Anyone get a chance to play this amp yet? I spent a half hour with it today, and I have to say I was impressed. The amp was very responsive to playing style and to the settings of the guitar itself. I thought it had a great tone too. The only downside in my opinion was there could have been a little more gain. Aside from that, with the ability to deactivate a preamp tube with the footswitch and how well it responded to the settings on the guitar, I thought this amp was very versatile for a one channel amp.
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Marshall Vintage Modern
Paul Gilbert just switched from his Laney for a Marshall Modern Vintage...
Vintage Modern
interesting story...I tried the Vintage Modern when it came out, and thought it was not good, especially when I plugged my OCD into the High Dynamic Range and it sounded even worse! I had written this amp off until I happened to be trying out a Lonestar with my Fulltone Distortion Pro, (another misunderstood and under-appreciated piece of gear) and Maxon OD9. Not a Fender or Mesa fan, but heard that the Lonestar was good, and figured the Distortion Pro might Marshallize $999, hard to pass up....anyway I wanted to compare to a Marshall with those pedals....the only vintage style Marshalls in the store was a Jimi Hendrix stack, and a Vintage Modern...plugged the D Pro and the Maxon in, and sounded unbelievable which pretty much shot down any thoughts of buying the Lonestar. I cant afford a Jimi stack so I tried the same pedals thru the Low Dynamic Range on the Vintage Modern....sounded almost identical!! I was amazed! I tried the High Dynamic Range with just the Maxon, and it was pretty much in JCM 800 2203 territory, just a little different with the KT66's. So my opinion has totally changed! Plus I really love how you can clean up with the volume knobs! got into that concept from having Fulltone much easier and reliable than a multi-switcher. I just step on the Distortion Pro and back off the volume on the guitar to get clean.(I keep the Maxon OD9 on all the time on a clean boost setting, thats a secret to getting the BEST sound from the D Pro) I can get Lynch and DeMartini with the pedals and the Low Dynamic setting, and on the High Dynamic and the Maxon can get Zakk and some newer still tones....that am went from a dog to my fav sounding amp so far!!