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ISP Decimator questions (pedal and rack)

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  • ISP Decimator questions (pedal and rack)


    I currently own 2 ISP Decimator pedals. One is on my amp's loop (series) and the other "in front" of the amp, along with my stomp boxes. This gives me a 100% quiet amp, I mean, you can actually put your ear next to the speakers and can't hear nothing, people think my amp is turned off, actually. I love that.

    BUT... that is GREAT for when I'm using a lot of distortion, which is my main sound. Things are a bit different when I use the clean or crunch channel. The cleans get "cut off" and you actually need to hit the strings really hard to hear it, same with the crunch. Now, this is happening from the LOOP pedal. If I turn it off, all is great, plus the noise it's not that bad on those channels. When recording, I set my ISP loop pedal with a wider threshold so that the clean sounds without hum and without getting cut. But that's really not practical for live playing. And, the clean setting VS. the distortion setting is pretty different, meaing, that if I play on the dist. channel of my amp with the "clean setting" it's like if the pedal was OFF. And like I already said, if I use the distortion setting of the pedal on the clean or crunch channels they get cut off.

    Here's the big deal. I'm going rack. Yep, I'm getting a TC Electronic G-Major unit, possibly an ISP Decimator ProRack G and maybe a BBE Sonic Maximizer, oh, and a Furman power conditioner. Now, I know that the ProRack G is kinda like having the 2 pedals, you send a channel into the amp's loop and you connect the guitar into the unit and then into the amp ("in front"), so it works like what I'm currently doing with the 2 ISP pedals. But, as you may know, if I go rack, lowering the threshold on the unit wont be as easy or practical as it would be on a pedal, which is already not cool doing. So, my question is: can you get the same 100% PURE SILENCE suppression with this rack in BOTH distortion and clean settings, without moving the "knobs" on the unit? If so, I'm definately getting this, but if not, I guess I'll just stick to my 2 pedals.

    Let me know, thanks!!


  • #2

    "Not only does the Decimator ProRackG deliver the most stunning noise reduction, it also solves the problem of needing to adjust the Threshold setting every time you change gain or switch channels. By using the input guitar signal to drive both channels' level detection circuitry, the ProRackG needs no other adjustments once the thresholds are set based on the guitar input. This will give you the correct threshold with clean, crunch and even monstrous amounts of gain and if you use pedals you can insert them in the loop between the output of the Decimator Channel 1 and the input of the guitar amplifier."
    Good deals with:
    Metal Medal II, Tonyl11

