Guys, I have an original Madison 4x12 cabinet when the had the fur on them and the English made Symphony speakers. Anyway, I got surious how the were mounted, wired etc. so I took the front grill off and proceded to unscrew one of the speakers and it fell out and I acidentilly put my finger trhu the paper near the metal outside ring, it is a rip about 2 inches long. So I put it back in, fired the amp up and proceeded to play and the sound didn`t change or anything weird. Is this normal that a ripped speaker still sounds the same? I am just curious. Also, these are front mounted speakers and they soldered the wires on to the speakers and a very good job they did
It is wired at 8 ohms. The speakers themselves have No Ohm markings on them at all, so i am not sure how they got to the 8 Ohm rating-weird!! Anyway, it is a pain in the butt holding the speaker outside the cab while peeking inside. How do you guys deal with that to put new speakers in? Do you have reall long wires so you can bring them all out and lay them on the ground? Seams like a serious pain in the butt to put new speakers in. The back panel does not come off. Another thing, they really over built these early cabinets man
The speaker magnets are huge and they are copies of the older 85 watt Celestions and they are ported speakers. I actually think they were made by Celetion as they have the same style stickers and they say Lipswitch England on them. Anyway, I appreciate you answers to my questions and comments. Oh, by the way, these speakers have alot of base and headroom and really don`t crunch, but I think that is what the old 85 watt Celestions were like?
