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AMp suggestion

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  • AMp suggestion

    One Jackson RR from Pro series , one marshall avt(or perhaps Randall Rg100). How good can it sound? I mean, I m doing only metal stuffs.

    I ve ordered this Jackson. On the way waiting for it i m thinking of wat amps shall i get to use as a source of good distortions. As mentioned above I ve been thinking about AVT and RGs. some more suggestion out there? My budget is around the price of this two combos.

  • #2
    Playing in your room, or in a band? If you want good live metal sound at low dollar, I guess you could get a Randall. I would look into a Line6 combo, used Peavey tube combo, or, my personal pick, still in the price range, a Carvin MTS combo. great all tube combo, and can be had pretty cheap.


    • #3
      I like the Peavey Valveking I bought but I'm not very picky... I can get a useable sound out of most amps


      • #4
        if its all tube, will buying a TS series od from ibanez make it better?
        i got a practice amp at my room. This amp is mainly for some small gigs. If its sound will be decent enough i ll consider use it for recording some times.

