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ADA MP-1 and Boss GT-8

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  • ADA MP-1 and Boss GT-8

    Just got the ADA MP-1 from Pete..(thanks!) and its very cool, and raw
    sounding..old school! But i cant seem to make it blend with the BOSS GT-8? No matter how i route things. Seems both effects loops do not want
    to play nice! Any tips on how to chain these? The ADA only has
    2 outputs, and a "Receive" and a Send on the Loop. The Boss GT has
    L/mono and Right outputs, and a "send and Return" on the loop but i
    couldnt get either to coopporate last night without a ton of noise.
    Should this rack gear chain between units? Or must i do this Midi
    in/out/ to get what i want? As of last night, i have to unplug the outputs
    on both units, and switch them going into the VHT 2/90/2. Its one or the
    other...not both. Would like to turn the preamps off on the BOSS and
    use some of the cool ADA tones using the 12AX7's on the ADA with its
    great Chorus and such, but with the monster features of the BOSS also.

  • #2
    Try running the MP1 into the fx loop on the boss.


    • #3
      I have a Gt-8 and run a JMP-1 in the loop. Previously I had the MP-1 and it ran just fine in the loop of the gt-8.
      GT-8 loop out > input MP-1 input
      MP-1 mono output > Gt-8 loop return
      Gt-8 outputs to power amp.

      Make a patch for GT-8 without any preamp. Turn Loop on and place it after preamp in signal chain of GT-8. Use the black knob on the back of the gt-8 to control your volume on the power amp. If its noisy you can fiddle with the loop send and return values of the GT-8.

      Both the Jmp-1 and the MP-1 worked well in this configuration and allowed me to use the GT-8 effect to there fullest. Wah/volume Comp/Dist infront of preamp all the rest after the loop. YOu can place noise gate after loop if you want etc.

      I had no luck running the GT-8 in the effects loop of the MP-1 plus you can't use effects before preamp in this config.

      I liked the MP-1 but liked the JMP-1 better for Distrtion and the Mp-1 for cleans and 80's chorous

      Mr Hiwatt
      Mesa JP-2c Mesa 2x12 V30
      RR1 Black
      RR1 Blue ghost flames
      Stealth EX
      Hamer Studio
      Boss pedals,TC, HBE


      • #4
        Originally posted by mrhiwatt View Post
        I have a Gt-8 and run a JMP-1 in the loop. Previously I had the MP-1 and it ran just fine in the loop of the gt-8.
        GT-8 loop out > input MP-1 input
        MP-1 mono output > Gt-8 loop return
        Gt-8 outputs to power amp.

        Make a patch for GT-8 without any preamp. Turn Loop on and place it after preamp in signal chain of GT-8. Use the black knob on the back of the gt-8 to control your volume on the power amp. If its noisy you can fiddle with the loop send and return values of the GT-8.

        Both the Jmp-1 and the MP-1 worked well in this configuration and allowed me to use the GT-8 effect to there fullest. Wah/volume Comp/Dist infront of preamp all the rest after the loop. YOu can place noise gate after loop if you want etc.

        I had no luck running the GT-8 in the effects loop of the MP-1 plus you can't use effects before preamp in this config.

        I liked the MP-1 but liked the JMP-1 better for Distrtion and the Mp-1 for cleans and 80's chorous

        Mr Hiwatt
        A big THANKS!! I will do this chain.. i wasnt thinking of the front input
        of the ADA.. makes sense


        • #5
          This Worked! Wow...i have a ton o' sound now! The wet/dry blend is
          killer imo. My tone has went from dark (think "GIANT" 80's band) to
          a more dry in your face Slipknot edgy tone! The ADA really brought the
          sound to the front, and it cuts through, and is very Skid Row.
          Thanks to everyone on the tips! I could not be more excited! (well
          i could but you dont want that mental image! :ROTF:


          • #6
   know something had to irk me... I now know why i like the
            BOSS GT-8 so much. Its 24 bit audio. Everything from the early 90's
            was 16 bit, like my Digitech RP-16 ; or at least not the 44.1 sampling
            rate that we see today. Sure it sounds good...but 20%
            less in audio purity imo. Whenever i turn off my GT's "Loop" button
            and drop out the ADA, my tone gets at least 10 to 20% better..
            Maybe not that much, but noticable.
            So? Is the ENGL (roughly $560.00) pre amp going to be 24bit?
            This is a minor nag.. and the clean chorus is cool in the ADA, but
            its still early 90's "audio" quality. I guess i might as well just order the
            TC Electronic G minor.. Engl... and Eventide ultra Harmonizer, just to
            be sure? Any tips on this? Or is this just the price of old school
            admission? Thanks! What would a weekend be, without Burns complaining?


