Originally posted by jgcable
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In 3 weeks, I went from a POD 2.0, to a POD XT to a GT-8 and the GT-8 beats the others hands-down.

I've had 1 week's experience with all three so, you cannot say I was biased. in the line 6 devices, you start with a crappy sound, you tweak, tweak and finally you have a good sound. IN the gt-8, you start with a GOOD sound, tweak, tweak to get a GREAT sound. I swore never to sell my 5150 but the 5150 modulation on the gt-8 is so accurate, I dont mind selling the 5150 now. ...and you dont need to buy an addional $50 Model pack to get the 5150's sound.

Whenever I read a post about vetta, they say, 'oh you can have two amps at once'. unless I'm missing something, the gt-8 can do that too! And on the line6 products, the tone sounds good at low volumes. When I increase the vol, its crap. But on the gt-8 its not the case.
And about editing on the computer, GT-8 has a editor too. You dont even need to install it. Its an exe, you just run when you feel like editing. yeah, you got to buy a USB/MIDI cable. Too bad you sold yours to me.

Fine print: I've never tried the XTL, just the above mentioned line6 devices. :ROTF: