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how to run pedals in a line level loop

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  • how to run pedals in a line level loop

    Should have it by early next week. Basically is a box that will convert line to stomp box level and the other way too... this should allow me to use pedals with my RM amps.

    Here's the thing - I have a GT8 just sitting here basically, and have two more Randall amps coming in (an RM20 and RM50) but my Line level fx processor (G-major) is in a rack with my RM4 and RT 2/50. I'm trying to lighten my load regarding what gear I take to gigs with the 2nd band I'm in, and if this EbTech converter works then it'll be awesome.

    Review to follow once I get it.


  • #2
    Wow Pete, that is a very cool box and should help others do the same thing you are doing. If it works well, that is $$$$$ well spent Jack.


    • #3
      Yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna get, till I switched amps, and now the new one takes em' just fine, without it, so it saved me some moolah.
      Should work nicely for ya'.
      I'm not Ron!


      • #4
        The RM50 has a series and parallel loop on it. The reverb tank is connected to the parallel loop, freeing up the series loop for pedals. When I had mine, I used a DD3 and CH1 in the series loop and it seemed to work fine.


        • #5
          Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
          The RM50 has a series and parallel loop on it. The reverb tank is connected to the parallel loop, freeing up the series loop for pedals. When I had mine, I used a DD3 and CH1 in the series loop and it seemed to work fine.
          The RM100 has a series and parallel loop too. All the RM series amps have a line level loop though, I tried running pedals with my RM100 and while it worked, it dulled the tone considerably.

          If this gizmo works as advertised, I bet it would have improved the tone of your rig too.



          • #6
            That's exactly what I'll need for my Tech 21 Trademark 300 head. It's got both a parallel and series loop, but they're also line level. Any chorus or delay pedal I've tried in the loops sounded too distorted, especially playing on the clean channel. Glad to see that thing works as advertised!
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              just curious, how is a passive box going to pull off bringing the signal back up to line level?
              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

              - Newc


              • #8
                Another question: If the Loop isn`t Line Level, what others are they? I am very Loop illiterate for sure Jack.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by slayer View Post
                  Another question: If the Loop isn`t Line Level, what others are they? I am very Loop illiterate for sure Jack.
                  Line level is for rack effects. Instrument level is for pedals.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                    just curious, how is a passive box going to pull off bringing the signal back up to line level?
                    I was thinking the same thing, it's kinda unpossible to add gain without active circuitry. Apparently has something to do with transformers... I don't know how it works, but one of the guys on the MTS board has an egnater mod50 and uses it to run his pedals through the loop - says it works great.

                    We'll see, I should have it early next week. And my RM20 combo!



                    • #11
                      Came home from band rehearsal late last night, found it on my doorstep. Thanks UPS! Didn't get to mess with it a whole lot, but it DOES seem to work. I tried putting my GT8 through the loop without the gizmo, then ran it with. Signal was clearer/stronger/more better with it. So far, thumbs up. I bought mine used for cheap though, they are $89 or so new, which is a little pricey but well worth it if you love the tone of an amp but the fx loop isn't working with your pedals. I'd probably have kept the SLO clone if I had this thing several months ago!



                      • #12
                        Ran the recording out from my RM20 with nothing in the loop, my GT8 in the loop, and GT8 with the Ebtech gizmo in the loop. GT8 in all the above scenarios was bypassed, so I could hear how badly it was mucking with the tone.

                        GT8 w/out Ebtech was quieter and duller. Could add some of the volume back and brightness with the EQ in the GT8, but then it thinned out considerably.

                        GT 8 w/Ebtech - I had to turn it down, it was overdriving at levels that were 'constipated' sounding without the Ebtech. Once I got the levels set, it sounded the same.

                        Thumbs up, if you have pedal level effects and a line level loop, you need one. I'm thinking about going all 'regular' pedals for simplicity sake, but this little gizmo is great. If your fx loop hates your pedals, here's a likely solution.



                        • #13
                          I am reviving this old tread.. How did the Ebtech Line Level shifter end up working out for you?? Does anybody else use it. Its the Ebtech LLS-2.
                          I have an amp that has 2 effects loops that are at a -10dbm input and output level which is considered line level.
                          I want to use some of my Boss stomp boxes in them. Specifically.. a CH-2 chorus in one loop and a RV-5 Digital reverb/delay in the other.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                            I am reviving this old tread.. How did the Ebtech Line Level shifter end up working out for you?? Does anybody else use it. Its the Ebtech LLS-2.
                            I have an amp that has 2 effects loops that are at a -10dbm input and output level which is considered line level.
                            I want to use some of my Boss stomp boxes in them. Specifically.. a CH-2 chorus in one loop and a RV-5 Digital reverb/delay in the other.
                            A while back I tried one in the loop of my Bogner Uberschall with pedals through it. The Uber's loop is picky! I was loosing sustain when running anything in the loop. I even went to my G-Major which is line level and it still did the same thing. Now I don't put anything in the loop of the Uber. The Ebtech worked fine on other amps though. Even in the Uber it was better with the pedals in the loop along with the Ebtech but I just couldn't get the volumes matched with effects on vs. off no matter what I did. I just gave up on the Uber's loop. What amp are thinking of using one on?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                              A while back I tried one in the loop of my Bogner Uberschall with pedals through it. The Uber's loop is picky! I was loosing sustain when running anything in the loop. I even went to my G-Major which is line level and it still did the same thing. Now I don't put anything in the loop of the Uber. The Ebtech worked fine on other amps though. Even in the Uber it was better with the pedals in the loop along with the Ebtech but I just couldn't get the volumes matched with effects on vs. off no matter what I did. I just gave up on the Uber's loop. What amp are thinking of using one on?
                              I just picked up a Tech 21 Trademark 300. It has 2 loops. Each one is line level -10dbm input and output. Chris told me that the G-Major was outstanding in the loop but I don't want to spend that kind of money. I only need delay and chorus. I would like to get a stereo effect. This way I could use both loops on the amp and have 2 different effects routed to them.

