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  • #31
    Look NEWB, you're PM'ing me like a little whiney bitch, and you're all pissed off cuz I quoted you in your thread. You think this somehow makes you look cool & smart?? Grow up, douchenozzle. You don't know a thing about me. Show me your cool list of gear.... Ask around - people can tell you about mine. Now go away - your mommy's calling you.
    Last edited by chrisolson; 02-16-2008, 12:15 AM. Reason: Newb-o-rama. Cleaned up my laguage a bit. Don't want to upset the baby.


    • #32
      Originally posted by phill_up View Post
      You know I realize now that no matter where you go there are going to always be sniveling pukes like you. Evidently you spend a lot of your poor pathetic life in chat rooms with your 133T lingo. You come across as knowing everything there is about music with your crappy amp and korean guitars. Its really a shame because I am sure that there is a lot of experience and information readily available here but assholes like you have to be here to ruin it for everyone else.... Asshole


      You really do think a lot of yourself.
      Last edited by chrisolson; 02-16-2008, 12:13 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by phill_up View Post
        You know I realize now that no matter where you go there are going to always be sniveling pukes like you. Evidently you spend a lot of your poor pathetic life in chat rooms with your 133T lingo. You come across as knowing everything there is about music with your crappy amp and korean guitars. Its really a shame because I am sure that there is a lot of experience and information readily available here but assholes like you have to be here to ruin it for everyone else.... Asshole
        Dude, why are you following Chris around on the forum and starting shit? Seems like you're being the asshole here. Knock it the fuck off, or you're out of here.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #34
          Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

          Check out the new band at -


          • #35
            wow...I looked up asshat on an internet dictionary and it was defined as : phill_up

            dude..a little advice...hang around and get to know folks first before you start ragging on them...just makes you look like an asshat living in your mom's basement...whether you are or not...perception can be reality


            • #36
              Last edited by phill_up; 07-12-2008, 08:56 AM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                Awwww look its the little internet chat gang with the line 6 boutique amps :ROTF::ROTF: you dont have to kick me out toejam I'm out on my own. I'm better than this anyway. Thats some funny shit


                • #38
                  Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                  Awwww look its the little internet chat gang with the line 6 boutique amps :ROTF::ROTF: you dont have to kick me out toejam I'm out on my own. I'm better than this anyway. Thats some funny shit
                  Don't come back or Toejam's mom will kick your ass.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #39
                    Back to the amp..let us know how it worked out, I was thinking about grabbing one and would love to hear your review! Cheers


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by daisp View Post
                      Back to the amp..let us know how it worked out, I was thinking about grabbing one and would love to hear your review! Cheers
                      I'm still just getting used to how to get the most from the amp models, but all in all, a very nice amp. I'm actually VERY curious how it would sound to use some of the Plexi models with a Tubescreamer or something like that in front of it...

                      This amp is LOUD. I will say this - creating presets at bedroom levels, and then playing them at "show volume" is not recommended. The amp's characteristics change significantly with volume, just as a "real tube amp" does. Unlike most Line 6 amps, this SV sounds BETTER at higher volumes. It doesn't mush out or lose it's clarity and focus at higher volumes. Use the high end control sparingly, and FWIW, I keep the presence control OFF. It cuts through plenty on it's own. The tube power section really shines - you can tell it's a tube amp. It's not just "marketing hype". I had originally planned on using my Mesa Recto Cab with this, but after AB-ing the two setups, I decided I liked it better as an open back 2x12 V30 combo. I sold the Mesa cab.

                      My only real gripe - the effects. They work for me, but could be better in the versatility department. If you're a big effect user, you'll be a little disappointed. I generally use a little delay and sometimes a little chorus, so it's OK for me. I'm going to add my POD's effects into the effects loop sometime just to see how it'll take to that. Could be interesting. Don't jump on the hate bandwagon with this amp - Line 6 amps have a learning curve. You need to know how to set them up to get the best from them, just like Boogie's. They aren't just "intuitive" - you gotta know how to make them good. Lots of people who have never used L6 amps jumped on this amp, tried it out, said it sucked, and told everyone they knew. Others who have used L6 amps tried it out, and GAVE IT THE TIME NEEDED to find out what it can do, and hav been very happy with it. At the price you *can* get them for if you push the guy selling it to you, the "Bang for the buck" factor is nearly unrivaled.

                      This amp will be with me a long time. The really nice thing about it -- if I get tired of the preamp & effects on-board, I can plug any "preamp flavor of the day" into the power amp, and have a whole new set-up. A 2x12 V30 loaded cab with tube power section can be very versatile.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                        There are alot of bitter no nothing noobs around here lately. I guess its that time of the season.

                        Is this John from Milford? X-Factor-X John?


                        • #42
                          Thanks Chris!

