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JVM or JSX head?

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  • JVM or JSX head?

    Before anyone says use the search, I already have. I founds some useful threads on the topic, but I just want to be sure before I drop the money on a new amp. This is a big purchase for me since I'm not playing in a band and not currently gigging, but only playing with friends mostly and also at home. I have been right on the edge of getting the JSX for weeks now. But the local importer just raised the price on the JSX by about 200€ so I am looking at alternatives, specifically the JVM410H.

    I don't have issues with any of the construction quality comments that have been made here or elsewhere on the JVM. This amp will mostly stay at home in my practice room and occasionally be transported by car to a rehearsal room we have at work for serious jamming with a few of my friends. I plan to use a 2x12 cab (not yet purchased) for portability reasons. I have been using a modeling amp (Vox AD60VT), so I want something that can give me a wide range of tones out of the box. I've narrowed this down to the JSX and JVM heads. I don't currently use any pedals, but I do have a recently purchased Pocket POD (sometimes used for practice through headphones). I would probably need to get a couple of pedals to use with this amp, as I have been relying on my modeling amp for effects and pedals. I should be able to use the POD in the effects loop for some effects though.

    Like I said, I had just about decided to go for the JSX until the distributor raised the price. Now the Marshall is 200€ cheaper, and that extra money could be put towards a 2x12 cab. A friend of mine has also been pushing me to the JVM, he currently has a TSL100 and has been very interested in the JVM since it came out.

    Long story short, could anyone who has played both give a nice comparison of the two amps? If they were the same price, which one would you go for and why? Is price a factor between the two? I'm not averse to swapping out tubes to get better tone and I have an electronics engineering background so biasing an amp myself is not a problem.

    Oh, and one requirement, the amp has to have a good usable clean channel. I believe based upon what I have read so far that the JSX is probably slightly better than the JVM in the cleans department. I have two SD singles (see my sig) in my DK2 that have really nice tone, so that is important to me. So please give your comments on the clean channel. Both amps seem to have more than enough gain, so that is not an issue.

    I currently play what's in my sig, and I will soon resurrect an 80's import strat copy, convert it to HH and replace the electronics. It will get an SD custom shop Crazy 8 humbucker in the bridge and an un-purchased humbucker in the neck (haven't decided yet). The music styles I like to play ranges from Texas blues rock (SRV), 80's thrash metal, 90's metal, 80's/90's hard rock, some nu-metal, prog metal, Finnish modern metal (CoB, Norther) with a bit of classic 70's rock thrown in. My main influences are SRV, Zakk, Satch, Gary Moore, Lynch, Ace, Page, Alexi, Roope Latvala, Eric Johnson, Joe Perry, Hammet, Hetfield, Lifeson, Petrucci, Dime R.I.P., Mustaine, and some guy named Randy
    My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab

  • #2
    We dig very similiar tones and style except for "Nu". I played the JSX 4 times and was able to dial in a very good "metal" tones on the ultra chanel very easily..almost too easy. It was very fun to play and I had a hard time stop playing a couple times because we got along very well.

    I heard the JVM and thought it sounded pretty good, but I didn't play it. I do not like the gain structure of the TSL/DSL whatsoever..way too thin, farty, saggy, and not warm or smooth at all, it sounds very "NU"..I certainly can't play VH with it. Maybe with stomp boxes, but I don't swing that way. To me, stomps are a generic and cheap way out for people who can't dial in a decent "high gain" amp. If you require them other than a clean boost for solos. That tells me you need another amp, if tone really matters..that's my conviction.

    I love my old faithful, Marshall 9200/JMP-1/ JFX-1..I run a BBE 422. It's very consistant, and nail the tones I like instantly everytime does classic VH tones very well. I beef that up to get me into what I do..Modern Thrash stuff with some crazy riffage..

    The JVM sounded like it has more girth and gain than my Marshal rig. The gain structure seemed warm, defined, tight and smooth..that's where I like it. I heard there is build quality concerns. Therefore I must defer you to Twisteramps (Pete) for his response in c/w that. He owned a JSX. I trust his insight on build quality and opinion on tone. He's more diverse of a player, such as Cleveland Metal John..that do cover material well, sounding like it should ..including playing clean tones which I do NOT do..but know good clean tones when I hear it.

    If I didn't have my Uberschall, I would prolly own a JSX. I've owned five 5150 and dialed them to death with BBE 422s / various EQs with both Marshall and 5150 I know exactly what they're about, but prefer the JSX. The 5150s are touchier to dial, and a bit "dead" sounding for solos (without stomp) IMO..but have a great metal "chug" that is cool. I couldn't get the JSX to sound "bad" really, it has more than enough usable gain, nice low end and geat lead tones..I get squeals and divebombs from hell and it chugged along nicely!

    I need to play the Marshall JVM's "heavy" guess, I would like it..better than the Peavey?..I dunno.

    I will test drive one on my next trip to GC.
    Last edited by horns666; 08-02-2007, 07:17 AM.
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #3
      The JVM KILLS. CLassic Marshall tone abilities but with the ability to get a real heavy low end crunch more like a metal tone. It also has all the gain you could ever want....throw your distortion pedal away!!!
      All four channels are awesone, if I had to pick a least favorite I would say the clean channel. But test drive em both. I dont think you will be disappointed with the JVM


      • #4
        I'd go JVM over Peavey. The JSX has that mid thing that just won't go away. I LOVE mids but, would also like the option to dial them out with the amp still sounding good. In reality, I don't really like the 3rd channel of the JSX. Just the 1st and the 2nd. With the JVM, I like at least one mode from EACH of the 4 channels. It comes with a GREAT footswitch and you can interface it with an effects unit to do MIDI channel/mode changes and preset changes on your FX. JVM wins by a mile (or a kilometer and a half ). The Marshall's green mode in channel 1 is a nice clean by the way.


        • #5
          I'm been reading much about the midrange. I'm really fussy when it comes to mids, especially the "honking" freqs. I never noticed it..BUT, I never had the JSX up to "band" volume levels..just a moderate level in the store once..are the mids always there or when you crank it to the required levels?

          Bill Z
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            See this mid "honk' , "wah" thing that people talk about with the JSX
            must be a QC build issue, meaning some of these come out of production
            with either a certain part or a component that causes this, because
            I play mine thru V30's for gods sakes with EL34's in it and I have none of these honking frequencies coming out of mine.
            I've used 6L6'c and Kt77's as well (and if I was gigging the Kt77's would be
            my #1 choice of tube for this amp) but at lower volumes the El34's have
            more character. The KT77's and the 6L6'c really take out a lot of the mids
            in the JSX but at lower volumes I found that it kind of "muddied" the sound.
            Cranked they sound great.
            One mistake that I find people make with the active EQ is, they try to run it like a regular amp. It doesn't work that way.
            I haven't tried the JVM but I will tell you this, when I play my JSX I don't think "wow that sounds like a souped up marshall" .......AT ALL!.
            The JSX has it's own sound (more like a smoother 5150).
            The crunch channel can 'do" a marshall type of tone, but it's definitely not Marshall "cloned".
            the clean channel is very "clean", it's loud as hell too. With reverb and chorus it sounds amazing.
            If you like the "marshall" sound I'd say get the JVM.
            One nice thing about the JSX (If you like the sound of it is that you can
            get 3 different type of tone structures out of it by swapping the tubes in
            and out and it's got the bias switch and dial right there. Piece of cake.

            I would try to play them side by side thru the same cab before I bought
            anything and see which one floats yourt boat..
            If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


            • #7
              Another vote for JVM. I've had mine now for a few weeks and it sound phenomenal--although I question the build quality. The footswitch is cool and, like Ivan, I find at least one mode in every channel that I really like. I also had a XXX w/ JJE34L's at one time (yep--it blew the SGR's) and the JVM shits ALL OVER the Peavey's clean (at least the XXX clean). The reverb on the JVM is really good too!


