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Any Sans Amp PSA-1 Users?

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  • Any Sans Amp PSA-1 Users?

    Just curious if you use one how do you like it and what effects/power amps are you using. I've had mine for about six years now and love it. The direct line really saved the day saturday night when my power amp took a dump after the third song of the first set. I've been kicking around the idea of running another preamp with this one, maybe a triaxis, to get true tube tone as well.

  • #2
    The PSA-1 is my favorite preamp. I use it with a VHT 2/90/2 through a BBE 882i. My TC G-Major is looped through it.

    I would never be caught without one. Just awesome in every way including silent recording. The Fender, Marshall and Mesa sounds are dead on.

    I also have a Triaxis that's brand new as a backup for the Mesa sound.
    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


    • #3
      Those PSA-1's are that good huh? I've been wondering about them myself. Seems like a pretty low cost alternative to most units out there.


      • #4
        Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
        Those PSA-1's are that good huh? I've been wondering about them myself. Seems like a pretty low cost alternative to most units out there.
        They are great and yes a bargain to what's out there. You get the Marshall, Fender and Mesa sounds, plus the bass amps, Ampeg, Fender, etc. Also, there are some pre made patches in the presets of some artists. Michael Sweet of Stryper fame suggested it to me when I was looking for Mesa Rectifier tones for direct recording.
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #5
          I had one. It wasn't "the grail" to my ears. There was something a bit harsh in the sound I could never quite dial out. Versatile as hell though. The Swiss Army Knife of sound! I thought it sounded good, but not great.


          • #6
            I had one of these years ago and it didn't do much for me, I have to say.

            But, I have got one of the single channel 19" ones, the predecessor to the PSA-1, and it is absolutely the best pre-amp I have ever had. It beats the shit out of anything else I have had a play with, and wouldn't part with it (despite certain people trying to lever it out of my grasp with tempting cash offers). That's why the PSA-1 really was a let-down in comparison.
            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

            I nearly broke her back


            • #7
              Owned and gigged with a PSA_1 for years, sold it tho.

              Was capable of a pretty brutal sound and quite flexible. Always had a fizz or white noise thing going on with it on distorted tones. I never felt it duped any amps to well, but was a great sound on it's own.

              I dialed a sound that perfectly nailed Alexi and Rupe on Sinergy's "To Hell and Back". I believe that is what they used for that CD tho.

              Unit is good. Not quite great. But really good. I don't see what tonal difference the 1.1 version has. They admit a redesign to make it cheaper and more efficient. Added more presets and an on/off switch on the front.

              I'm sure it's as cool as the old one easily, hopefully better...


              • #8
                Cleveland Metal, when you gigged did you use the direct line through the PA? So far every sound company I've ever worked with has loved the tone from the direct line. Some will still mic a cabinet and mix both which sounds huge in some systems. Guess I've been lucky with mine, no noise out of it at all. I do run a Hush to help keep things really quiet & control feedback at high gain. I'm still looking for that warmth of a tube preamp and want to keep with something midi-controlled. I have an ADA MP-1 but it just sounds so thin & brittle. I'd like to try a Triaxis sometime and see how it compares.


                • #9
                  I generally used it in my rack through either a Marshall EL34 100-100, or a Cerwin Vega Solid State power amp, and then later, through my VHT 2150.

                  Never did shows direct in with that.

                  MIDI comtrolled tube? Maybe the ENGL line, like E570, or the cheaper ones.


                  • #10
                    ive got one! almost literally stole it for 125 bucks! i dont think ill get rid of it, because of the simple fact its got tons of tones in it. it does have its own sound though...i dont think much of the patches really sound like what they are trying to duplicate, and i havent tried it direct, but through my Classic 120 it sounds pretty awesome.
                    like Cleveland, i also have nailed the Alexi and Roope tone from Sinergy's to hell and back, and i can swear that on Bodom's Follow the Reaper Alexi used that preamp, because i can get that tone pretty closely as well, and i can hear the PSA-1 tonality all over that CD.

                    one trick ive found though was to crank the High control (the manual tells you to use the High to counteract the speaker sim when running through a poweramp...or something like that) and after i cranked the high control, and turned down the Crunch a tad, it sounded awesome. although, i like tones with a good bit of high end so YMMV.

                    i dont have any midi switchers though, so if i played live id probably use my Rockmaster and have the PSA as a backup.

                    as for the MP-1...have you tried getting it modded? someone could probably thicken the tone of it up a bit
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                    • #11
                      Actually I have been kickin' around the idea of getting the MP-1 modded. Just didn't know if it would make that much difference for the $300-$500 cost of moddin' it. The sound clips from Voodoo Amps mods sound pretty killer.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rockinloud View Post
                        Actually I have been kickin' around the idea of getting the MP-1 modded. Just didn't know if it would make that much difference for the $300-$500 cost of moddin' it. The sound clips from Voodoo Amps mods sound pretty killer.
                        I have the Deluxe Mod from Voodoo in my MP-1. It sounds great, although the MP-1 is primarily Marshall in tone unless you go with the ADA Depot Mesa mod, but then you are limited to Mesa tone only according to what I have read. I have not heard a MP-1 with this mod in it. The Deluxe mod to my ears is not really worth the extra cost IMO, however the mod cleans up some of the noise and the Voodoo presets are nice. I also have a new Mesa Triaxis. It is truly a fine preamp. All the Mesa stuff is within including the Mark series and Rectifier amps if running through a Boogie power amp with Mode switching. I run mine through a Mesa 2:100 and the Triaxis switches the Rectifier mode.

                        Now back to the Sansamp PSA-1, which this thread is about. Like I said before, the PSA-1 has Fender, Marshall and Mesa Rectifier's tone within. Many of the factory presets demonstrate this. To me the amp is a great value for the price in a preamp.

                        Also, you mentioned your MP-1 sounding thin. Most of the preamps will benefit with a BBE Maximizer 482i. You might try one of those with your setup. I use the 482i live and the 882i in a studio setting.
                        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                        • #13
                          Yeah I run a BBE with my MP-1 and it does make a huge difference but the BBE gives it a "processed" sound and seems to kill some of the "grit" (hope that makes sense!). I ran that MP-1 for years and was pretty happy with it but the Sans Amp totally kills it IMO. Like you said you can dial in so many different tones with it, not a one trick pony like so many other pieces out there. Thanks for the input on the MP-1 mod. I may still get it done someday just to have that hot-rodded Marshall tone. I've always been more of a fan of Mesa tone so probably will end up with a Triaxis sooner or later. Man if I could just hit the Powerball lottery tonight...


                          • #14
                            Go with a BBE 422..more warm, "musical" with MUCH less Sizzle.
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                              Go with a BBE 422..more warm, "musical" with MUCH less Sizzle.
                              Thanks Bill for refering us to a discontinued model

                              I would guess you could look for a used 422.
                              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.

