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Modeling amp's don't cut it live

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  • #31
    Originally posted by hippietim View Post
    My old VHT 2150 would eat up a Vetta, shit it out, and then yell it at it for it's inability to deliver substantial volume. My Vetta would wimper and hide when it heard the mighty roar of the KT88's.

    Of course, I wretched my back moving the 2150 across the room
    Can't argue with that.
    The 2150 should come with roadies to carry it.


    • #32
      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
      My old VHT 2150 would eat up a Vetta, shit it out, and then yell it at it for it's inability to deliver substantial volume. My Vetta would wimper and hide when it heard the mighty roar of the KT88's.

      Of course, I wretched my back moving the 2150 across the room

      The main reason I work out is so I can carry my VHT2150!


      • #33
        modeling amps sound great in a one guitar band, that's for sure (check out a live show of kataklysm if you don't believe me. if it sounds like shit, it's the soundguy's fault, cause with a decent mix they sound just like the album).
        in a two guitar band, it's a matter of careful tweaking, and reasonable stage volumes. my opinion is, with proper settings modeling amps cut through just fine, they don't rip your face off like a 5150 would but then again that's not really necessary (nice feeling though ). they DO lack some of that tube amp oomph, the punch basically. i've been told that single note lines and leads cut through just fine when using the hd147 mixed with the other dude's powerball, but when doubling each other on rhythm the line6 gets drowned out. might be due to user error, though, as i haven't really tweaked it *that* much - dialed up a decent high volume rhythm sound at band practice and basically used that for the next gig without any changes.

        on the other hand, especially if you like to use effects a modeling amp is much easier to set up - takes 2 minutes to make all the necessary connections, literally. another point is the fact that you don't quite need to worry as much about stuff breaking down like you would with a tube amp. you know, when done with the gig you got to get your stuff off stage ASAP, and sometimes that doesn't really go together with hot=easy to break power tubes i got none of those worries when gigging with the line6.


        • #34
          I've heard samples of my own tone live (lately it's been XTLive -> Powerblock -> 212), and it certainly cuts it.
          Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


          • #35