              • #8
                sorry to throw a wrench into the mix but have you checked out the new EVH 5150 III's? If not you should before making a decision on a JSX or JMV


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kmanick View Post
                  I haven't tried the JVM but I will tell you this, when I play my JSX I don't think "wow that sounds like a souped up marshall" .......AT ALL!.
                  The JSX has it's own sound (more like a smoother 5150).
                  The crunch channel can 'do" a marshall type of tone, but it's definitely not Marshall "cloned".
                  the clean channel is very "clean", it's loud as hell too. With reverb and chorus it sounds amazing.
                  +1. Haven't played the JVM, but the specs make it seem real cool. At the end of the day, though, I'm probably not a "Marshall guy" anyway. I love my JSX. It's very "me" in terms of the tones I prefer. But that's very subjective to each of us. More importantly, it's also very flexible with tones. i.e., It gives you a wide range to choose from, depending on channels and settings. Also, the loop kicks ass for adding effects. And I've never gotten nor heard this "mid wanky" issue people have spoken of. I suspect that's more a comment on some people's setting choices and/or tone preferences than any "problem" with the JSX itself.

                  I would say this, though. Although a couple hundred $$$ seems like a big issue at the moment, it'll be the last thing you think of a year from now if you're not happy with your amp's tone. So just go with whichever sounds the best to your preferences. Not whichever costs the least. And save up the extra dough, if you need to. Otherwise, you may be full of regrets later on.

                  Good luck.


                  • #10
                    Actually, here's a good clip showing that "toe down wah" quality of the JSX. He clicks in the crunch channel about about 2:40, and the thing I'm talking about is pretty evident. The stiff, thin and trebly nature of the tone sounds exactly like mine (heads don't have reverb, so the clean isn't quite as nice either). Sounds like a wah is on doesn't it?! This quality CANNOT be dialed out...

                    I guess some of you guys might like this tone of course. Obviously Satch does.


                    • #11
                      I ran 6L6s with my head, GT75 loaded Marshall JCM800 and 900 cabs, didn't have that mid thing going at all. *shrugs* Actually, DSS3 or something like that bought my JSX and posted clips of it on this board - probably still there if someone dug em up.


                      • #12
                        I have one and the only issue I had was the preamp tubes I'd been swapping in and out were all pretty bright. I threw a Tung Sol in V1 and some Penta Labs 9th gen. Chinese in V2 and V3 and it pretty much made the amp perfect. I do have a set of TAD 6L6's I'm going to swap in later.

                        Also, an EQ in the loop allows you total control over the way the amp sounds. It is a bright amp, but IMO it sounds better than the JVM I played at GC. That being said, I'd look into a VM over the JVM. That amp intrigues me.


                        • #13
                          Great feedback so far guys, it seems split about 50/50 at the moment. I'm leaving for the states for a couple of weeks tomorrow so I may have to find a GC and check them out. I haven't seen any of the EVH amps over here in europe yet, but from what I've read so far it sounds like a great amp. Here in Finland it's not always possible to find two (or more) amps you want to demo in the same store through the same cab, so it makes it kinda hard to make direct comparisons. I'll be checking this thread over the next few days after I touch down. Keep up the thread...!

