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ART x-15, POD Pro, & G Major set up help?

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  • ART x-15, POD Pro, & G Major set up help?

    Anyone here fluently versed in this type of set up?

    If I read the x15 manual set up I should just run the x15 midi out to the g major midi in, and then midi thru on the POD...?

    I assume I can change POD patches as well as g major patches...any help is appreciated!

    I have the x15 and the g major working fine, just wanting to take it a step further...

    (btw thanks for the x15 manual Mark!)

  • #2
    If there is a MIDI thru on the G-Major run that to the MIDI IN on the POD.


    • #3
      Got that ...but cannot seem to get the POD to change patches...still digging thru the manual and www research...but the line6 website seems to be down...


      • #4
        You will need to check and see what MIDI channel each are receiving on. I think OMNI is all channels. Check to see if the G-Major has a setting to turn on MIDI thru.


        • #5
          Thanks Jack - I will have to wait for the line6 site comes back up to find out what the POD Pro is set are correct, the g major is Omni...I don't see a setting to toggle thru on/off though...I give up until tomorrow night...


          • #6
            ok, I have the x15 changing patches on both g major and POD Pro, but I still need some help...the POD incrementally goes up same as the g major you can tell I am not a midi guru!

            Does anyone know if there is a way to control the two units seperately instead of both at the same time?

            I don't know if I can map the g major patch to the POD patch or if I need to choose seperately...sorry if I am not making sense...midi can be confounding sometimes!


            • #7
              Originally posted by ejs0614 View Post
              ok, I have the x15 changing patches on both g major and POD Pro, but I still need some help...the POD incrementally goes up same as the g major you can tell I am not a midi guru!

              Does anyone know if there is a way to control the two units seperately instead of both at the same time?

              I don't know if I can map the g major patch to the POD patch or if I need to choose seperately...sorry if I am not making sense...midi can be confounding sometimes!
              If I'm reading this correctly (and bear with me as I am far from a MIDI guru myself). I have 5 or six presets that I use, 3 more so than the other 2 or 3. Clean, dirty rhythm and dirty lead. They are set up as patches 1, 2 and 3 on my midi controller, respectively. What I did was program my preamp and Quadraverb to correspond with the pedals on the MIDI controller. So if I'm on bank one, patch one on the controller, I programmed the preamp for clean tube and the effects with a little reverb, chorus and EQ. What I'm trying to get across is that there's no way to control the units independantly (as far as I know) with a MIDI controller, but you set up your gear to work with the MIDI controller. At least that's what I do and it works great for me.

              I'm not sure how clear that is or how much it helps.

