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Clark Gainster vs. Fulltone OCD

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  • Clark Gainster vs. Fulltone OCD

    OK, I've had my SLO100 now for a few months, and everyday it seems I'm learning something new. With my Strat Vintage 60s single coils, I can't get any overdriven sounds even with crunch engaged on the clean channel, and since I'm going to use some delay, a wah, octaver, in the clean channel, I am in the market for a good clean overdrive.

    There aren't many reviews on here of the Fulltone OCD or Clark Gainster, so those of you that have heard both, which preserves the amp's tone best while adding thick luscious overdrive?

    I alao looked at the Barber stuff but most of their "cleaner" overdrives are low gain, while the high gain stuff is supposed to really color the tone.

    H&K Tube Factor costs a lot of moola. Ibanez TS's are going to color things a bit.

    I actually have a Cornish SS2 that's very sweet and sounds great, but I knew I wasn't going to keep a $400 pedal for long, and I'm not. I just wanted to try it out, but I'd like to keep some of what it does best: preserves tone and provides good overdrive.

    So, OCD or Gainster?

  • #2
    I am a big Gainster fan - I really like mine quite a bit. I've played with an OCD and it was very nice too but I have not A/B'd the two. I need to pick up an OCD.

    BTW, the Klon is kick ass. I sold mine when they were going for stupid money. I've been thinking of getting one again. It is the best OD pedal I've used but you do need to be pushing the power tubes for it to really shine.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #3
      Check The Gear Page for lots of info on the OCD. I haven't tried one, but have used a big box, Clark Gainster. The Gainster sounds like a cross between a Menatone Red Snapper and a Tube screamer. At an open blues jam, people took notice.


      • #4
        Never heard the Clark Gainster but, I have 9 or 10 boost/overdrive pedals and my OCD along with my MI Audio Blues Pro are probably the 2 I wouldn't sell under any circumstances.


        • #5
          Never heard the Gainster but I have a gen 3 OCD and I love it.


          • #6
            I did head over to the gear page to see what people were saying about the OCD.

            As you can guess, I ended up with leads on three or four other overdrives instead.

            Burriss Boostiest
            Fulltone FD2 Mosfet
            Lovepedal Eternity

            I'm still mostly interested in what the Gainster can do for me, but out of these the Timmy sounded appealing, also because of the relatively low price. A lot of people also loved the Eternity but cost is a factor. With the Burriss, I can't understand how a $350 pedal is selling for $150 on the open market. That speaks volumes about how much it's valued. Some people complained about mud and mush with the Fulltone FD2.

            I'm going the Gainster route and I'm putting a Timmy on order.


            • #7
              Have you tried a Klon yet? Dude, they are freakin' awesome. The best part is you can order one and if you don't like it you can sell it for $50-150 more than you paid.
              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

              - Newc


              • #8
                Yep, I have tried a KLON. Excellent for gigging, but I'm reduced to playing in house these days. it doesn't do much for me at these low levels. Best OD on the market if you're pushing your amp.

                My whole kick right now was triggered by my buy of a Fender Custom Strat with very low output vintage pickups. Normally, I really wouldn't bother with OD on my SLO100. I love the overdrive channel. But now I'm forced to with the strat.

                I also just searched on Vibe pedals and saw people like the dejavibe. Very pricey for a fringe effect. I may take your advice on the rocky Road instead, but I was also wondering if there was anything wrong with the Voodoo Microvibe.


                • #9
                  The OD on the Fulltone FD2 Mosfet is great. Very transparent. I only wish the boost was the same. Unfortunately is adds something to the tone that I just don't like. Kind of weird considering the OD was perfect. Oh well. Can't comment on the others.
                  We must!
                  We must!
                  We must increase the bust!
                  The bigger the better!
                  The tighter the sweater!
                  The boys are counting on us!

