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Clean Power - Need Recommendations Please

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  • Clean Power - Need Recommendations Please

    I am looking to add a clean power unit to my rack. Budget is $800.00 or less. I would greatly appreciate recommendations from those of you who have positive and negative knowledge and experience w/the various brands and models. It is a necessity and could be a rack mount or strip version. I currently only have a Furman ML-8 in the rack. Good basic protection and connection convenience but it ain't cuttin' it in moderate to high interference environments.

    I recently had my first experience w/a higher end clean power unit and was completely blown away at the difference it made when hooked into it as opposed to being hooked up w/o it. I toted my rack into the (large) room and the florescent lighting just killed me. Not to mention there were other interference factors. After hooking into the CP unit I was able to hear NOTHING except when playing. No hiss, no crackle, no buzz, no hum, nada. I thought my amp took a dump or something at first. I was using an all single coil Fender, was able to completely turn off and bypass my NR and could run my guitar volume knob at a full 10 standing directly in front of my setup. I believe the unit was a Monster Power. Can't be sure of the model though. It was 3u spaces and I was informed it was in the $1,400 to $1,600 variety new.

    I really can't justify that sort of coin even though the performance results have proven well worth it (to me). I'd like your input on something in the $800.00 and under variety.

    Please know that the future fate of my rack sound quality and my wallet are in your hands. And I'm comfortable w/that. Because this site is my favorite and most trusted resource when it comes to the things I am not quite sure of - Even over and above the HC reviews.
    In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.

  • #2
    Get a Furman AR-15 II or AR-1215... they fit your budget and are power REGULATORS not just pretty power strips. Basically within their capture range of of approximately 100V to 140V, they'll give your equipment 120V.
    Last edited by Robotechnology; 07-27-2007, 08:20 AM.


    • #3
      Thanks Robo! I appreciate the reply. Since this sort of thing is all new to me, I decided to do some more homework and talk to a few more people. That and I decided to go back and take a better look at what I was hooked into that day. The equipment was an AR20 Series II voltage regulator and an IT20 II power conditioner (around $3,100.00 for both).

      The voltage regulator (AR-15 II) was a great suggestion. And it will help solve voltage fluctuations. But it will not clamp down and eliminate other interference noises. That seems to require the IT20 II or equivalent. At $1700.00 and 90 lbs though... OUCH!

      I will be replacing my ML-8 with an AR-15 II very soon. I'll have to future budget for the IT20 II and a bionic back to move it.
      In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


      • #4
        I asked about this subject a few weeks ago and got no responses.
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
          I asked about this subject a few weeks ago and got no responses.
          That's because nobody likes you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
            I asked about this subject a few weeks ago and got no responses.
            Sorry man, wasn't online at the time to post an answer for ya


            • #7
              I was a little amazed about the lack of responses too. I didn't take the lack of response numbers personally though. I took it to mean that it was something most of us have lack of general knowledge/experience, etc., dealing with. OR, it could be simply because I'm ugly and my mom dresses me funny! But in the end I'll take quality over quantity any day. Robo's suggestion was 1/2 of the solution and perfectly in line with what I had already used w/success - also perfectly in line w/what some additional homework pointed out.

              I'm obviously no sound or studio tech. Otherwise I'd know more about this. But I do now know what worked so well that it totally floored me. And that is .....

              1) Correct/Steady voltage (voltage regulator) is a requirement to avoid gain, tone and volume dropouts. It can also prolong the life of your equipment if the voltage is inadequate, dodgey, or both.

              2) A high-end "Power Conditioner" is required to clean up the outside interference that can cause hum, buzz, etc. I suppose that is where the term "clean power" comes from?

              3) A basic "power conditioner" such as my current ML-8 is good basic protection against voltage spikes. It's a glorified surge protector it seems. But it does little or nothing to maintain consistent voltage or filter out problematic interference. A high-end voltage regulator could replace it, doing both jobs of spike protection and supplying consistent voltage.

              After talking to some very knowledgeable techs, Furman units were the only ones recommended by all I spoke with. All said basically the same thing. That being, Monster units work well too. BUT, their protection and/or filtering uses old "sweep" technology, which tends to wear out, get corroded/dirty and fail or malfunction a lot sooner. All of those techs use and/or own one or two AR20 Series II voltage regulators and one or two IT20 II's. Both units were recommended for studio and live applications. And all conceded that an AR-15 II would be the way to go in a guitar rack for anyone with space/weight/budget restrictions. In short, the AR-15 II would do nearly as well in live or studio applications used in conjunction w/the IT20 II. Though most highly recommended using the AR20 II in the studio.

              This is all of the info I have recently learned on this subject. Hopefully it is of some use to others. And anyone with more, better, or correcting info, please feel free to chime in. For now I am going to start out with the AR-15 II. It's $650.00 just about everywhere. But I have a line on one (new) for around $450.00. I'll budget for the IT20 II in the future, be it new or used.
              Last edited by T@rgetDrone; 08-01-2007, 06:17 PM.
              In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


              • #8
                Great, thanks for the information. I remember reading a post where member HippieTim was using an AR 15 II Pro, and I believe he had good success with it.

                Those 2 units used in unison should take care of all the problems.
                Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                • #9
                  I'm using the rack mounted Power Factor Pro

                  Furman Power Conditioners - Protect and optimize audio and video equipment with Furman trusted power conditioning products. The choice of every professional.

                  I know a lot of folks run something like PFP after the 15 II Pro - I probably should

                  This shit is confusing because when you read the specs there seems to be an incredible amount of overlap between the different types of devices.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                    I'm using the rack mounted Power Factor Pro

                    Furman Power Conditioners - Protect and optimize audio and video equipment with Furman trusted power conditioning products. The choice of every professional.

                    I know a lot of folks run something like PFP after the 15 II Pro - I probably should

                    This shit is confusing because when you read the specs there seems to be an incredible amount of overlap between the different types of devices.

                    Ah, there you are! Yeah, I remember the Power Factor Pro. I agree there seems to be a lot of overlap on capabilities between the devices.
                    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                    • #11
                      Got a AR 15 II coming. I'll give some reports once I test it out!
                      Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.

