Was plugging into it the other night and, before I could even switch from "standby" to "on", the power light went out. Nothing, nada. The amp is getting power, though, as the channel lights are still functioning and switching fine.
I pulled the back panel, and pulled each tube. They all look OK. They aren't getting any power, though. I also pulled the fuse, which seemed OK, too. When I get a chance to get some spare tubes and fuses, I'll test/replace each one-by-one to confirm they're not the problem.
Anyone have some other good troubleshooting ideas? I want to try everything possible before I have to pack her up and ship it out to an authorized service center. (...The nearest of which is about 85 miles from me.
I pulled the back panel, and pulled each tube. They all look OK. They aren't getting any power, though. I also pulled the fuse, which seemed OK, too. When I get a chance to get some spare tubes and fuses, I'll test/replace each one-by-one to confirm they're not the problem.
Anyone have some other good troubleshooting ideas? I want to try everything possible before I have to pack her up and ship it out to an authorized service center. (...The nearest of which is about 85 miles from me.
