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Modded my route 66 again tonight! Results in.

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  • Modded my route 66 again tonight! Results in.

    I got a little electronics package from a very nice guy from the DIY stombox forum (thanks to Martymart!) and therefore I couldn't help but pimp my route 66 tonight hehe...
    Replaced the 4148 and 4148/Series LED in the clipping section by two 4002s...For which I had to snipp off the legs and solder new, thinner ones. Worked like a charm (thanks for the idea Rid, I thought I was too crazy for even thinking it before you confirmed sane people did it too! :laugh2 and I put in a violet/blue LED for the OD section. So bright it almost hurt but at least they're not some kind of boring, invisible red now.

    I lost a little openness and volume. I don't mind the volume loss at all as now it's actually more what I want of it. But the openness... well that shall be remedied soon by the inclusion of a TL072 opamp instead of that good old 4558 (though good is debatable).

    With the already included bass boost, the route 66 is definitely probably the best TS circuit out there: because it doesn't sound as much like one :laugh2: