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I need a proper metal distortion pedal... help!

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  • I need a proper metal distortion pedal... help!

    I like thick mids, tight low end, an organic tone (if you see what I mean)...I need a lot of gain but not OTT. I want little noise and no feedback (er... obviously)... aside from that I'm not too picky. Marshall voiced more so than Boogie or most things else...

    The Metal muff was too thin and buzzy for me, really not a great tone... The Boss stuff isn't great save perhaps for the ML2 and that's pretty much everything we have around here. So any suggestions, if possible under 150 USD are welcome! Thanks!

  • #2


    • #3
      My main choice right now along with the British Sound


      • #4
        Sounds like you need a Genz Benz El Diablo 60C.


        • #5
          Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
          I've got one of those... it's like a Recto in a box. Pott is looking for more of a Marshall tone.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
            Sounds like you need a Genz Benz El Diablo 60C.
            Sounds like I have a very tiny budget and no hope for a new amp in at least 10 years

            Hehe sorry... I just can only afford a pedal right now.


            • #7
              Originally posted by toejam View Post
              I've got one of those... it's like a Recto in a box. Pott is looking for more of a Marshall tone.
              Oops! Right you are joe!

              ok, how about one of these? I once bought one of these. but not the exact same one. It was a blue colored one... The sales rep told me this would be the best thing for a marshall sound. Its got three stages of gain.



              • #8
                I like these but they're too expensive. They cost over 300 bucks over here. Closer to 400 I believe.

                Contenders so far are AMT stuff, Subdecay Blackstar and the Righteous Tone Fang.


                • #9
                  i'm thinking about getting a jekyll and hide but i'm not sure at the moment.
                  Widow - "We have songs"




                  • #10
                    Boss MT-2. Best metal pedal I have ever played.

                    The only thing better is an MT-2 modded by Keeley in my opinion.
                    All men play on 10. Never gonna turn down again.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                      I agree. Its the best distortion pedal I have ever heard or owned.


                      • #12
                        I think it may end up being it...

                        I realized my favorite tones ARE actually Mesa based. DOH. I just always had such a negative image of the Dual rectumfrier that I never realized it's the basis for a lot of tones...

                        Anyway I really like Nevermore's tone on Psalm on Lydia, Down on their latest album and ESPECIALLY Edguy's on Navigator and King of Fools.
                        For the AMT dudes... which would suit my needs best y'all think?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mazrim View Post
                          Boss MT-2. Best metal pedal I have ever played.

                          The only thing better is an MT-2 modded by Keeley in my opinion.
                          Not sure if this would be a good choice here. I wouldn't describe the MT-2 as having a organic tone. Yes i do own one myself and it's part of my main rig. I like to boost the signal with it, eq it a bit and introduce only a little distortion from the MT-2. About 80% of the distortion comes from the amp. I feel that if you use too much distortion from the MT-2 you pretty fast end up with a very buzzy and chainsaw like distortion. Personally i think the key to good sound with the MT-2 is to use it very lightly (at least from the distortion side).


                          Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                          • #14
                            Yeah well I suppose it depends on your guitar too. I have two MT-2's. One normal and one thats modded by Keeley.

                            You do need to set up the amps sound first but you dont need any distortion. If the sound gets too buzzy you can just dial off the high eq. I dont have a problem anyway. Thats just with the standard version.
                            Running this pedal through the clean channel on a JVM with an ESP MII Urban Camo (EMG 81's) has provided one of the most beautiful and brutal distortions I have ever heard.

                            Now, with the Keeley modded version is a bit different. Its totally more organic sounding and the dynamic range is doubled or more. You can get any proper metal tone from Judas Priest to Metallica to Slayer up to more modern tones. Its a different animal.

                            I personally havent heard better.
                            All men play on 10. Never gonna turn down again.


                            • #15
                              I think the new Boss ML-2 is way better, it's what the MT-2 should have been. It's the best metal distortion pedal I've personally heard so far, but I've never tried any of the AMT stuff though.

