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Boss Harmonist and another questions

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  • Boss Harmonist and another questions


    I'm really interested in getting the old HR-2 Harmonist pedal from ebay, most people say it's much better than the current replacement (can't remember the model name). Here's the question:

    Are these supposed to be in the amp's loop? or "in front" ?

    Now, another question. I tried out today a Boss Dynamic Wah, both me and the bassist of my band. It sounded AMAZING! It was the very first time I've ever played with an auto wah, and it blew me away. Now, are there any other pedals that give the same effect (auto-wah) which are better or "famous" for it?

  • #2
    Here's the problem with the harmonist: It tracks better in front of the amp, but it sounds better in the loop. What you'll need to do to get the best of both is to run the harmonist in the loop, but run a tuner out or some sort of signal from your guitar BEFORE it goes into the amp into the detector input.



    • #3
      or you could just get another guitarist of a keyboard player to play the harmonies with you.
      Widow - "We have songs"


      • #4

        What about the Dynamic Wah question guys ?


        • #5
          Dreamland_Rebel, you will need TWO guitarists to replace the Harmonist because it can do two harmonies in addition to your original guitar
          I bought a Boss HR2 Harmonist off E-Bay a couple years ago and use it live in an 80's cover band. Pete is right, it is finicky and the key to using it is feeding it a good, clean signal. So you can't really run other effect pedals before it, I run my guitar into the HR2 as the first pedal in the chain and I have it out front not in my loop although using the detector input as Pete said is a good idea if you run it in the loop. The other thing I do is to run the pedal's volume outputs on lower rather than higher setting or the overall sounds tends to get garbeled. And yes, it is a better pedal than what Boss has out today, I thinkk its called a Super Harmonist. Rumor has it that Eventide may be releasing a harmonizer pedal later this year but I have no details about it. Maybe someone at Summer NAMM can find out something about it for us? I would definetly be interested in such a pedal. For now, as cheap as the HR2 can be had on E-Bay, you can't go wrong with it.


