There´s a factory gain mod? Hmm, that could explain why I think people are crazy when they talk about the supposed lack of gain in the K-series... other than that people really are crazy, that is. Is there any way to tell if mine has it? I know it hasn´t been modded by anyone else, but maybe it was ordered that way... hmm...
I´ve only heard great stuff about the K-Tre, and it probably packs a ferocious punch, but I´m somehow a bit put off by how it´s marketed... and used mostly, as well. How does it perform at gain levels below warp speed 9? I mean, I´m in no need of more gain than what it takes to get my hair metal leads off the ground... so a 2203 slammed hard with a Tubescreamer is basically enough gain for me.
I´ve only heard great stuff about the K-Tre, and it probably packs a ferocious punch, but I´m somehow a bit put off by how it´s marketed... and used mostly, as well. How does it perform at gain levels below warp speed 9? I mean, I´m in no need of more gain than what it takes to get my hair metal leads off the ground... so a 2203 slammed hard with a Tubescreamer is basically enough gain for me.