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Trainwreck Liverpool clone clip

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  • #16
    Originally posted by speed monkey View Post
    Well, if the time has come where you can sniff corks for under $750 delivered for a new rig, times is good

    I'm hoping my Express is done in the next few days....

    Steve E
    the comment was merely in jest towards some of TGP folk :ROTF:


    • #17
      Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
      the comment was merely in jest towards some of TGP folk :ROTF:

      Well since this is what it looks like round' my house these days - guilty as charged and the Express clone will fit in puuuurfect

      To be fair - the Concorde is in Australia now, but I want one of them too

      Steve E


      • #18
        Apparently, all discussion of Nik's amps has been banned at TheGearPage under threat of lawsuit from Ken Fisher's family. A lot of people don't like it because it impinges on free speech. On the other hand, there's an emporium there, and if you try to sell uncopyrighted material, the website owner may be held liable.

        Some of these amps have the Trainwreck logo on them, which makes them more difficult to sell through legal avenues. On the other hand, I think this is going to do great damage to Nik's business, especially since he's in Malaysiaa and TGP was a great place to advertise, and consequently the price of these Wreck clones is going to skyrocket. I betcha everyone is holding tightly onto their Ceriatones right now.


        • #19
          I think that is bullshit really. Discussing amps regardless of original mfgs, logo, clones from billybob in his garage are not illegal .

          Whats next, can't talk about plexi kits because they are copying Marshall? Can't talk about lawsuite Ibanez LP's or Tokia strat? What all about the strathead guitars? can't discuss them because Fender is gonna come after them? Just a crock and Scott is over estimating the TGP's status and legal implications towards them...just a giyu who bends under any form pressure if you ask me and I don't personally know him


          • #20
            Originally posted by danastas View Post
            Apparently, all discussion of Nik's amps has been banned at TheGearPage under threat of lawsuit from Ken Fisher's family.
            I don't know that's entirely accurate. Here's Scotts post re: the subject:

            Don't touch my nuts there Mr. 500VDC.

            Folks - Brian might take all this personally and be reacting to the folks braying the loudest here.

            I'll state it simply, again and shut this thread down. It's time to chill. Don't start another. Topic is closed; there is no discussion left to be had.

            TGP isn't closing. I'll promise you that.

            If you want to bitch about it, PM me or email me. User your real name. If you have issues, then so be it. If you want to post $25,000 for a legal defense fund, then step up. If you don't, then chill.

            If you don't understand that, then read through this thread and skip over the crap and read between the lines.

            A few points to clarify:
            The Fischer Family did not send us a Cease & Desist letter
            The Fischer Family did not threaten TGP
            The Fischer Family did not contact Ceriatone
            There is no impending legal action
            We received a copy of the letter the attorney for the Fischer family sent to Vintage Guitar Magazine concerning the then proposed article detailing a cloned Trainwreck. The article was pulled.
            We have had 2 instances in the past two months were legal action was taken against us for content posted by members. In one case, the person behind the company threatened to spend enough money to drive the case far enough to take down TGP, even though there was no legal precedent to stand on
            We pro-actively took action to remove the possibility of such action where TGP could be looked at as somehow supporting trademark infringement as related to Ceriatone 'Trainwreck' amps
            We are actively pursuing different avenues and possibilities going forward for TGP to both stem and counter the possibility of this litigious culture we are seemingly running into more and more.
            Reality is that there is no way any civil discussion can take place regarding those amps over there, total lightning rod with some good points and some total jackass points. I for one don't support the idea of selling a product with another persons trademarked logo onit, but thats just me. I also think it's total cheese to put a logo on something that it isn't - i.e. GMW with a Charvel logo, any parts mutt with a Fender logo or Charvel logo. Said owner certainly has the right to do so, but it's not something I support and will gladly heckle those that do heh...The GMW vs. Charvel thread here appears to have been pulled after Genebaby was getting ribbed for putting a Jackson logo on his GMW.

            Lots of pros and cons either way - I still think Niks amps are awesome and if anything the interest in his business has grown as a result of the hullabaloo. There'sa actually a used Wreck and Liverpool clone for sale at:

            Steve E


            • #21
              What's bad about their decision to ban the ceriatone 'wreck discussion there is that the admins pointed out early in the threads how it was a moral/ethical issue. Well, there were things just as 'bad' going in other parts of the board - let's call a spade a spade: TGP is beholden to several boutique manufacturers, and if Nik was a bigger player (read: charged more for his amps and was in the USA) I bet the entire thing would have been resolved offline between him and the admins. Instead they decided to go after him and leave others alone that do much the same.

              Fuck em, I already have my liverpool clone and have my express kit on order.


