I got a really nice dunlop cry baby wha and it's only a year old and it
quit the other week and I need to know on how to fix it.
If I hook it up it just dose nothing and if I click it down to shut it off
it's just like it's not hooked up (like it should be when it's off).
So when I click it down (back on) you can here a little bit
of a wha in the back round but then if you hit a string it just dose nothing like I said.
I would Like to get it fixed I love playing the wha and I can't live any longer with out it so if any one has any pointers that would be great.
Thanks for your help (for who ever wrights in). You guys ROCK....
Rock on for Life.
quit the other week and I need to know on how to fix it.
If I hook it up it just dose nothing and if I click it down to shut it off
it's just like it's not hooked up (like it should be when it's off).
So when I click it down (back on) you can here a little bit
of a wha in the back round but then if you hit a string it just dose nothing like I said.
I would Like to get it fixed I love playing the wha and I can't live any longer with out it so if any one has any pointers that would be great.
Thanks for your help (for who ever wrights in). You guys ROCK....

Rock on for Life.