            • #7


              • #8
                Something to think about regarding audio quality.. just how high fidelity is a guitar amp, anyways? You're talking about a signal that is very low-fidelity. The upper end of a guitar signal is 5khz, human ears can hear around 20khz. I think you're picking at nits here.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                  Something to think about regarding audio quality.. just how high fidelity is a guitar amp, anyways? You're talking about a signal that is very low-fidelity. The upper end of a guitar signal is 5khz, human ears can hear around 20khz. I think you're picking at nits here.
                  But through a VHT cab everything is heard! LOL
                  True..and with my hearing damage from 20 years of mining...i probably
                  cant hear over 3K ! :-) But i still hear the drop in quality, and this
                  with Planet Wave/Monster cables.
                  Last edited by Robert Burns; 05-13-2007, 05:26 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                    But through a VHT cab everything is heard! LOL
                    True..and with my hearing damage from 20 years of mining...i probably
                    cant hear over 3K ! :-) But i still hear the drop in quality, and this
                    with Planet Wave/Monster cables.
                    You are not hearing a drop in quality... you are hearing a drop in technology.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                      You are not hearing a drop in quality... you are hearing a drop in technology.
                      Yeah, pretty much that....

                      Preamps, unless they are modelers or have effects built in, won't have a bit rating. That rating is for the effects processors.

                      If it's DSP, a newer preamp may have a cleaner lows and highs as the newer tech, will have more headroom or better frequency response or whatever... But, I haven't heard too many newer DSP units that kicked "my" ass.

                      The MP-1 was never really a high end preamp and is definitely limited by technology. Although it was a staple unit for the time. I've never liked them that much, or I would have kept one.

                      The ENGL would be a nice sounding unit. I'd guess you're looking at a 530 for that money? They aren't as gainy as the 570. Which is big dollars and really oriented to very heavy sounds.


                      • #12
                        Make sure when the MP1 is in the loop, that the position of the loop on the GT8 is correct - in other words, be sure the MP1 is in the right spot (generally BEFORE delay, chorus, EQ, AFTER wah and any boosts). Also, levels are very important. There's a a light on the MP1 that comes on when the signal is too high - you should see it light up every once in a while, but it shouldn't be on all the time when you are playing. Adjust the input gain on the ADA to control this, along with the send/return levels on the GT8.

                        I always liked the MP1, but I've always been a sucker for 80s guitar tones, and the MP1 was in dozens of pro racks and bazillions of recordings. It won't do modern metal, but for hair metal they are great.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                          Make sure when the MP1 is in the loop, that the position of the loop on the GT8 is correct - in other words, be sure the MP1 is in the right spot (generally BEFORE delay, chorus, EQ, AFTER wah and any boosts). Also, levels are very important. There's a a light on the MP1 that comes on when the signal is too high - you should see it light up every once in a while, but it shouldn't be on all the time when you are playing. Adjust the input gain on the ADA to control this, along with the send/return levels on the GT8.

                          I always liked the MP1, but I've always been a sucker for 80s guitar tones, and the MP1 was in dozens of pro racks and bazillions of recordings. It won't do modern metal, but for hair metal they are great.

                          And quess what? I have 3 lights ON all the time when im playing...
                          Opperator error once again! Thanks Pete...ill check the "Chain"
                          of effects, and balance the levels out. Ive just got it overdriven on
                          my input signal probably. Thanks


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                            Yeah, pretty much that....

                            Preamps, unless they are modelers or have effects built in, won't have a bit rating. That rating is for the effects processors.

                            If it's DSP, a newer preamp may have a cleaner lows and highs as the newer tech, will have more headroom or better frequency response or whatever... But, I haven't heard too many newer DSP units that kicked "my" ass.

                            The MP-1 was never really a high end preamp and is definitely limited by technology. Although it was a staple unit for the time. I've never liked them that much, or I would have kept one.

                            The ENGL would be a nice sounding unit. I'd guess you're looking at a 530 for that money? They aren't as gainy as the 570. Which is big dollars and really oriented to very heavy sounds.
                            Thanks, yeah im not quite ready to shell out $3k for a preamp yet!


                            • #15
                              The 570 only $1600, haha The 580 is 3k... ouch