                          My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kmanick View Post
                            See this mid "honk' , "wah" thing that people talk about with the JSX
                            must be a QC build issue, meaning some of these come out of production
                            with either a certain part or a component that causes this, because
                            I play mine thru V30's for gods sakes with EL34's in it and I have none of these honking frequencies coming out of mine.
                            I've used 6L6'c and Kt77's as well (and if I was gigging the Kt77's would be
                            my #1 choice of tube for this amp) but at lower volumes the El34's have
                            more character. The KT77's and the 6L6'c really take out a lot of the mids
                            in the JSX but at lower volumes I found that it kind of "muddied" the sound.
                            Cranked they sound great.
                            One mistake that I find people make with the active EQ is, they try to run it like a regular amp. It doesn't work that way.
                            I haven't tried the JVM but I will tell you this, when I play my JSX I don't think "wow that sounds like a souped up marshall" .......AT ALL!.
                            The JSX has it's own sound (more like a smoother 5150).
                            The crunch channel can 'do" a marshall type of tone, but it's definitely not Marshall "cloned".
                            the clean channel is very "clean", it's loud as hell too. With reverb and chorus it sounds amazing.
                            If you like the "marshall" sound I'd say get the JVM.
                            One nice thing about the JSX (If you like the sound of it is that you can
                            get 3 different type of tone structures out of it by swapping the tubes in
                            and out and it's got the bias switch and dial right there. Piece of cake.

                            I would try to play them side by side thru the same cab before I bought
                            anything and see which one floats yourt boat..
                            I guess on the same page with Nick and Pete so far with the JSX. I know all about 6L6's when loud with my Marshall and the 5150's I've had. I did have a major "honk" complaint with my Uberschall at "band" levels and knew it was prolly EL34 power section. I've had that complaint before with other Amps w/EL34 including the same Marshall Monoblock I own and Two Ampeg Lee with EL34, one with 6550s. When I A/B those identical amps/settings side by side years ago, I noticed a huge difference and definitely like the 6550s much better. Which worked out because the one with EL34s started on fire, due to extra tolex that was just folded in there..that was awesome!

                            I was considering a poweramp tube change with my Uberschall for a while. Then one of my JJ 12ax7s went bad. I called the Tube Store and spoke to someone (Dan) of my ongoing complaint with "Honking" mids. I was happy to hear he recieves the same complaints with the same amps. He insisted I try the Tung Sol, if I didn't like them I could send them back for refund..which are much higher in price than my JJs. I gave it a shot and I noticed it immediately resolved my "Honk" and gave me alot more output as well. Which immediately required to adjust the noise gate on my G Major and start from scratch. The Uber is very dark sounding now. It has a very aggressive interactive EQ section. I had to back off the lows for the first time to get the right balance of mids and "cut" over a loud drums. I have the luxury of a live-in, maniac drummer, which I tweak my tone to. It just worked out by dumb luck. I assume the Tung Sol preamp tubes would prolly be too dark with 6L6 or Kt77s..KT88s now. They seems to be a good balance with the JJ El34s .
                            I only noticed that "honk" when I cranked my Bogner with the stock was always there, and I couldn't dial it out for the life of literally sounded like a car horn to me. Like Madryan Tung Sol certainly worked out for me. I believe Steve tried the Tung Sol with the JSX and didn't have that luck..My mememory is getting fried, maybe I'wrong. For me, going from the JJs to Tung Sols made a very big difference. I love my tone more than ever now..and I'll NEVER go back to JJs with the Uber. That's my personal preference anywhoo.

                            Like Shawn said, for the price, may as well try The 5150 III. I certainly will whenver I see one, as well as the JVM for personal confirmations. Pete loves tha Randall MTS w/ the brown modules..check that out everything you possibly can and get the tone you want from your head, to your fingers to your ears...

                            Good luck

                            Bill Z Bub
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              I don't want to be too harsh, as I know everybody has a different perception of what good tone is. Besides... even a "toneless" amp in capable hands can sound amazing. I saw a vid of Satch playing on some early morning news program. He was playing through one of those Ibanez toneblaster 10 watt combos and a few stomps and he sounded exactly like Satch (I've seen him live about three times). I would've thought he was plugged into an expensive amp of some sort if I didn't know any better. I think that the player's perception of his tone at any given time translates into his playing, making things sound good or bad. That is taking into account that the guy playing knows how to get the best possible tone he can out of the amp he is using. I think the guy on the video knew how to dial his JSX in and could play pretty well, so I think that is a fair representation as to how the amp sounds.

                              Yep, I've tried Tung Sol, JJ, EH, Sovtek LPS, and Groove Tubes in there (whatever they really are).

