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pic of my rig - ENGL Blackmore

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  • pic of my rig - ENGL Blackmore

    going on a photo craze since I got my new digital camera
    I took a pic of my main axe earlier - here's the link to the thread
    my alibi is that I haven't posted pic of my amp before, so here it is!
    not the best shot, being indoors in poor lighting conditions, but it looked like crap when I used the flash, and I wanted to capture the cool background LED's

    ENGL E650 Richie Blackmore signature, with ENGL 4x12" Standard slant cab, rear loaded Celestion V60's, and the Z5 custom footswitch to go, channel selection, switchable master volume and mid boost (great feature for those leads!)


  • #2
    SWEET! So what can you play on it? Can you get the classic Deep Purple sounds, will it go beyond that, or is it for Blackmore freaks only? Please explain how it sounds
    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


    • #3
      One of the best looking Heads of all time imo! Just mean looking...
      Hows it sound?


      • #4
        That rig looks mean and bad ass!!
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by axeman81 View Post
          but it looked like crap when I used the flash
          if you have a "Macro" function on the camera (for close-up shots) you can use that. The flash will be less harsh on the pic. Or mount the camera on a stand to keep it from shaking when taking picture without the flash. If the pic comes out dark, increase the exposure. Or decrease the shutter speed. Many options to show us the incredible beauty of the amp. There, you have more than one alibi to post more pics of the amp! :ROTF:


          • #6
            God I love those amps for there looks alone. I hope to get to play one in the future. Enjoy the amp bro!


            • #7
              [quote] rear loaded Celestion V60's,[/qoute]

              mate - judging from your picture and my Engl Cabs all of them are frontloaded - it's just the back which isn't sealed.


              • #8
                Sweet amp man!

                The other guitarist of my band uses one, they sound crushing!


                • #9
                  I'm really trying to envision that on stage during a Blackmore's Night show...

                  Richie, if you're reading this, PLEASE get back together with Dio and do a Rainbow reunion tour! :ROTF:
                  Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                    if you have a "Macro" function on the camera (for close-up shots) you can use that. The flash will be less harsh on the pic. Or mount the camera on a stand to keep it from shaking when taking picture without the flash. If the pic comes out dark, increase the exposure. Or decrease the shutter speed. Many options to show us the incredible beauty of the amp. There, you have more than one alibi to post more pics of the amp! :ROTF:
                    thanks, but I tried all that and I just can't keep still!
                    maybe I should just get a tripod


                    • #11
                      rear loaded Celestion V60's,[/qoute]

                      mate - judging from your picture and my Engl Cabs all of them are frontloaded - it's just the back which isn't sealed.
                      ah, thanks, I just assumed it was rearloaded since the plate on the back of the cabinet is full of screws...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
                        SWEET! So what can you play on it? Can you get the classic Deep Purple sounds, will it go beyond that, or is it for Blackmore freaks only? Please explain how it sounds
                        this may sound strange, but I don't really listen to Deep Purple nor try to sound like them
                        I can tell you though that the amp is very versatile, excellent clean sounds, very good rock/blues crunch (slightly overdriven, AC/DC being the obvious reference), and of course serving up the main dish: pure metal riffing madness! it is the best amp for ME except for one amp: the Diezel Herbert...I might be upgrading in a few months


                        • #13
                          Hmm if you decide to sell that amp in a few months time just send me a PM and I'll be happy to take it off your hands, if I have the money of course.. I'm a Blackmore freak, from Deep Purple to Rainbow, even the Blackmore's Night stuff, I idolize the guy.. I hope for your sake that you keep that amp tho, it looks wicked!
                          "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                          • #14
                            here's another pic, this time sitting in the rehearsal space


                            • #15
                              Heh, la merke til Manifest plakaten i bakgrunnen.. Kjenner sånn halvveis til trommisen Allesandro, knakende grei kar! Spilte visst på siste plata til Griffin og han.. Må ta meg en prat med ham om jeg møter på'n i byen her en dag!
                              "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"

