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Crate Powerblock first thougts

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  • Crate Powerblock first thougts

    So I found this little monster at my desk in the office yesterday morning. Seems like I got gas for small amp heads, as before this I bought also an Orange Tiny Terror. The powerblock is a great bang for the buck if you ask me. Lots of inputs, direct out for desk, huge power and versatility. You can use it for silent practicing with head phones, to power modellers and it can be a great and light backup amp for your gig! Everything for 100€! It's a keeper for sure.
    If you use it by its own it has a nice vintage crunch with gain maxed, like a jcm 800 but with a darker voicing, not edgy at all and pretty smooth. Nice tube like response, but if I have to be picky maybe it feels a bit overcompressed sometimes. In the end I reccomend this little amp to ANYONE. It has a bunch of features, imagine a way to use it and you got it! YES! You can throw this thing also at your bass player head!
    This is my first crate amplifier ever. I did not give Crate much credit cos I always heard bad things about his product but with this little amp I changed my mind.
    I'm gonna play a show opening for Suffocation on May, and I think that I'll carry the Powerblock with a nasty distortion pedal with me.

  • #2
    I've been contemplating picking up one of these for a while. I heard they initially had some overheating issues. Do you know if that has been resolved?


    • #3
      I have one and it is a nice security to have as a backup and a good practice amp. I would have a problem with it if I needed to get through a night with it.
      I don't believe Crate is making them anymore, I don't know why.


      • #4
        So far it does not seem to get hot....


        • #5
          I bought one to use with my POD. Plugged everything in (POD into the loop, Powerblock into cab), and it clipped out immediately. My car stereo was louder than this could get, and I thought the volume know might work with gear plugged into the loop - nope. Went straight back to the store. I'm guessing it was hosed as I checked and re-checked all the connections. They were right, and the cab was running 8 ohms stereo. Too bad - I really wanted to like it.


          • #6
            My powerblock did get hot once and powered itself on and off until I unplugged it and it cooled off, but it was my own fault and I didn't realize the my cab wasn't the same ohms as the powerblock, so I rewired the cab and I haven't had a problem since.


            • #7
              My bass player has one and nateb is using to power his podxt/gmajor rack and it sounds really decent for just $100!!!

              By itself, it sounds like total ass!!!!!!!!

              But it does a really decent job as a SS poweramp for the peanuts it costs. It gets really fuckin loud and has worked flawlessly for the past 3 months while nateb patiently awaits the arrival of his Mesa Roidster from Matt.


              • #8
                I am generally not a big Crate fan, but I picked up one of their `90s compact stereo heads for $60 used as a lightweight backup. Horrible tone on its own, but as with the Powerblock, certainly capable as a power amp or with pedals in front. Our vocalist bought a Powerblock to serve as a power amp as well.


                • #9
                  I don't own a power block but I've heard them. No go without a pedal or something in front of it. But that really isn't much of an issue. It sounded fine to me for a SS mini. Plenty loud and versatile. Probably not a bad option to tote for small venues and as a backup.

                  I thought about picking one up but I haven't done it. I keep thinking about that Roland Microcube I messed with several months ago. That lil bastard really blew me away. Loud enough for a practice amp and has the ability to go direct. It sounds incredible when you run it directly into the mix. I know a guy who now uses his that way, exclusive, to gig out. His thoughts were... lots of people are complimenting him on his sound and ask what he's playing through ('cause they cant see the lil bastard). He lost 70+ pounds of equipment to tote to gigs. Microcube, guitars, cables, drummer has to remember to tote an extra monitor for him. That's it.

                  I plan on picking one up within the next month or two. Hell, for the prices, I might pick up a Power Block and a Microcube (+/-$200.00 for both). I need something to jam on in my LR (all equip is in the den) and/or a portable for my computer in my BR. Crud! Guess I'll have to pick up that third guitar again so I don't have to fetch one from the other room. Adding one beater to the GAS list. I hate it when that happens.

                  I know, I know....... A bit
                  In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


                  • #10
                    Picked one up for my son last year when they lowered the price to $99.

                    He uses it as a backup with a GNX4 in front and likes it well enough in that capacity. He's also had no issues that I'm aware of.

                    However the fact that Crate quit making them most likely means there were some issues.

                    If I'd have known what they go for used now on E-bay, I would have bought a couple dozen last year.


                    • #11
                      I've had 1 for awhile now I use it to power my Rack unit & my 2 2x12 cabs, a Genz benz & a Carvin Legacy. I've had zero problems with it ,I'm wired thru a GNX4 for all my sounds with it,& it's been great so far.
                      According To The Prophecy


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kp59 View Post
                        However the fact that Crate quit making them most likely means there were some issues.
                        I read that Crate DCd them because they just weren't moving. They are tempermental as hell with cab ohms, tho. They are designed to be run into an 8 ohm cab mono and 4 ohm cabs stereo and that's about it. All of the stories I've heard about them crapping out is when people try using cabs in other ways (2 8 ohm cabs stereo, 16 ohm cabs, etc.). Also, I've heard that they die when you use a cab with a metal backplate. My Lee Jackson 4x12 is 8 ohm with a plastic backplate and I'm running mono right now and this little beast just kicks ass! I think I've posted this pic before, but here's how I'm running mine...

