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Uberschallers chime in, I want a Bogner

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  • Uberschallers chime in, I want a Bogner

    Hey guys

    I'm gettin into the idea of an Uberschall, blast me with the do's and don'ts.

    Can it be modded to use 6550's? what's this blue revision like VS the original?
    Does the metal grill have better tone?

    I play mostly ML shaped guitars with lot's O' Mahogany so I get it real thick like and want know if anyone here has used it with a bill lawrence or a dimebucker! thanks!


  • #2
    Wild Bill should be here any minute to share his expertise
    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


    • #3
      Until Bill arrives I'll vouch for the Uberschall! It flat out Rocks I have the revision blue version with metal front grill. I have not changed the tubes to 6550's as I'm quite happy with it just the way it is. In fact if I recall correctly, Bogner is pretty specific as to what tubes to put in it including the brand! It is flat out the best amp head I have owned and even though it has an awesome distortion channel, the clean channel sounds nice too. And, it is a quite amp, no noise even at stage volumes!
      As for the metal front grill, I think it just looks MUCH better than the cloth grill. Plus I figure its more durable than cloth.
      Go for an Ubey, you won't regret it



      • #4
        :ROTF: Ah Rudy, you have one too! I figured Bill would be here with the train of posts, MP3's and comparison reviews I love reading his detailed descriptions!
        Sounds great. I was thinking of getting one awhile back, but I'm staying with rack gear for now.
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #5
          one somewhat off-topic question for those who are familiar with both the überschall and the line 6 vetta/hd147 überschall model:
          is the line6 version in any way *comparable* to the real thing?
          don't get me wrong, this is not a "i want an überschall, but don't have the cash, will the line6 thing get me there too?" kind of question.
          my point is, i HAVE a hd147, and found the 5150 model to be pretty close, regarding both sound and the way the controls react (i have a real 5150, and have played a lot of shows using it, i know that amp inside out). now, maybe i'm just stupid, but the überschall model sounds like utter garbage imho. normally i wouldn't be bothered, but the fact that the 5150 is SO close makes me wonder about the real bogner.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fragle View Post
            one somewhat off-topic question for those who are familiar with both the überschall and the line 6 vetta/hd147 überschall model:
            is the line6 version in any way *comparable* to the real thing?
            don't get me wrong, this is not a "i want an überschall, but don't have the cash, will the line6 thing get me there too?" kind of question.
            my point is, i HAVE a hd147, and found the 5150 model to be pretty close, regarding both sound and the way the controls react (i have a real 5150, and have played a lot of shows using it, i know that amp inside out). now, maybe i'm just stupid, but the überschall model sounds like utter garbage imho. normally i wouldn't be bothered, but the fact that the 5150 is SO close makes me wonder about the real bogner.
            The line 6 may not recreate the Ubershall well. In this case your not hearing what the Ubershall sounds like. The other is is does get close and your not a fan of how the Ubershall sounds. Both are possibilities and the only way to know this is to have both amps in the same room side by side. This way you will know which is true.
            I had a Boss Gt8 and I didn't think the 5150 tone was close. I thought is was a watered down version of what that amp sounded like. Actually I really didn't think any of the amp models sounded exactly like the real thing. But taking the real thing out of the picture, I thought some of the amp models sounded great . Same with my Vox Valvetronix I owned.
            If you do get to do this, I would be Intrested in your results. The Bogner is a crazy killer amp in my opnion as it's the best sounding amp I have ever played. If I had the cash, I would already own one or 3.



            • #7
              You can really only use JJ/Tesla el34s - according to Bogner. Pre-amps can be whatever you choose. I have 9th gen. chinese in mine right now.

              Version 1: original version typically has a plastic/rubber handle (though a few version 1's do have a leather handle) this original version does NOT typically have a smooth gain pot unless modded, symbol serial numbers

              Version 2: improved gain taper, has the leather handle, also symbol serial numbers

              Version 3: Revision Blue denoted on back, earlier ones had the Bogner symbol serial numbers and later ones had/have numbered serials

              Revision Blue changes stated by Bogner:
              "The Uberschall now features on amps made after 8/16/04 a muted power amp when no input is plugged into the front input jack. If you wish to use the power amp portion of the Uberschall with another preamp you must do the following: Plug in a "dummy input jack" into the front panel input to activate the circuit. Turn the effects loop on. Select the "dirty" or high gain channel. Now you can use the Global Master volume for your level and also the Presence control on the high gain channel becomes active as well."

