Just got the ADA MP-1 from Pete..(thanks!) and its very cool, and raw
sounding..old school! But i cant seem to make it blend with the BOSS GT-8? No matter how i route things. Seems both effects loops do not want
to play nice! Any tips on how to chain these? The ADA only has
2 outputs, and a "Receive" and a Send on the Loop. The Boss GT has
L/mono and Right outputs, and a "send and Return" on the loop but i
couldnt get either to coopporate last night without a ton of noise.
Should this rack gear chain between units? Or must i do this Midi
in/out/ to get what i want? As of last night, i have to unplug the outputs
on both units, and switch them going into the VHT 2/90/2. Its one or the
other...not both. Would like to turn the preamps off on the BOSS and
use some of the cool ADA tones using the 12AX7's on the ADA with its
great Chorus and such, but with the monster features of the BOSS also.
sounding..old school! But i cant seem to make it blend with the BOSS GT-8? No matter how i route things. Seems both effects loops do not want
to play nice! Any tips on how to chain these? The ADA only has
2 outputs, and a "Receive" and a Send on the Loop. The Boss GT has
L/mono and Right outputs, and a "send and Return" on the loop but i
couldnt get either to coopporate last night without a ton of noise.
Should this rack gear chain between units? Or must i do this Midi
in/out/ to get what i want? As of last night, i have to unplug the outputs
on both units, and switch them going into the VHT 2/90/2. Its one or the
other...not both. Would like to turn the preamps off on the BOSS and
use some of the cool ADA tones using the 12AX7's on the ADA with its
great Chorus and such, but with the monster features of the BOSS also.