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Oh Burns wants a Stereo Tube rack amp !!

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  • Oh Burns wants a Stereo Tube rack amp !!

    This means more stupid questions for sure!
    Ok...looking at used Mesa 50/50's... or
    a 20/20 stereo rack amp.. Ebay has them
    around $800 i think? But then this Carvin
    jumped out at me. Carvin TS-100 stereo
    2 space rack amp. $550.00! Is is a dud?
    Or would i be happy saving some $'s..
    to buy an Engl Preamp maybe? Another
    option would be to get a Vetta II and have
    all the modelling AND 2 amps at a time, plus
    stereo..PLUS GT-8 also! Delay times of 850ms
    on the left, and 1550ms on the right!! (OK..
    before you smash your joking!!)
    Any thoughts on this bargain priced "true
    tube signal path" Carvin for $550.00? Thanks~!

  • #2
    I am not a MESA fan, though I do love the 20/ 20 amp. It is worth every penny and sounds wonderful. You would not need to upgrade. It is my first choice for those at home, in practice studios and playing in small venues.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
      This means more stupid questions for sure!
      Ok...looking at used Mesa 50/50's... or
      a 20/20 stereo rack amp.. Ebay has them
      around $800 i think? But then this Carvin
      jumped out at me. Carvin TS-100 stereo
      2 space rack amp. $550.00! Is is a dud?
      Or would i be happy saving some $'s..
      to buy an Engl Preamp maybe? Another
      option would be to get a Vetta II and have
      all the modelling AND 2 amps at a time, plus
      stereo..PLUS GT-8 also! Delay times of 850ms
      on the left, and 1550ms on the right!! (OK..
      before you smash your joking!!)
      Any thoughts on this bargain priced "true
      tube signal path" Carvin for $550.00? Thanks~!
      YOu could get a TS100 for $300.00 on Ebay most of the time. $550.00 is WAY too much money although it is a fine poweramp.
      It works great with the GT-8 too.
      So does the Peavey 50/50 and 60/60


      • #4
        I recently picked up a used Mesa 295 (runs *8* power tubes, 30 watts simulclass EL34, then 95 watts a side with 6L6s and EL34s running at the same time) and it kicks ass. I just need to mod it for depth controls one of these days. They go fairly cheap (around $500 and under I think). Loud as hell and heavy too, but I'd take one over a 50/50 or a 20/20 if the price was comparable and size/weight wasn't an issue.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
          I recently picked up a used Mesa 295 (runs *8* power tubes, 30 watts simulclass EL34, then 95 watts a side with 6L6s and EL34s running at the same time) and it kicks ass. I just need to mod it for depth controls one of these days. They go fairly cheap (around $500 and under I think). Loud as hell and heavy too, but I'd take one over a 50/50 or a 20/20 if the price was comparable and size/weight wasn't an issue.

          Considering that im a stay at home shredder... would the 2:90 be too
          loud for me? I remember hearing an 18 watt Budda once..and it was loud! Wouldnt the 20/20 still be a loud amp, through 2... 2/12 or 4/12
          cabs? Thanks for the quick responces guys.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jgcable View Post
            YOu could get a TS100 for $300.00 on Ebay most of the time. $550.00 is WAY too much money although it is a fine poweramp.
            It works great with the GT-8 too.
            So does the Peavey 50/50 and 60/60
            If i pick up say a 3 yr old TS-100 for $300...isnt it
            time for a tube replacement? That would be about $100.00?
            Seems to me, its not that much more $'s to get new everything?
            But i see...if i were to be able to get a used 20/20 Mesa for $500
            im sure the Mesa is a level above the Carvin in tone quality?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
              If i pick up say a 3 yr old TS-100 for $300...isnt it
              time for a tube replacement? That would be about $100.00?
              Seems to me, its not that much more $'s to get new everything?
              But i see...if i were to be able to get a used 20/20 Mesa for $500
              im sure the Mesa is a level above the Carvin in tone quality?
              No. You replace tubes when they go bad.. not because they are 3 years old.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                Considering that im a stay at home shredder... would the 2:90 be too
                loud for me? I remember hearing an 18 watt Budda once..and it was loud! Wouldnt the 20/20 still be a loud amp, through 2... 2/12 or 4/12
                cabs? Thanks for the quick responces guys.
                I've got a 2:100 Mesa and a VHT 2/90/2 and I stay at home too. Loud is one question, but fidelity is another with big tube power amps. I like 'em big and control my sound at the preamp

                Oh, and if the locals piss me off I have the weapons to shut them up
                Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                • #9
                  I'm assuming that the $550 for the Carvin is brand new. I thought they were more than that, but $550 is the current price on their website. Still a fair price in my opinion (I have an old T100 for recording), but Carvin stuff doesn't hold much resale value and can probably be had for much cheaper used. On a budget, you should be able to find any of the Peavey Classic tube power amps for under $350. I have gigged with a Classic 60 mono for quite some time and just got a 50/50, which has the level/resonance/presence controls on the front instead of around back.

                  Of the three tube power amps I own - Peavey Classic 60 (6L6), Peavey Classic 50/50 (EL84), Carvin T100 (EL34) - the Classic 60 has the most distinctive tone. Even at low volumes, it has the "pushed" sound that most people want from a tube amp, while the 50/50 and T100 are a bit more transparent and in my opinion let the preamp control the overall tone more. I suspect that has a lot to do with the different characteristics of the various tube types. Live, I am just using a distortion pedal, EQ and delay into the Classic 60.

