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Randall RT2/50 poweramp - awesome

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  • Randall RT2/50 poweramp - awesome

    Just got this in today... if you're not familiar with it, it's a midi switchable power amp that can switch POWER amp channels via midi. In other words, you can load up each side with different tubes and have it switch with your preamp - want 6L6s for that clean channel, but need EL34s for your dirty sound? It'll do that. You can either run both channels through the same cab, OR route each channel to a different cab. Want an open back cab plus KT88s for cleans, and 6V6s cranked to hell in a closed back cab? It'll do that too.

    The really interesting thing I'm messing with right now is to use it to compare different power tubes. Say you have a set of Rubys and JJs... pop a pair of each into the amp, and you can compare them instantly. It's crazy cool.

    Oh, and the power amp sounds awesome. If you need volume, you can blend the two channels for around 100 watts depending on the tubes. The setup for biasing is all on the front panel, so you can bias tubes up in less than a minute. It will run 6V6, 6L6, EL34, 5881, KT88, 6500s, etc... Even EL84s with YJ adapters.

    My RM4 comes in tuesday, it's the matching preamp that uses 4 of the Randall modules. I tested the poweramp with my RM100 head... this rig kills.

  • #2
    Yeah, those are cool. I'd like to get one if only to play around with and be able to easily A/B tubes. It can be difficult to compare different tubes when you have the wait for them to cool down, remove them, insert new ones, rebias, wait for them to warm up, etc.

    Spring for an Egnater M4, then you can buy dual channel modules. i.e. you could have 8 footswitchable channels with a fully loaded dual channel M4.


    • #3
      Twister, where are you getting effects into your chain with your RM100? Do you use the effects loop? I have a Xpression and can't seem to get it in there without messing with the gain or tone. Thanks.


      • #4
        A friend of mine has a recording studio, and has been running the RM4 and RT2/50 setup for the past year. Pretty sweet setup for sure although I don't know how many of his clients actually use it.

        If I had known about the Randall stuff when I started building my rig, I probably would've gon that route instead, although honestly I'd never need more than two modules on the preamp side.


        • #5
          That sounds awesome. I have been interested in the RM4 but I never paid attention to the power amp. My loss apparently
          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


          • #6
            Impressive they are building something like that... Very cool...


            • #7
              I have had one for about 2 years, I run my ADA MP1 through it, sounds great.


              • #8
                Could anyone please PM me the price for one of those power amps? How do they sound at low volume levels?


                • #9
                  New they are $1049 or so. They sound good at low volume levels, the controls are audio taper so they are very smooth and don't just suddenly go from nothing to loud. The channel switching on the power amp is controlled via midi. I really like mine.



                  • #10
                    Pete when you get a chance let us know how the RM4-RT2/50 compares tone wise to the RM100. I also own a
                    RM100 and am thinking of getting the RM4-RT2/50 setup.
                    I also have the RM20 combo. It is a cool little amp.
                    RR24M -SLATQH- 2 SLSMG's- DKMGT- 3DXMGT's
                    CHS2 -Traditional- 2 SC90 Surfcasters
                    Tacoma DR14 DM14 JR55
                    Ibanez Artcore AM77, AF125NT,AS93

