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Who records with a POD?

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  • Who records with a POD?

    I'm having a software problem, and I figure I'll just try and use a different software.

    Who records, using their Line 6 POD or POD XT or POD XT Live or any POD, into their computer, USB?

    What software do you use?

  • #2
    Have used both cubase and adobe audition with both XLR and USB Connections. I found that Cubase was a little unfriendly when it came to the Line6 pod drivers and Windows Vista. So, I stuck with the XLR output going into a Motu Ultralite. Audition 3.0 is starting to become a more mature editing environment. There is a huge different between 3.0 and 2.0.

    Insert annoying equipment list here....


    • #3
      I've recorded with a POD 2.0 several times. My method was a bit unorthodox, but it worked very well for me.

      1. I ran a line that went from Left/Right 1/4-inch stereo on the POD into 1/8-inch stereo on my sound card. I *think* I bought this cable at Guitar Center.

      2. Recorded each track with a piece of shareware called Total Recorder.

      3. Used GoldWave to clean the tracks up, i.e. cut off the string noise before I began playing, add a fade at the end, etc....

      4. Mixed the tracks with Cool Edit Pro, which is now Adobe Audition.

      Let me know if I haven't confused you enough yet!

      EDIT: I missed the part about USB. I didn't use any USB connections, just straight audio cable.
      Last edited by PowerTube; 11-07-2007, 08:51 AM.
      Member - National Sarcasm Society

      "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


      • #4
        Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
        I've recorded with a POD 2.0 several times. My method was a bit unorthodox, but it worked very well for me.

        1. I ran a line that went from Left/Right 1/4-inch stereo on the POD into 1/8-inch stereo on my sound card. In *think* I bought this cable at Guitar Center.

        2. Recorded each track with a piece of shareware called Total Recorder.

        3. Used GoldWave to clean the tracks up, i.e. cut off the string noise before I began playing, add a fade at the end, etc....

        4. Mixed the tracks with Cool Edit Pro, which is now Adobe Audition.

        Let me know if I haven't confused you enough yet!

        EDIT: I missed the part about USB. I didn't use any USB connections, just straight audio cable.
        i record like this...except simpler. output (i use the mono aka left output) into the soundcard and use Sonar to do all my editing and mixing. one thing about just doesnt sound as good as going through a full mixer/preamp setup or the like. USB doesnt sound that good either IMO, and a lot of people (including me) have trouble with white noise when using USB.

        i dont do anything serious with it...just little jam tracks and the like. if i was totally serious about recording the best quality tracks i could id get a preamp or mixer to put the Pod through so i could get the full left and right outputs rather than the one mono output. recorded my band's last album this way and it sounds pretty good IMO.
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        • #5
          I've got recordings that I've done on USB, and they sound fine. The guitar sound is very good, and I don't get the white noise or anything like that.

          I'm just having issues with my software, and I'm trying to find another, "user friendly" i mean, CEP is about as easy as it gets! that will let me use my POD XT Live. The Sonar LE, is confusing as hell. I may actually call them from work tomorrow to see if a tech could tell me what the hell is up.

          I may just have to buy adobe audition and see if it nukes on me too.


          • #6
            I don't know if it will do what you want, but look at Audacity since it's free.


            • #7
              Originally posted by thetroy View Post
              I don't know if it will do what you want, but look at Audacity since it's free.

              It's great if you just wanna record stuff without doing advanced mixing and such, VERY easy to use.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Deneb View Post
                I've got recordings that I've done on USB, and they sound fine. The guitar sound is very good, and I don't get the white noise or anything like that.

                I'm just having issues with my software, and I'm trying to find another, "user friendly" i mean, CEP is about as easy as it gets! that will let me use my POD XT Live. The Sonar LE, is confusing as hell. I may actually call them from work tomorrow to see if a tech could tell me what the hell is up.

                I may just have to buy adobe audition and see if it nukes on me too.
                some people dont have problems with the USB...i think newer computers are fine, but mine is like 7 years old! LOL

                as for Sonar...its not that hard to use actually. i went from Audacity since i wanted better mixing options and whatnot, along with some effects, and i found it really easy to use. being able to punch in stuff and not having to re-record whole tracks is a godsend i really dont think any software is that hard to use...they all have their quirks...but the basics are the same. just have to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the layout and then you should be good.

                helps that i got Sonar for free from a buddy. not pirated...he got a Roland keyboard and it was packed in with Sonar. he uses Cubase so he gave me the Sonar disc so id have something worthwhile to mess with.
                My metal band Lucian Scott
                Debut Album Defiance on the Steps of Heaven
                Available Now!
                New Album Coming Soon!

                Lucian Scott Soundclick

                Soundclick page : clips and jams


                • #9
                  That's the same Sonar I have! Sonar LE that came with my friends wife's Roland Juno 6.

                  I cannot figure out how to get it to let me use the PODXT as a recording device. Any help on that would be great.

                  I have to reinstall the software on my XTL< because i'm having recording issues. I thought it was the computer, but after multiple computers, and multiple software changes (thank you for the audacity suggestion, it actually helped narrow it down to show me that CEP isn't the problem...I crash with audacity also whenever I select the XTL as a device).

                  I'm going to reinstall my XTL software. If no luck, I'm going to send her back to Line6 for a check over, after I pick up another POD type device, to see if it crashes. You know, like eliminate each variable to see wtf the problem I am having is.


                  • #10
                    don't try and record with the usb. use the line out into your sound card. that is the best way.

                    i use the pod into my mixer but i bypass the preamp since the pod is a preamp. i use the left balanced out and record mono guitar tracks. i could record stereo tracks but i'm from the old school of each guitar gets a dry mono track and we'll add the effects later.
                    Widow - "We have songs"




                    • #11
                      Dreamland, I've recorded before, just fine with USB. I actually prefer it to going through the sound card. I just cannot do it right now, due to some rather odd issue. I was just checking out what other software people used to record USB with.

                      I did think of your option though, as an idea if I cannot get this USB shit working again.


                      • #12
                        it was a rack pod i didn't touch it the engineer in the studio did all the fiddling i was just the talent. (lol)
                        no sig.....


                        • #13
                          Do you guys use Impulses on the tracks you recorded from the line out? Or do you leave the cab sim turned on?


                          • #14
                            Not a pod But I have a Johnson Jstation that I use to record on my Mac (garage band) easy to use and very good tone without much mucking around. Just a preference I guess but I always found it easier to get the sound I want off the Johnson never understood why the POD sell so much better? Different stroke for different folks I guess...


                            • #15
                              I record from my POD pro using the SPDIF output into an M-Audio card with a SPDIF input. Very low latency, CD-quality, works very well. I admit that "CD-quality" is fast becoming a joke in this 96 khz 24 bit age.
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                              - Ken M

