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Any THD Bi-Valve or Uni-Valve owners here?

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  • Any THD Bi-Valve or Uni-Valve owners here?

    If so, what do you think of these amps? The sound samples on THD's website sound awesome, but you know how that is.
    Member - National Sarcasm Society

    "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."

  • #2
    Got a Uni right here! Love it, love it, love it. I aim for a nice early Maiden-style distortion. I clean up as needed by using single-coil pickups and rolling off the volume.

    They're super-reliable and THD's customer service is absolutely killer. They sent me free fuses when I couldn't find replacements locally (haven't needed 'em, but wanted them for gigs). They answer questions about what tubes are good for certain sounds in great detail.

    Only problem I had was shortly after I bought it a few years ago. Mine was sitting in a shop for years and was an early model...those early ones apparently had iffy transformers. From the time it died to the time it was back, it took less than two weeks. Not a problem since, and I use it for a pair of rehearsals each week plus 2-4 gigs a month.

    It eats my Laney AOR 100 and my friend's Marshall Jubilee for breakfast, tone-wise. I've used it through a Marshall 212 with V30s and an Avatar 212 with a V30 and a G12H30. I prefer the Avatar.

    My favorite setup is a good 5751 for the input, a 7025 for the driver and a quality 6V6 like a Mazda.


    • #3
      Uni owner here. Love it, too! It's great for experimenting with different tubes. Definitely needs an OD pedal to push it into heavier metal tones, though. It's a bit of a bright sounding amp, but it can be tamed, and it's very clear sounding.
      Lately, I've actually been using it clean and just running an AMT Extreme III pedal into it for my distortion sounds, through a 2x12/1x15 Randall cab with Eminence Legend speakers.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Originally posted by toejam View Post
        Definitely needs an OD pedal to push it into heavier metal tones, though.
        Here's the thing, though (you just answered my real question, so thanks). I want to get away from pedals. I just got a Metal Muff and I'm using it in conjunction with a GE-7 EQ across my Marshall. I guess what I'm really looking for is a high-gain tube amp like a 5150 or a JSX, something like that.

        The Metal Muff sounds more natural than the Metal Zone did, but I guess I'm tired of constantly tweaking the amp to get my sound.

        I want an 80's shredder type of tone "out of the box," I guess. Fully saturated but clear, sort of a Vinnie Moore/Satriani sound. I might just have to find an older Line 6 Flextone or Flextone HD instead of staying with tubes.
        Member - National Sarcasm Society

        "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


        • #5
          Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
          I want an 80's shredder type of tone "out of the box," I guess. Fully saturated but clear, sort of a Vinnie Moore/Satriani sound. I might just have to find an older Line 6 Flextone or Flextone HD instead of staying with tubes.
          Yeah, you won't get that from the THD on its own. They're great sounding amps, but won't get shred-type gain without help. It's cool for old school Maiden and Metallica Kill 'Em All era, but definitely needs the push of a pedal for heavier stuff.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            If that's what you're going for, maybe you should check out one of those new Peavey JSX 15-watt combos. That sounds all sorts of fun!

            I wonder it a Soldano Atomic 16 might do what you're looking for...


            • #7
              Originally posted by atilla View Post
              If that's what you're going for, maybe you should check out one of those new Peavey JSX 15-watt combos. That sounds all sorts of fun!

              I wonder it a Soldano Atomic 16 might do what you're looking for...

              The Atomic 16 is a good rock amp but you will need a pedal for metal.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                The Atomic 16 is a good rock amp but you will need a pedal for metal.
                Thanks, JG...I wondered what it was like. I guess it's probably not any mroe gained out than the Uni.

                It would be cool to see somebody do a lower-wattage amp that could do modern high-gain sounds without a pedal.


                • #9
                  I know people are probably going to laugh at this...

                  But, I think the B52 AT112 is a good amp for both low and higher volumes.

                  I don't own one, but I have played them and I thought it would be great for that at home type of thing. No pedals required for gain unless you want super crazy amounts.

                  I looked at the Uni and as others have said, it's a nice amp, but needs pedals to push it to metal type gain.

                  Let the laugh-fest begin....


                  • #10
                    Maybe try a Peavey Tripple XXX 40 or 60 watt combo, that should do high gain metal well for ya. Jack.