              Check out the new Bogner Amp Forums.


              Metal grill is better and more Metal. Here is a pic of mine (the other amp is better though).

              Last edited by mhenson42; 03-31-2007, 09:13 AM.


              • #8
                I love mine too. Has a evil vopicing on the od channel. Some ppl complain about the clean. I like it. It's clear with a big round bottom. But is anybody really buying this head for the clean channel?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SpiralArchitect View Post
                  Hey guys

                  I'm gettin into the idea of an Uberschall, blast me with the do's and don'ts.

                  Can it be modded to use 6550's? what's this blue revision like VS the original?
                  Does the metal grill have better tone?

                  I play mostly ML shaped guitars with lot's O' Mahogany so I get it real thick like and want know if anyone here has used it with a bill lawrence or a dimebucker! thanks!

                  I have a v.2 Uber with the metal grill. Not sure about using 6550's, but I can't really see a power tube improvement over stock.

                  As far as "do's" I think that if you're looking for a super-huge 3D wall of distortion that isn't super bright (remember, I have the v.2, but I bet there isn't a world of difference with the rev. Blue) and has an unreal amount of available low end, the Uber is your amp.

                  It really is its own beast, though. I have not used the pups you mention, but I haven't really found a guitar that sounds bad through the Uber, and I have a couple of PRS's, a EB/MM Axis and Petrucci, Les Paul, Strat w/EMG's and they all get along so to speak. To achieve a thick tone is never an issue with the Uber, unless you're going to hit it with out-of-phase strat single coils or something, and still then you cannot escape the Uber!

                  For "dont's" I guess it would be simply if the voicing doesn't mesh with your style, or what you really want to hear. People say the Uber isn't "tight" like some amps, and really, there is some sag to its tone (ala most Bogner tones) but unless you're style is complete staccato riffing, it will serve you well.

                  Bottom line is that you need to try it if possible.


                  • #10
                    Fuck the Uber, get a Rivera K tre!!
                    I love admins!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sl2lover View Post
                      Fuck the Uber, get a Rivera K tre!!
                      I have one of those too. Its an awesome amp, especially for the price, but if someone's set on the Uber tone, I don't think the Rivera brings that 3D unreal bottom end...its a pretty different amp.


                      • #12
                        @mhenson: so, what's different about the diezel when compared to the bogner? i'd guess it's brighter, tighter, but less bottom chunk, but that's just going by internet rumors really


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Fragle View Post
                          @mhenson: so, what's different about the diezel when compared to the bogner? i'd guess it's brighter, tighter, but less bottom chunk, but that's just going by internet rumors really

                          that would have been my question too now. I tried the Herbert a couple of times and that is a really great and mean amp (especially with the scoop in, even though I like sounds with a lot of mids). Never had a chance to try a Überschall (yeäh, möre döts för everybödy ... sorry), even though I really would like to give it a try, but they are really rare to find in Germany.
                          Last edited by MacBeth; 04-05-2007, 04:48 AM.
                          "Don't mess with the Pudel of Death!"


                          • #14
                            I've heard some clips of that Rivera K-Tre and I was really impressed. It would be cool to find one in a store to check out.

                            One of the local places around here has an Uber, but it is hanging up on a wall... I never feel like going through the trouble of having them bring it down for me and just to torture them with my hacky wailing for their effort

                            I'm surprised Bill hasn't stopped in on this one...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MacBeth View Post
                              that would have been my question too now. I tried the Herbert a couple of times and that is a really great and mean amp (especially with the scoop in, even though I like sounds with a lot of mids). Never had a chance to try a Überschall (yeäh, möre döts för everybödy ... sorry), even though I really would like to give it a try, but they are really rare to find in Germany.
                              Aren't Bogner amps made in Germany? I'd think that every guitar shop would carry them, just like every guitar shop here carries Fender amps.

