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marshall avt 150

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  • marshall avt 150

    ok ive got a mesa quad pre amp and a 295 amp and if I'm really honest I don't like it. I wanted and rectifier but could not afford 1 at the time.
    I've seen a Marshall avt 150 £120 that's about $250 I'm tempted. its cheap and well my mesa isn't doing it for me at. maybe a traxis or what ever its called pre amp will make me happy. I'm not sure. for now a cheap avt for giggles? any thoughts?
    no sig.....

  • #2
    Yes, avoid it like the plague.
    That's all I can say about it, because after trying it, I avoided it like the plague.


    • #3
      I used to have one and am glad I sold it on. There are other amps for the same price that have more usable tones. I also had the misfortune of gigging with a Valvestate and it was the worst tone I ever had at a gig. Nothing I did with the amp could give me a useable distortion tone.
      If you want a nice solidstate amp thats cheap, I'd recomend a Peavey Bandit. They have some good sounds and are solidly built, they're cheap too.


      • #4
        I spent some time with one about a week ago. I thought it was really going to be what I was looking for, but there was a "buzzy" sound that no matter how hard I tried, I could not dial it out. Just bad. For the same kind of money on what these are going for used, you could pick up a Peavey Valve King or something like that. Get a Trace Elliot Super Tramp if you want a nice SS yet "tubey" sound on a budget.

        FWIW, I had the same issue with Randall. There was a certain tone I could NOT get rid of. Maybe try a Line 6 HD or something like that?

        BTW - the Quad is an outstanding preamp, but I understand you have to take a LOT of time with it, and REALLY USE the manual to get the good tones. I'd love to have one to try out myself some day. With that said, some people just can't do Mesa even thought they love how they sound recorded. I was one of them. I'm starting to get it though.
        Last edited by chrisolson; 07-12-2007, 07:36 AM.


        • #5
          The AVT just wouldn't provide me the sound I wanted...I think you'll like it less than the Boogie.
          The single tube in the preamp section doesn't really cut it in terms of providing tone & I could never find a sound I was happy with using the AVT.
          I actually liked the line 6 sound better than the AVT, but ultimetly went with an Engl in the end.
          Do yourself a favor and forget the AVT.....just my .02 cents on it.


          • #6
            If you want a marshall, just sell you Mesa rig and buy a real (tube) one imo.


            • #7
              ok so ill pass on the marshal or maybe a marshall pre amp as the power amp has 2 channels?
              no sig.....


              • #8
                Keep the 295 and get a Marshall JMP-1. It'll work well I would think.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
                  Keep the 295 and get a Marshall JMP-1. It'll work well I would think.
                  i was thinking of spliting the signal from my guitar and having 1 channel marshal and 1 channel messa and gettign a second cab or 3?
                  no sig.....


                  • #10
                    Well, it's not like it's never been done, and would give you Marshall crunch with Mesa sizzle & thump...

