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Rocktron XPression weirdness

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  • Rocktron XPression weirdness

    Anyone else have a Rocktron Xpression? If so, can you verify if yours has this annoying behavior:

    Disable the direct outs in the mixer settings. Next, select only an effect that let you pan its output L or R, such as Chorus, Phaser, or Delay. Hook up only the L or R channel and check if the effect output pan control works in "Reverse".. that is, when you pan L, do you actually get the sound out of the R output (and vice versa)?

    Not a bit deal but this is still driving me nuts! I thought I must have a cable swapped somewhere, but the L direct and R direct outs go to the appropriate output (plus I quadruple checked all my connections.) It just seems all out output effect Pan controls work in reverse....

    My Xpression is v1.02... wondering if it's a firmware bug with this version or if this affects all Xpressions?