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Amp recommendations

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  • Amp recommendations

    So I've been a Mesa user for the last 15 years or so.
    I've bought a dozen other high end amps over the last 10 years as well searching for my tone.
    VHT, Marshall, Bogner, SOldano etc etc.

    I ended up being most satisfied with the Mesa Dual Rec solo head.

    I've been playing in a top 40 type bar/cover band the last 3 months and I have been noticing my mesa isn't really design or set up by me for top 40 music (Rock stuff)

    The cleans sound like ass and the gains are too much.
    When I back them down, the amp just sounds tinny.

    IDK- maybe its a combination of setting with the Spongy/Bold and Diodes etc..
    Or maybe I just need new tubes???
    The ones I have have been in there for at least 5 years.
    But I have only gigged with this amp for 4 months or so this year only.
    So Im not sure if I need new tubes or not???

    Whatever it is, I feel like I need another amp for this band.

    I've been contemplating a Marshall TSL 100.
    I bought one new 5 years ago or so and I think it sounded pretty decent for a Marshall.

    If Anyone has any suggestions, Please let me know.

    Our set list consists of everything from
    The Toadies
    ZZ top
    Old VH
    3 days Grace
    Velvet Revolver
    Evans Blue
    Wild Cherry funky music
    and on and on and on....
    Last edited by vwall; 06-28-2007, 12:19 AM.

  • #2
    I just played a JVM for the first time tonight. It has my vote here.
    "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


    • #3
      Whats a JVM??


      • #4
        Ive been thinking about trying out a Krank amp...


        • #5
          Randall MTS


          • #6
            I would never even have considered using them..
            Is this amp Pro quality??

            I'll check that out as well.
            I want to tamke my time and get just the right amp.
            Thanks for the tips so far guys!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by vwall guitars View Post
              Whats a JVM??
              this >>
              "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


              • #8
                Originally posted by toddstaples View Post
                Yeah, I saw that after I posted.LOL

                I'll have to check them out as well.
                Looks intersting.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vwall guitars View Post
                  I would never even have considered using them..
                  Is this amp Pro quality??

                  I'll check that out as well.
                  I want to tamke my time and get just the right amp.
                  Thanks for the tips so far guys!!
                  Ty Tabor from King's X, George Lynch, the guy from Disturbed (whoever the hell he is) Kirk Hammett and Phil Collen from Def Leppard are either endorsers of the RM series right now or awaiting their signature stuff to come out. Ogre Tones by King's X was recorded using the MTS amps.

                  They are all tube, RM100 has 100 watts, can run 6L6,EL34s,KT88, 6550, 6V6, KT77, KT90, etc... each tube can be biased individually so you can also mix/match pairs (run a pair of 6L6s with EL34s, for example, and have them all bias correctly - speaking of which, you can rebias the amp without dropping the chassis or having to expose yourself to high voltages) a series and a parallel fx loop, uses midi for switching so it will integrate with ANY midi rig. Has three channels which are empty slots - you can fill them with your choice of module - there are around 20 or so right now I think, number is growing soon with some of the sig modules above. Right now I have:

                  Fender Blackface - sounds like a very nice vintage fender. GREAT clean tones.

                  Fender Deluxe - can get clean to ragged Neil Young tones with this

                  Marshall Plexi - nothing sounds like a Marshall but a Marshall, this comes damn close though

                  Brown - I did a Van Halen clip that's still in the MP3 section with one of these that I modded... got close to the VH II tone imho

                  XTC - like the red channel of a Bogner. No, it's not perfect but sounds good

                  SL+ - like a modded Marshall Super Lead - enough gain for 80s metal

                  Top Boost - Vox AC30

                  Recto - Mesa Dual Rectifier tones

                  Ultra - high gain modern tones, kinda like a Randall but more tubeish

                  Ultra Lead - like the above but more mids and not as tight

                  Above are the ones I own. There are a ton more including the George Lynch signature modules, Fender Tweed, Marshall JTM45, etc... I have an RM4 (rackmount head, holds four modules at once) an RM100 (100 watt head, 3 modules at once) an RM50 on the way (50 watt head, 2 modules at once) and an RM20 coming soon (20 watt combo, one module with footswitchable volume/gain boost.)

                  The thing I really dig about these is that you can set up your amp however you want... I play with two different bands. For my classic rock band, I set it up with fender blackface, top boost, plexi and brown. For my 80s arena rock band, I use blackace, brown, Ultra or XTC and Recto. The modules slide out on rails and have two thumbscrews to secure them. If I was doing country I might go blackface, deluxe, top boost and plexi. If I didn't need a clean tone could go Plexi, brown, SL+ and XTC.

                  It's a neat system, and I really dig it. This way you don't get screwed by an amp with one great channel and two ok ones... just try out modules until you find the ones you like. There is a huge used market for the modules, and a lot of guys trade them back and forth. And of course, I do custom mods.

                  Used modules are $100-$150 in general, with signature modules selling for a bit more. Still, it's a cheap way to get a 'new' amp channel that you can swap out in seconds.



                  • #10
                    EVH III
                    Perfect clone of a 68' Marshall Plexi...
                    very close Fender Twin "Clean" tone..
                    Early 80's dry Van Halen tone..

                    All in one 3 channel amp head for $1900.00
                    Rips ass!


                    • #11
                      I hate to say it, but since you are doing a cover band and covering so many different styles, I would go online and find yourself a used vetta or flextone II. You can cover so many different styles and it sounds great and close enough.


                      • #12
                        Not sure how Randall is now, but a buddy of mine had one back in the 90's that had an awesome sound to it. He had a full stack that was covered in zebra pattern covering over it. Looked somewhat funky, but rocked like a champ!
                        "Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant." - on the back of the business card for Bella the Pomeranian

                        The comments expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of management.


                        • #13
                          I play throught the much hated DSL100. I love it, but it doesn't have the versatility that you need.

                          For your current situation, maybe just a speaker change would help? I'm not sure what speakers you are running now, but some Vintage 30s might fatten things up.


                          • #14
                            I like the Egnator/Randall module stuff myself but, for simplicity's sake, the Marshall JVM is probably the best amp out there for your situation and it does sound rather good. One other amp to check out would be the Cameron CCV-100 which is a killer amp that sort of marries the best things about Marshall and Mesa into one. 2 channels with a boost. $2,400 vs. $1,750 and not as versatile but, sounds better. The JVM or a midi preamp rack setup really the best for a cover band though.
                            Last edited by Robotechnology; 06-28-2007, 09:52 AM.


                            • #15
                              +1 on the Randall/Egnater MTS stuff. It is really versatile.
                              Good deals with:
                              Metal Medal II, Tonyl11

