The guy from Mushroomhead is touring with his pedal currently.

    Lotsa cool shit to play with here lately.


    • #3
      I would maybe reccomend some sort of clean boost, like even an EQ pedal, that way you aren't really adding any added overdrive/distortion. Most EQ pedals I've seen have a level control of some sort. This is how I used to boost my dirty channels for solo'ing, when I used to run a rack of gear, and it was quite handy for pushing the front end of the preamp. Not only that, but you can slightly alter the tone, should you choose, for your boosted tone. These days, I just throw a DS-1, up front. Thinking about switching, though, cause the DS-1 adds this bottom end that I don't want, and it seems a tad harsh, to me.
      I'm not Ron!


      • #4
        This pedal looks like it'll do the trick for you. Seems it will work great in the loop, too.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Check out BBE's new pedals. They are very organic sounding. Very clean and clear. I personally picked up the new Grean screamer and love it. I think it has what your looking for. Also there Boosta Grande pedal is very nice. I'm considering picking up one as well. Hell I might just get them all and have more flexibility.
          Nicely built and excellent prices.


          • #6
            John, the Clark Gainster is a fantastic pedal. Imagine a TS which doesn't kill the highs and lows and has better harmonics. I am using mine a lot these days. Barber Electronics is building and distributing them for Clark Amplification.

            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #7
              Oh, I wouldn't recommend a Soldano Supercharger. I had one and while it sounds great, the thing is too noisy (and yes I changed tubes, cables, and tried another one). Also, it's fucking huge.
              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

              - Newc


              • #8
                I too really liked the early big box Gainster it had a great growl. As we all know there are very few pedals that won't colour the original sound of a guitar/ cable and amp set up.

                For what you are asking for, I would recommend the Xotic, 'BB pre-amp'. I got rid of my AC Booster, as I felt it was too hi-fi sounding after the honeymoon wore thin. (It kept me from buying a Bad Cat, 'Hot Cat', for the same reason).

                The BB-pre-amp manages to coax the natural sound of your amp's overdrive at managable volumes to stage volume, though it does seem to like NMV amps better. It doesn't bring it's own signature tone into the mix like most pedals do. I can get great grind out of my Victoria Deluxe at TV volumes. With my Marshall Studio 15, it still lacks girth until you turn it up. But, I am probably expecting too much of a half stack tone out of the little amp.

                The pedal that does not lack anything, but prefers Marshall style amps is the Pete Cornish Soft-Sustain. It sounds amazing at any setting. Cost is a factor though.

                The Klon Centaur is a favorite of many. But, it does absolutely notinhg, until it is used with an amp that is damn loud and just getting into break up. It is more open and airy that the Cornish, but lacks the low mids of the Soft-Sustain. It is as preferential and gear dependant trade off. It has a, 'holy shit, I never knew my amp could sound like that', tone.

                The MJM, 'Blues Devil', may also be a good choice. It has about 1/3 more gain than a tube screamer, no mid range hump and with the volume and drive cranked, you get a very convincing Keith Scott tone from the 'Cuts like a Knife' era through a dead clean amp. I would imagine it would blend in well with an SLO.

                Good luck.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                  John, the Clark Gainster is a fantastic pedal. Imagine a TS which doesn't kill the highs and lows and has better harmonics.
                  Another pedal that would be similar is the Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive... the Keeley modded version. The low end doesn't cut out when it's turned on, and the blending of the clean boost is very good.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    I just use a Boss SD-1 for a signal boost with the level way up and the gain basically off. I loved this pedal with my old marshalls, and still love it even after upgrading the the SLO100. I usually kick it on while on the overdrive channel,,,just for some extra "hair" for solos. I tend to keep the gain on the SLO around 6 for the heavy rhythm sound I like. Love the way it (sd-1) makes my leads rich with harmonics and a slight metallic tone . But that's just my personal preference. Gives it a lynch like solo tone (NOT saying I can play just like lynch, before everyone lynches me)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by toejam View Post
                      This pedal looks like it'll do the trick for you. Seems it will work great in the loop, too.
                      I don't have this particular unit, but I've got
                      an MI audio Crunch Box and that thing rocks.
                      The Crunch Box probably has more distortion
                      than you're looking for in that application, but
                      it's a great clean boost too with the gain turned down
                      a bit. Other option is the Fulldrive Fat Boost.
                      Should give your crunch channel enough oomph
                      for what you need, and even yield a good lead tone.
                      Nice thing about the Fulltone stuff is it's sensitive
                      to what you're doing with the guitar's volume


