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EVH 5150 III update... theres trouble in FMIC !

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  • #16
    My theory is.. .even if its just a tube, they want to make sure its getting repaired correctly and everything works fine.Besides Tube power amps store voltage. . . so they dont want "us" poking around changing tubes etc with safety a concern, maybe the tube/tubes need to be baised as well?
    AND the amp is brand new under warranty. Just saying.
    Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


    • #17
      Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
      Fender is such a reputed name and Eddie is what a billionaire?
      I can damn near guarantee you he is NOT a billionaire. Not even close. The very fact that he is pushing all kinds of endorsement deals at this point signifies he is running low on cash.
      VERY low....
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #18
        SOrry but a Made in USA 5150 was cheaper and so are other USA made amps. The guitar world interview said EVH did this crazy brutal testing on it before he signed off. If that many are breaking down so soon I doubt he did any testing. They will get the bugs worked out eventually. Every new product has them. I personally wont be payin 2 grand for a MIM amp no matter who has there name on it.

        Oh yea I seem to recall a pissed off EVH who left Kramer after he found out about there axes being made in a foreign country. I guess hes the only one who can do that now and it be cool. Carvin Makes great 3 channel amp in the US and its way cheaper. This is yet another money grab for him. He has 3000 or more songs recorded why dont he just get VH back in the studio and make money the way most musicians do. BY MAKING MUSIC!!!!!!! This amp will go the way of the EVH striped guiatrs did. Down the toilet.

