I've been playing thru solid state and digital modelling amps for the past 10 years. My current gigging setup is a Vetta head thru a 2x12 cab and I think it's killer. A couple of weeks ago, I got a Randall RM50 with an XTC module and started playing with it. Immediately, I found the feeling of the amp to be much warmer than the Vetta. I usually noodle at low volumes and the difference is pretty incredible. I then setup the Vetta to be identical to the Randall, using the XTC model, in volume, tone and grit. At the same volume, the Randall always seems warmer, in a good way and not muddy. I couldn't get that with the Vetta. Turning up the bass or backing the treble down didn't really help. The Randall sounded really good.
That being said, the Vetta is still my main gigging amp, but the Randall is way cool, and warm on its own. I guess I now understand all this hoopla about tubes vs. ss. I still think they both have their place, but I now have a better understanding of why tube heads feel the way they do.
That being said, the Vetta is still my main gigging amp, but the Randall is way cool, and warm on its own. I guess I now understand all this hoopla about tubes vs. ss. I still think they both have their place, but I now have a better understanding of why tube heads feel the way they do.