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Spider Valve

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  • #16
    I walked out of GC with a 1x12 combo and the FBV Shortboard for $825 + tax. It is a killer rig at that price.

    One thing though, it is a tube amp so it will not sound it's best at bedroom volume. You need to get it cranked up - I am going to try it with a Hot Plate.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #17
      Well I played a 1x12 last week and Tim's review is pretty spot-on. The amp models sound SO much better than the regular spider but the effects are just ok. That's the quick review, read on for more.

      I've played through the regular spiders (II and III) many times because I know a couple presets that I like and can figure out quickly if I like a guitar. So I start with a Slipknot preset on the SpiderValve (SV for the rest of this) and I'm digging it. Great high gain preset (no effects) but something is different - I'm getting that vibration/tingling in the pants that only a tube amp can give. I thought my cell phone in my pocket was ringing Anyway, I play that for a while and like it but Line 6 has always had good high gain sounds, IMO. And their cleans are really, well - clean. It's the in-between settings that I've always found lacking. For example, the Clean, Metal, and Insane are great on the Spider but I find the twang, blues, and even Crunch to be a little weak/sterile sounding. Not so on the SV.

      I was playing an Ibanez 2550, so I had a H/S/H pup configuration and 5-way switch, which is pretty versatile. At one point I had it on the middle pup, with the volume rolled back a little, and one of the Blues channels (can't remember which color). I was getting a nice, dirty clean/slightly overdriven sound, which already was an improvement over the Spider. Then I would switch to the bridge hum, roll the volume all the way up, and........searing blues lead - not my playing the amp tone
      It reacted like, well, a tube amp! This is something the regular Spider just doesn't do.

      I'm the opposite of jg, though. The Vetta has too much editing for me. Which is why I've also wondered, like lhrocker, if the longboard will work. Because I'm seriously considering selling my Vetta to get the SV and would just keep the longboard. I think like Tim said, it will work, you just won't use some of the buttons.

      By the time I typed all this, Robo and Tim had already posted -lol. Congrats on the purchase, Tim! Hey, you bought it at GC, so you've 30 days to test it anyway
      Last edited by jwoods986; 10-22-2007, 10:13 AM.
      Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


      • #18
        I played the Spider Valve today at Mannys music in NYC using an N4.

        And my very brief conclusion is that is definitely a step above all of the existing line6 combos ( excluding vetta bc i have never played one ).

        It definitely sounds warmer but is still not up to par with a traditional tube amp.

        Thats all I got!


        • #19
          I'd like a new amp,PM me
          HIGHLY MODDED Peavey Ultra Plus 120
          Peavey Vypyr 15 Watt Amp
          (2)Vader 2x12 Cabs
          Late 80's-early 90's Ibanez Tubescreamer
          Boss TU-2
          2005 Jackson SLSMG Soloist
          1986 Black Cherry Charvel Model 4
          1988 Blue Charvel Model 3DR


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dan View Post
            I'd like a new amp,PM me
            Then go buy one - I hear stores everywhere sell them.


            • #21

              Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
              Then go buy one - I hear stores everywhere sell them.


              • #22
                Tried one today...the further the volume went up, the more it sounded like a valvestate. Good for the money, though not really sure who it's aimed at.


                • #23
                  Ok, mine went back yesterday. The more I messed with it the more I hated the fact that the effects just outright suck balls.

                  The amp by itself sounds really great. If it had a traditional footswitch for channel changes or supported MIDI I probably would have kept it and just integrated an outboard effects unit like I would with any other amp. There just isn't a good way to have decent effects and a single foot controller with the Spider Valve.

                  The delay is pretty usable if you use the tape echo setting but otherwise the delays are mediocre. The chorus and flanger are just weak but the phaser and tremolo outright suck. The reverb really isn't very good either but that would not have been a deal breaker for me.

                  I love the flexibility and simplicity of the rig but the effects just kill it for me.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SEAN RAF View Post
                    Tried one today...the further the volume went up, the more it sounded like a valvestate. Good for the money, though not really sure who it's aimed at.
                    I know a guy on another board that works for THD and can play about any amp he wants... he's gigging happily with his. So am I. different strokes for different folks, but one thing this doesn't sound like as you turn it up is a valvestate. The modulation effects suck, but about the only ones I use at gigs anyways are huge flanges for some of the covers we do - the rest of the time I use some of the tape delay settings and some reverb.



                    • #25
                      Picked a 112 combo today. It certainly a good step up from the regular Spider III. No, it still does not feel and sound like a good tube amp (while the power section there obviously is a good tube amp). But it sounds very good nonetheless, just on its own right. The modulation effects are not that usable, the rest is very good.

                      Also tested Rocktron Prophesy into the amp-in, and this combination sounds very good. A bit darker than the built-in line6 modeler but very clean and sophisticated. Hmm, I think I like this setup as well.

                      I would say this one is a keeper.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                        but one thing this doesn't sound like as you turn it up is a valvestate.

                        I agree, to you it doesn't sound like a Valvestate. To me, however...


                        • #27
                          Sound like a Valvestate?? Mmm not to my ears either. The effects don't suck just WISH they were more adjustment for them like the Flextone amps.

                          I'm playing metal with a new band and have my 112 sitting on top and plugged into a Marshall 4X12 and it sounds killer!


                          • #28
                            Had mine a couple weeks -- right after the Mk. I price drop -- and just starting to dial in some good hard rock/metal tones. I'm confused about how EQ and Presence should work to together though. Should I get the EQ right, then mess with the Presence, never touch it or what? Any other tone secrets? Thanks.
                            Pro Series DK2M Dinky (Discontinued) *Seymour Duncan JB TB4, Jazz SH2N* Five-way Superswitch (aftermarket, split coils)

                            Line6 Spider Valve HD 100+Basson B212, BOSS ME-25+Tech 21 Power Engine, Line 6 Flextone III

                            Check out my Latest live


                            • #29
                              I have the head(HD100) and 4x12 cab with the vintage 30 speakers. I really like this for a gigging amp. It is simple, easy to use, and sounds good. My only complaint with it though is that it needs some kind of level control for the effects. The chorus especially is a tad too much. If it could be dialed down some it would be a more usable effect. The delays are adequate. I don't use reverb so I can't offer an opinion on that. Prior to this amp I had a Mesa Solo 50 head. I hated the effect loop on that thing with a passion and didn't feel like modding it so I bought this for its good sound quality and to eliminate the absolute need to lug a rack to shows. I've had my HD100 for a year now and it's seen quite a bit of use and it's still performing well. I'm going to keep this setup and am currently building up a small all rack set up with a Digitech GSP1101 processor and a power amp. Haven't decided on the power amp but I've been checking into VHT(now-Fryette),ENGL,and Carvin...depending on finances. The Line6 V30 cab. has sounded great with all sorts of different heads plugged into it.
                              2 BC Rich USA Gunslinger's-lightning bolt graphic
                              BC Rich USA Mockingbird-candy apple red metallic
                              BC Rich USA STIII-gray snakeskin
                              Ibanez RG770DX-lazer blue
                              Kramer Sustainer American-black


                              • #30
                                another reanimated thread....

