Fuck me!! Pete, you obviously know your stuff and I've gained a lot of valuable knowledge from reading your posts since you joined this forum. However, your arrogance and lack of grace towards LEOKV2 is shameful.
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Boogie Triple Rec solo 150
Dude, do you know Peru has a capital city called LIMA? Do you know that what you are showing here is part of the HISTORY of the country? Do you know that sure, there are cities called "provinces" which are not as "evolved" as the major cities and since they don't have money they live in mud houses or adobe?
You implying that I live in a place where a guitar store would be called "a mud hut" shows a lot of your ignorance, not only about "geography", but also as in how to treat people. It's like saying that houses in the USA are built from STRAW as a tent or hut, like the "native americans" used to have. See?
Here, a couple of pics from your mud-hut understanding of Peru, and I believe, trying to make my points look INVALID since "yeah, he comes from a place called Peru, what can he know?".
And how's that for a mud hut?
Notice, this house is next to mine and it's for sale; I will upload pictures of me and my house to photobucket.com later tonite if you want, to see how much "mud" we have here in "3rd world country, gear-less, America".
Here's the LINK:
For your Peruvian-knowledge information. Unlike in the USA, we use BRICKS, CONCRETE AND STEEL, as constructive elements on ALL HOUSES. We don't use DRYWALL and WOOD as structural elements and materials. We use real mahogany for the floors and ceilings in some cases, we use REAL tile floors, stone walls on fireplaces, real SOLID WOOD for doors and cabinetry, hell, pools have "real" tiles too. Of course, it's MUCH cheaper to have these things in Peru since the "working hand" here costs much less than on the USA. But, besides all that... how many houses (for regular mid-class people) can you find in the USA (buildings don't count) that are made out of bricks and concrete and real materials for the interior (I mean real as in REAL wood and not laminates, or real TILES instead of plastic simluations)? When I was in Seattle, people told me one of the only houses they could think of would be Bill Gates's place. I'm not rich, by the way, I'm on a middle class segment of the population of the country. So, no mud huts in here, no mud huts in the main cities, specially in the districts near downtown. And in any case, I just think it's all a big display of rudeness.
Plus, I REALLY don't think you were refering to a "historical Peruvian National Geographic hut", right? I think it was more of a "what do you know, you live in Peru, where they have mud-huts". Don't get me started here... please, shame on people who try to make a point using "geographical racism" (if not RACISM itself). Thank God I'm white and my parents are Italian. If I was "peruvian-like", then my opions here would really be worth CRAP to you, even on the stuff you happen to agree, imagine, from Peru and Peruvian-looking! Wow, now that's worthless.Last edited by LEOKV2; 06-23-2007, 04:11 PM.
I referenced a 'mud hut' because I was given grief for not being able to tell that Leon didn't have a GC nearby. If he had put his location where it would come up next to his name, it might have helped. Whatever... if it makes you feel better, say that I live in a trailer park, as I'm in oklahoma. (I own my own home, and no, it's not a trailer... but there are some in Oklahoma, and we do have a lot of tornados here. *shrugs*
If anyone is fucking stupid enough to think that I really believe they have mud huts full of mesa rectifiers in Peru, please, get a grip. However, 'mud' and 'huts' are in parts of Peru. Woop.
Originally posted by SEAN RAF View PostFuck me!! Pete, you obviously know your stuff and I've gained a lot of valuable knowledge from reading your posts since you joined this forum. However, your arrogance and lack of grace towards LEOKV2 is shameful.
Originally posted by LEOKV2 View PostDude, do you know Peru has a capital city called LIMA? Do you know that what you are showing here is part of the HISTORY of the country? Do you know that sure, there are cities called "provinces" which are not as "evolved" as the major cities and since they don't have money they live in mud houses or adobe?
You implying that I live in a place where a guitar store would be called "a mud hut" shows a lot of your ignorance, not only about "geography", but also as in how to treat people. It's like saying that houses in the USA are built from STRAW as a tent or hut, like the "native americans" used to have. See?
Here, a couple of pics from your mud-hut understanding of Peru, and I believe, trying to make my points look INVALID since "yeah, he comes from a place called Peru, what can he know?".
And how's that for a mud hut?
Notice, this house is next to mine and it's for sale; I will upload pictures of me and my house to photobucket.com later tonite if you want, to see how much "mud" we have here in "3rd world country, gear-less, America".
Here's the LINK:
For your Peruvian-knowledge information. Unlike in the USA, we use BRICKS, CONCRETE AND STEEL, as constructive elements on ALL HOUSES. We don't use DRYWALL and WOOD as structural elements and materials. We use real mahogany for the floors and ceilings in some cases, we use REAL tile floors, stone walls on fireplaces, real SOLID WOOD for doors and cabinetry, hell, pools have "real" tiles too. Of course, it's MUCH cheaper to have these things in Peru since the "working hand" here costs much less than on the USA. But, besides all that... how many houses (for regular mid-class people) can you find in the USA (buildings don't count) that are made out of bricks and concrete and real materials for the interior (I mean real as in REAL wood and not laminates, or real TILES instead of plastic simluations)? When I was in Seattle, people told me one of the only houses they could think of would be Bill Gates's place. I'm not rich, by the way, I'm on a middle class segment of the population of the country. So, no mud huts in here, no mud huts in the main cities, specially in the districts near downtown. And in any case, I just think it's all a big display of rudeness.
Plus, I REALLY don't think you were refering to a "historical Peruvian National Geographic hut", right? I think it was more of a "what do you know, you live in Peru, where they have mud-huts". Don't get me started here... please, shame on people who try to make a point using "geographical racism" (if not RACISM itself). Thank God I'm white and my parents are Italian. If I was "peruvian-like", then my opions here would really be worth CRAP to you, even on the stuff you happen to agree, imagine, from Peru and Peruvian-looking! Wow, now that's worthless.
(remember when you chided me for referring you to a guitar center - as you lived in Peru? That was the first I heard of your nationality/location.)
The 'musical mud hut' thing was a joke, if you want to take it seriously and consider me some sort of racist, then go for it. Just remember to put the cross and nails away when you're done being a martyr, ok?
By the way, go for it on any native american jibes, as I'm part Cherokee indian (hey, I do live in oklahoma, after all) and stuff like that doesn't bother me a bit.
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously....get over it and back to reality. It's a thread on the internet about an amp head. Act your ages please. WTF is wrong with you people here? Seriously....this place is no better than a playground fight at elementry school...pfffff....kids you are acting like kids....grow the fuck up! Later
PS if anyone knows of any professional forums I can join...lemme knowLast edited by kingv2002; 06-24-2007, 08:23 AM.
Originally posted by charvelguy View Posthttp://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic...iple+rec++dual
don't let door hit your ass and yes, we have been here to long. you are welcome.
I'm 24, I wasn't trying to make a "global truth" kind of statement when I said that TO MY EXPERIENCE the Dual had better gain, and I (apparently WRONG) said it was due to more headroom on the Triple. Twisteramp apparently had a bad day or whatever and thought that I was full of bullshit. I'm not trying to be "a martyr" or anything like that, just read the posts. I wasn't attacking ANYONE. He is the one that's 37 and has tons of experience, oh, and he lives in a place without music mud huts (just kidding... it's a JOKE)
Originally posted by LEOKV2 View PostIf that has to do with "headroom" or "big output transformers" or whatever it may be/not be, I have to agree, that the Dual sounds better.I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.