                  Not sure about the Mesa, Marshall or VHT power amps, but I know that the TS100 lets you have different types of tubes on each side. I've always thought that'd be cool if you are running two preamps or stereo effects like delay or a harmonizer.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Inazone View Post
                    I'm assuming that the $550 for the Carvin is brand new. I thought they were more than that, but $550 is the current price on their website. Still a fair price in my opinion (I have an old T100 for recording), but Carvin stuff doesn't hold much resale value and can probably be had for much cheaper used. On a budget, you should be able to find any of the Peavey Classic tube power amps for under $350. I have gigged with a Classic 60 mono for quite some time and just got a 50/50, which has the level/resonance/presence controls on the front instead of around back.

                    Of the three tube power amps I own - Peavey Classic 60 (6L6), Peavey Classic 50/50 (EL84), Carvin T100 (EL34) - the Classic 60 has the most distinctive tone. Even at low volumes, it has the "pushed" sound that most people want from a tube amp, while the 50/50 and T100 are a bit more transparent and in my opinion let the preamp control the overall tone more. I suspect that has a lot to do with the different characteristics of the various tube types. Live, I am just using a distortion pedal, EQ and delay into the Classic 60.

                    Not sure about the Mesa, Marshall or VHT power amps, but I know that the TS100 lets you have different types of tubes on each side. I've always thought that'd be cool if you are running two preamps or stereo effects like delay or a harmonizer.
                    Good the Boss GT-8 has the ability to do just that with
                    2 separate preamps. So maybe the Carvin would be a solid base amp
                    in my situation?


                    • #11
                      Well, if you want a stereo tube power amp, the Carvin TS100 is the least expensive to buy new, and should be pretty reasonable used. The Peavey Classic 60/60 should be cheapest used (even cheaper if you get the 60 mono), then 120/120, and then 50/50. The Classic 50/50 was the last Peavey tube power amp before they discontinued them, and has some different features, so it's the most expensive. I just got one on eBay for $325, and it's very nice. The 60 and 120 models are all 3U, so they probably wouldn't be to your liking if rack space is an issue, so it sounds to me like either a Peavey 50/50 or Carvin TS100 (or T100 if you don't care about switching tube types), or of course the higher end stuff.

                      I have no experience with the Marshall or Mesa stuff, so I can't comment either way. And the only time I tried a VHT, it must have been the only dud they ever built, because it kept cutting out.


                      • #12
                        Looks like i can order a new 20/20 Mesa for around $680 from GC.
                        The 50/50 would run around $1K new. Even at these prices it seems
                        like very high quality units for the price. If you were me..( i know scary!)
                        Would you opt for more headroom in the $1000 50/50 Mesa amp?
                        Or just be fine with the 20/20 watt stereo Mesa? Ive heard the 20/20
                        can still scream and be very loud. Im closer to going with the 50/50
                        if need be? Not sure on how the Ebay 50/50 will sell for? I think maybe
                        $750? I just paid $1220.00 for a Marshall DSL 2000 about 3 months ago,
                        so $1000.00 for a great Stereo 50/50 Mesa seems cheap!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Inazone View Post
                          Well, if you want a stereo tube power amp, the Carvin TS100 is the least expensive to buy new, and should be pretty reasonable used. The Peavey Classic 60/60 should be cheapest used (even cheaper if you get the 60 mono), then 120/120, and then 50/50. The Classic 50/50 was the last Peavey tube power amp before they discontinued them, and has some different features, so it's the most expensive. I just got one on eBay for $325, and it's very nice. The 60 and 120 models are all 3U, so they probably wouldn't be to your liking if rack space is an issue, so it sounds to me like either a Peavey 50/50 or Carvin TS100 (or T100 if you don't care about switching tube types), or of course the higher end stuff.

                          I have no experience with the Marshall or Mesa stuff, so I can't comment either way. And the only time I tried a VHT, it must have been the only dud they ever built, because it kept cutting out.
                          So the Carvin actually has 6L6's inside? It sounded to me, that the
                          option was there, if an owner wanted to change out to 6L6's?
                          If there are 3 custom bias options already built into the Carvin, then
                          thats very cool imo for $550.00! Am i reading this right?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                            So the Carvin actually has 6L6's inside? It sounded to me, that the
                            option was there, if an owner wanted to change out to 6L6's?
                            If there are 3 custom bias options already built into the Carvin, then
                            thats very cool imo for $550.00! Am i reading this right?
                            If you are using the T100 for powering your GT-8 it doesn't matter what power tubes you have in it.
                            If you are paying $550.00 for one then you must be talking about the TS100 because the T100 was discontinued a long time ago.
                            A typical T100 sells for around $300.00 used on Ebay or wherever.

                            There is no difference between the tones you will get with your GT-8 whether using 6l6's or EL34's. Trust me... I know alot about modeling amps.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                              There is no difference between the tones you will get with your GT-8 whether using 6l6's or EL34's. Trust me... I know alot about modeling amps.
                              John, how does that work? I'm not understanding this at all. Whether you use a modelling or tube preamp into the power amp, different power tubes are going to change the sound. El34s are going to have more mids and 6L6s are going to have a tighter low end, more extended highs and a percieved 'scoop' in the middle.


