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Using the Vetta live...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jgcable View Post
    The Vetta is a great amp and proves that the tube myth is just that... a myth.
    Actually, it doesn't. It proves that a well designed modeling amp can be as good as a tube amp.
    My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


    • #17
      Originally posted by thetroy View Post
      They both do the same thing how is it apples to oranges?
      OK - so then by your logic, all preamps are the same. Why ask the question then - you should be able to answer it all on your own

      Apples to Oranges = similar but different. Try them out for yourself. Some people like L6, and some like Boss. I've tried both, liked both, but prefer L6. L6 seems to be based more around the amp modeling, whereas Boss is based more around the effects you throw into it. Just my $.02. YMMV.


      • #18
        They have much more in common than the fact that they are both preamps and you know it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
          Apples to oranges. That and there's too many haters/fanboys to ever get a real unbiased poinion.
          I agree.. apples to oranges.

          I will give you my take in simple terms.

          The GT-8 is a much better processor for live use.
          The XT Live has a much better software editor.


          • #20
            Originally posted by thetroy View Post
            So GT8 vs. XTLive - who wins?
            I had just about every floor processor. the GT-8 and the XT Live are both great but having the acoustic simulator and the ability to have 2 amps at once like the Vetta makes the GT-8 a winner for me. I also like the onboard user interface better. The XT Live is really designed to be edited on a PC.


            • #21
              only the Vetta combo has the flub problem, mine had it; it's because of the open back.

              what I did to correct that was close off the back with a nice piece of tolexed plywood. now it has all the punch and chunk I ever wanted.

              like jg says, the Vetta rules.

              the other guy in my band has a GT6 he puts through a solid state Fender amp and I destroy his tone on every song he plays guitar on (he plays keys too). too bad too, cause he's a good player.
              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


              • #22
                the other guy in my band has a GT6 he puts through a solid state Fender amp[/quote]
                There's his problem.

                IMO the vetta has an edge over the GT-8 in two aspects of a great tone. 1) a good power amplifier 2) good presets. This is probably why the podxt even though has a few vetta models is not embraced as well as the vetta.
                There is a pdf floating around in the gt8 forums, it talks about how to eliminate clipping by following some simple steps like reducing the guitar's input and by monitoring the overall output. If one is too lazy to follow those simple steps and want a plug-in-and -go then probably the XT is the way to go. however, the consensus is that that gt-8 sounds warmer and fuller than the XT. Havent tried the vetta so cant comment on it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by skorb View Post
                  the other guy in my band has a GT6 he puts through a solid state Fender amp[/quote]
                  There's his problem.

                  IMO the vetta has an edge over the GT-8 in two aspects of a great tone. 1) a good power amplifier 2) good presets. This is probably why the podxt even though has a few vetta models is not embraced as well as the vetta.
                  There is a pdf floating around in the gt8 forums, it talks about how to eliminate clipping by following some simple steps like reducing the guitar's input and by monitoring the overall output. If one is too lazy to follow those simple steps and want a plug-in-and -go then probably the XT is the way to go. however, the consensus is that that gt-8 sounds warmer and fuller than the XT. Havent tried the vetta so cant comment on it.
                  I agree with everything you just daid. Well said.


                  • #24
                    Thanks John. Appreciate the kind words.


                    • #25
                      I Figure this was as good a place as any to pose a question about using the Vetta live. In the past, I have just had the soundman mic a speaker, and call it a gig. In the future I plan on running stereo. What would be the best configuration for this? I was thinking using the 4x12 for my stage monitor, and running the stereo outs to the soundboard. If this is the way its usually done, do I need direct boxes or anything, or do I just go directly from the head to the board?

                      I'm tired of playing my recording patches into my recording machine, full stereo, thicker and heavier than shit, then plugging into my mono rig. It still sounds great, but nothing compares to that stereo signal. It totally smoothes the tone over. The difference is night and day.

                      Which leads me to my next question; why in the hell are two 2x12's so much more expensive than 2 4x12's? I was thinking about losing my 4x12 for two decent 2x12's so I could practice in stereo as well, but after some basic research I cant believe the price difference. I thought about just getting another 4x12, but I am trying to lighten my load just a bit.. so lugging around a full stack isnt what I had in mind. Maybe someone can suggest some cheaper, yet decent 2x12 cabs? Keep in mind, I am currently using a B52 400 watt 4x12. It sounds pretty nice for what I paid, but I spose that has a little something to do with the fact a meticulously tweaked Vetta II is the driving force behind it.

                      Any suggestions are completely appreciated.


                      • #26
                        [quote=skorb;1002222]only the Vetta combo has the flub problem, mine had it; it's because of the open back.

                        what I did to correct that was close off the back with a nice piece of tolexed plywood. now it has all the punch and chunk I ever wanted.

                        like jg says, the Vetta rules.

                        My Vetta 2 Combo is flubbery for sure...

                        Is the correction really this simply? Did you screw the playwood in?


                        • #27
                          The Vetta 2 combo flubs because of the open back design.
                          Get a closed back cabinet for it and you will be all set. Closing the back is certainly an option too.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by trysgrt View Post
                            Maybe someone can suggest some cheaper, yet decent 2x12 cabs? Keep in mind, I am currently using a B52 400 watt 4x12. It sounds pretty nice for what I paid, but I spose that has a little something to do with the fact a meticulously tweaked Vetta II is the driving force behind it.

                            Any suggestions are completely appreciated.
                            This company is well-respected here:

                            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by skorb View Post
                              only the Vetta combo has the flub problem, mine had it; it's because of the open back.

                              what I did to correct that was close off the back with a nice piece of tolexed plywood. now it has all the punch and chunk I ever wanted.

                              like jg says, the Vetta rules.

                              My Vetta 2 Combo is flubbery for sure...

                              Is the correction really this simply? Did you screw the playwood in?
                              PM sent
                              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by skorb View Post
                                the other guy in my band has a GT6 he puts through a solid state Fender amp[/quote]
                                There's his problem.

                                he could put that GT6 through a Crate Palomino 30 and sound way better than he does now. he also plays keys and sings though, so he's got more going on and thus not on the search for perfect tone like I am.
                                the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives

