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Randall RM module mods

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  • Randall RM module mods

    So I modified my SL+ (superlead) module with a switchable low end (tightens it up) and also a JCM800 tone stack that's switchable. Recorded a few clips, whattaya think?

    These are clips of the amp by themselves, playing basically the same riff. I did NOT change any settings on the module between 'no mods' and 'modded' except for:

    Changing the bass from stock to the tightest setting
    Changing the tone stack from stock to JCM800

    Gain, volume, eq on the module and volume of the amp were kept exactly the same, as were mic and recording settings.

    Here are the two in a mix - same settings/criteria as above. I did use a few mastering tools and reverb to make them sit in the mix, and I thought I used the same amount on both tracks, but the modded sounds a lot wetter.


  • #2
    Both are nice actually with the second being nicer (IMO). But, could use a touch of bass (IMO). It sure cuts through better.

    Seems they both have their uses...


    • #3
      Thanks. Yeah, I put switches on it so you can go back and forth easily. One thing I really like about these amps is how tweakable the modules are... and how easy they are to take apart. So far I'll have 8 modules once they all get here... a tube-toned feast of audio delights.



      • #4
        I like clip 2 better as well. It is more buttery and the mids and highs come to life and just make the tone overall just jump out. It might need a touch more bass but overall I like it better.

        On a side note that is a super cool mod though!


        • #5
          what guitar (body, neck, and fingerboard woood) and pickup did you use to make those clips?

          the modded one was the best for sure. love it.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            oh, and what cab (speakers)
            Widow - "We have songs"




            • #7
              Twister, can you post how to do the JCM 800 mod when you have time?


              • #8
                Guitar was a DK1 (22 fret) with stock duncan pickups. Cab was a JCM800 Marshall slant with 85 watt celestions.

                Tlingen - there is info at the mts forums on permanently modding an SL+ to a JCM800 tone stack, but not in making it switchable. It's not very easy to wire the switch... I figure if someone can figure it out how to wire it for themselves then they would be able to do it properly. I don't want people blowing up their modules and blaming me for it.



                • #9
                  The modded mix is definitely wetter. To my ears, the JMP no effect, no backing clip has more of a muffled and Marshall tube rectifier vibe to it. It had that 60's modded marshall feel to it. The old series amps can sound like that, they tend to be, to me at least, more creamy than a JCM.
                  The JCM800 sounds alot like a hotrodded JCM800 type tone.
                  Each has their uses.. the superlead sounded good in the mix and less 'stifled' than the track which it was by itself w/o effects or backing.
                  In the mix track it sounded more SLOish IMO.

                  The JCM has nice cut. Its a coin toss as to what you want really.
                  They both sounded good and similar to respective amp models. Even the playing response was pretty much what I would expect from those amps. Pretty cool you can get that out of one tube amp.

                  Maybe I should sell all my Marshalls. ;-)
                  Last edited by charvelguy; 05-18-2007, 12:58 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
                    The modded mix is definitely wetter. To my ears, the JMP no effect, no backing clip has more of a muffled and Marshall tube rectifier vibe to it. It had that 60's modded marshall feel to it. The old series amps can sound like that, they tend to be, to me at least, more creamy than a JCM.
                    The JCM800 sounds alot like a hotrodded JCM800 type tone.
                    Each has their uses.. the superlead sounded good in the mix and less 'stifled' than the track which it was by itself w/o effects or backing.
                    In the mix track it sounded more SLOish IMO.

                    The JCM has nice cut. Its a coin toss as to what you want really.
                    They both sounded good and similar to respective amp models. Even the playing response was pretty much what I would expect from those amps. Pretty cool you can get that out of one tube amp.

                    Maybe I should sell all my Marshalls. ;-)
                    The thing I dig about the modular amp approach is that this is one channel... I still have three more with my rack setup, and I can select which power tubes I want too (right now I have EL34s on one side, 6L6s on the other... should be getting some KT88s any day now, and I'll probably put those in place of the 6L6s). I did make the mod switchable, so all I had to do was flick two switches to get the different tones - I even left all the other controls the same.

                    Just sell one of your marshalls and get one of these amps



                    • #11
                      I was eyeing this one from eBay.

                      The thing that kept me from trying these is the cost of the add-on modules, but compared to the cost of individual Marshalls.. thats nothing. On the whole tho..very pro sounding and flexible for a tube setup. Tempting idea, probably would sell other amps before the Marshalls tho.
                      Last edited by charvelguy; 05-18-2007, 03:58 PM.


                      • #12
                        Pete those were pretty cool! I just started playing through my RM100 a few days ago again and realized how much I like it. I'm runnin out for a few right now, but I'll drop in the thread in a bit and BS more on the modules. I'm running a 1086, Clean and Ultra, but want to talk to someone who has modded em a bit.


                        • #13
                          Right now I have or have on the way: SL+ (modded), Recto, Brown, Ultra, Plexi (on the way), Deluxe (on the way) and Ultra Lead (on the way). These preamp modules take mods that tube amps would take - the main ones I'm noticing are with the coupling cap early in the amp (which affects tightness) and also the tone stack, which can shift the frequency response of the amp, sometimes VERY dramatically, as my clip shows. It's a lot easier for me to pop out a module, change a component then put it in than it would be to take a chassis out of an amp, make a change, etc... plus if I have a module out that I'm modding, I can still put other modules in the amp, so I'm not pressured to get it ready for a gig or whatever.

                          I also have a custom faceplate being made - check it out, here's something I did in illustrator:


                          • #14
                            I saw that on the MTS forum. I did realize that was you. The SL+ is my favorite module. The mod sounds great.
                            Just one more guitar!


                            • #15
                              A gold plexi type faceplate,..thats quaint Pete.

